"Tortured" denim: how to make ripped jeans with his hands?

For many years, ripped jeans are a trend, a little giving ground, then taking off again at the peak of fashion. Stylists say that finally they betray oblivion yet soon, and therefore provide a very regular advice in the wardrobe of each should be this stylish piece of clothing. But absolutely no reason to spend fabulous sums for the purchase of ripped jeans from top designers. Convert an old and beloved in a stylish denim thing can be on their own. The main thing - to know how to make ripped jeans. The whole process of the power of even those who have never held a needle in his hand.

Practical tips

In addition to information on how to make ripped jeans, you will need:

  • Jeans;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • thick needle and tweezers;
  • pumice or sandpaper;
  • bleach or bleach.

Step by Step

So, we turn old jeans into a fashion item.

1) Select your favorite model. It does not matter where you will find the prototype - in the famous boutiques or online search engine. The main thing - clearly understand what you exactly want (scrapes, holes or slots), and decide where and how to do. torn jeans will look like, even if you do only scrapes. Later, after several washings, they become a real hole.

2) Schedule a pencil or chalk the place where the future holes will be located. Remember: slit on the buttocks look terrible. The same can be said of his lap. It is best to place them above and below the knee.

3) Getting to the most important step. Lay the pants on a flat surface. Lay a piece of wood or a piece of plastic between the legs at the scheduled place. Select an option - slots, holes or worn spots. And follow the instructions on "How to make ripped jeans." slots: Cut the fabric along the drawn line office knife or scissors. Pry the needle transverse threads and remove them with tweezers. holes: make an incision in the shape of the letter "H" with a long bar. Since the cross line will be removed much easier, and she will look like a hole more than just slot. You can also make two parallel slits, and the short longitudinal threads between them gently pull out with tweezers. scuffed: the intended place, rub a pumice stone or emery paper. A slightly different effect will be, if the scratch jeans with a razor.

4. In order to give a more convincing shabby trousers, apply around the holes and slots a little bleach or bleach and be sure to wash the product. Instead of a conclusion

If a pair of standard holes you are not satisfied, and you are thinking about how to make ripped jeans even more spectacular and pretty, then be patient, time and read a couple of tips. Do not limit yourself to one option - holes or frayed. Very interesting to look more notches on his belt and pockets. In addition, you can even go beyond and make a hole circles, hearts, triangles. They, in turn, can be clad with threads, sewing and / or decorate with sequins, lace, sequins, ribbons ... After your jeans Try to imagine all the possible kinds of "torture", the question of how to make the shorts of jeans, you not stumped. After the first pair of pants will be hand packed and ideas for decoration only increase, which means that very soon to torn jeans in the wardrobe join and stylish shorts.