Morning habits that ruin your day

Have you noticed that often your day is not given in the morning? For information on how to "get on the wrong foot" and not let anything and anyone spoil your day, you will learn from this article.

Ask yourself the right pace at the start of the day - this is very important. Unfortunately, many people deliberately do things that prevent them well and to spend the day. About the most common of these habits, and ways of dealing with them today and we'll talk.

Morning habits that ruin your day

Your breakfast is too small

Morning habits that ruin your day

Breakfast many of us are often limited to a cup of tea and scrambled eggs. But we forget that our breakfast should be tight: we should not feel hunger until dinner, and we do not need to interrupt your appetite harmful snacks.

Breakfast eat yourself, share dinner with a friend, a dinner give to the enemy.

If you are dieting and dream of a piece of very calorie cake, in the morning you can afford it: it is likely that during the day you spend all morning calories.

So let your breakfast will consist of the mineral, but hearty food.

Waking up, the first thing you check your email

Morning habits that ruin your day

This is one of the most disgusting habits by which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. If you woke up, the first thing rushes check e-mail, it can make you feel stress throughout the day. You're constantly nervous, you check your email, afraid to miss something important, and it has become an obsession. Rather than starting your day with a hectic checks his e-mail and all the social networks, do something that will help you to calm down. Make exercise, go for a run, drink a cup of tea or talk with someone else.

Believe me, it will help to increase your productivity, you will feel much better, and at work it will pay off.

You are watching TV in the morning

Morning habits that ruin your day

... and in the morning you start to live beyond their and other people's lives. You get a charge of negativity that will be with you throughout the day.

Think about your day in just 24 hours. Instead, as if hypnotized, unseparated monitor box rather spend the extra 20 minutes sleep.

And if you are so important to be aware of all the news, seek information on the Internet or socialize over lunch with colleagues. But do not forget to treat the information received critical: never trust only one source, please refer to different points of view, compare, learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.

You give in general negative attitude of

Morning habits that ruin your day

Evil neighbor below, you are so out of place in the morning met again begins to chastise you for being too loud music in the evening. And the neighbors above in the 5 am start to loudly clear their relationship. Materyaschiysya janitor in the courtyard. Countless line at the store, and in fact you need to buy only yogurt. Stuffy public transportation, in which it seems that all the people hate each other ... Do not be part of the general irritation. Put yourself above this daily universal negative. Think about the good, do not succumb to provocations, and no queue or an angry neighbor can not spoil your day.

You're going in a hurry

Morning habits that ruin your day

... and returned home at night, you see this: dirty dishes, the remains of breakfast on the table, scattered around the house things fell out of his jeans pocket detail, unmade bed, bag of garbage that you have not had time to throw in the morning ...

It is unlikely that this picture will have to to spend a nice evening with friends or just get in a chair with a good book.

Wake up early and get ready ok - so you not only do not accidentally forget something right, but when he returned home, will feel comfortable.

You are too much sleep over the weekend

Morning habits that ruin your day

And you can understand. If you work from 9:00 to 17:00, in order to have time to work, you need to wake up at 7:00 in the morning. It is clear that in its legal holiday you allow yourself to lie in bed longer.

But what will happen after you wake up in the hour of the day? You will have a terrible headache, and still you will have to chase the feeling that the day you spent foolishly.

Of course, waking up at 7 am on weekends is not necessary, but hours 9-10 - already better. If you are still incurable sleepyhead, you can arrange a quiet time and just sleep for a couple of hours in the afternoon. So you will feel refreshed, and your day will not go down the drain.

Do you drink coffee on an empty stomach

Morning habits that ruin your day

Coffee - a favorite morning drink of millions of people. Many just can not wake up, if you do not drink a cup of drink. But do not forget that if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, it can lead to gastritis.

Do you remember all of their sorrows

Morning habits that ruin your day

That to wage another week, but we have already managed to spend all the money. The fact that two days will deal with hateful monthly report again. And so on and so forth.

Do not start your day with such thoughts. From what you izvedet themselves, you will not become easier. Start the day with positive thoughts or just with your favorite music, which can improve your mood.