Industrial emission beauty

• Beauty industrial emissions

Photographer Conor Clark traveled all over Germany in order to capture as smoke plants.

While working on the series, which he called "In Search of the object", the artist spent one hour to one week prior to each building to catch in the camera lens is the most majestic moment. Clark photographed the moment of encounter between a by-product of industry and nature, steam and clouds, earth and sky. He called it a spectacle postindustrial performance which introduces the audience into a state of sweet fear.

Industrial emission beauty

Duisburg-Hamborn, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Nideraussem, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Grefenbroyh, Rhein-Kreis-Neuss, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Eschweiler, Aachen, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Lünen, Unna, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Berlin-Rummelsburg, Lichtenberg

Industrial emission beauty

Schkopau, Zaalekrays, Saxony-Anhalt

Industrial emission beauty

Duisburg-Hamborn, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Nideraussem, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Herne, Baucau, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Voerde, Wesel, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Yenshvelde, Spree-Naysse, Brandenburg

Industrial emission beauty

Nideraussem, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Grefenbroyh, Rhein-Kreis-Neuss, North Rhine - Westphalia

Industrial emission beauty

Valzum Duisburg, North Rhine - Westphalia