What to Give Dad the New Year: incremental algorithm

A task

What to Give Dad the New Year - the question is not idle for most people. Especially if it is given by a child whose financial capacity is limited pocket money. Do not just decide what to give dad for the New Year, and adults, having life experience and to earn a living. Of course, a universal prescription in this case can not be, because everyone is different, everyone likes something different. However, there is a specific algorithm for how to choose men's gifts for the New Year. To this end, all actions for better visibility written down on paper.

What to Give Dad the New Year: incremental algorithm


Firstly, you need to list all the activities that are hobbies men. They are usually one or two. Then you need next to each kind of enthusiasm to write the most typical and necessary items for him. The next step will be the deletion of what is already a parent. From the remaining list, you can choose what to give to his father in the New Year. It seems everything is simple. But there is a caveat. Potential gifts can be things that understands that only a specialist or a man fascinated by the same hobby. Therefore, in order to properly choose what to give dad for the New Year, it is necessary to seek advice from people who know the subject thoroughly. Well, if it will be friends of passion. Otherwise, better not to buy anything, because you can buy something that would be useless and unnecessary. Replace the old new thing

If the option enthusiastically gave the result, it is possible to make a list of what has recently fallen into disrepair. For example, a broken umbrella, favorite mug broke, lost spectacle case and so on. N. There does not even have to think what to give dad for the New Year. If there is such a thing, it is the best gift. whether he believes in this direction should be further ask the Pope, that some object, is constantly used by them obsolete. And you can just watch that because things seem undignified him old.

What to Give Dad the New Year: incremental algorithm

A trifle, but nice

But not always so lucky, even very rare. As an alternative, consider items that need virtually every man, but that he is unlikely to currently buy. Among them may be a variety of useful things, without which something can be simplified in everyday life, but on the acquisition of which was never enough money. For example, a barometer, it basically buy the fishermen. The rest of the people especially for such an item in the store will not always, because the atmospheric pressure can be found from the Internet or on TV. But if it is present, you can be sure that it will take its place on the wall in his father's apartment.

What to Give Dad the New Year: incremental algorithm

The beautiful packaging - the main focus

If in the preparation of the list of appropriate gift option is not found, you can use the trite and tested recipes - to give something that will be useful and practical in any case. However, this can be interpreted as a formality, and will leave indifferent the Pope. But even here there are ways to bring some personality to become a gift memorable and desirable. It is necessary to arrange in a beautiful, bright packaging, preferably made their own son or daughter. If it is impossible autographic manufacturing can make the personal order for professionals to create original packaging.