10 Russian little-known attractions

The huge territory of Russia makes all in one large reserve margin. In addition to all the famous attractions, there are dozens of such protected sites, of which only a few have heard. Underwater caves and salt lakes, stone pillars and huge waterfalls, extensive, not occupied by anyone, beautiful in its emptiness territory.

Today we will tell you a little more about the Russian. In our list of undiscovered reserves were only the best attractions - and in some places still untouched by human hands.

Pillars of weathering

10 Russian little-known attractions

Republic of Komi

7 pillars, towering plateau in the middle of nowhere complete. The height of the large - as much as 34 meters. Especially romantic nature ascribed to mean the individual pillars animal forms, in fact, cliffs silhouettes vary, depending on the viewpoint. Pillars of weathering - the remains of the once majestic mountains, succumbed to the force of the wind.

Lake Elton

10 Russian little-known attractions

Volgograd region

The area of ​​this strange lake - 150 square kilometers. A depth of less than 10 centimeters in the summer and 70 in winter. For some it is not particularly romantic person called it "the great salty puddle." Lake come to be treated and enjoy the bizarre landscapes of salt, which makes the nature here.

Curonian Spit

10 Russian little-known attractions

The Kaliningrad region

It was here, on this vast stretch of sand is the famous "dancing forest" with unusually curved trees. On the Curonian Spit, located on the Baltic coast of Russia, home to several species of rare animals, here you can see freely roam wild boars and roe deer. Here stop flying on wintering birds that are attracted to plait birdwatchers from around the world. The Curonian Spit is a giant sword, chopping the mass of water of the Baltic Sea into two unequal parts. Here are a few villages locals live in harmony with the local fauna yet. At one time, on the Curonian Spit lived Vikings: at the archaeological site is now lead tours.

Lena Pillars

10 Russian little-known attractions


Along the right bank of the great Lena formidable cliffs towering famous Lena Pillars. They are the result of prolonged exposure to the wind in the once impregnable stone cliffs. In these wild places no settlement, which, coupled with unusual species, causing many tourists some mystical experiences. This unique monument is listed in UNESCO World Register.

Multinsky lakes

10 Russian little-known attractions

Altai Republic

This group lakes, arranged in a cascade over each other. Altai Mountains, and without them - beautiful, wild place, but the lake add to them some new charm. Here there are the most rare species of plants, which are not found anywhere else in the world. Tourists also come here for the incredible views that open from the banks of each of the lakes.

The Valley of Geysers

10 Russian little-known attractions


One of the largest geyser fields of the world are located in Kamchatka. To get here is not easy, however, the journey is clearly worth the effort and money it. To get into the very Valley of the Geysers you do not get: hard reserved mode acts on the territory of the reserve. But there is another way to look at a legendary place - helicopter excursion.

Kungur Ice Cave

10 Russian little-known attractions


The length of this Europe's largest karst caves - 5700 meters. Tourists are also allowed to climb on polutorakilometrovy depth: sensible journey is dangerous for life. Inside the cave there are more than 70 lakes, which adds to the mystic aura of the place.

Orda underwater cave

10 Russian little-known attractions

Perm Cave divers around the world come to visit the underwater cave Orda. This is one of the most interesting and the most dangerous spots for diving: numerous dead-end segments and tunnels several kilometers long, the weight is still unexplored passages. Who came here to dive, of course, will not be allowed. But if you are an experienced cave diver, then a visit to the cave Orda you definitely recommended.

Kinzelyuk Waterfall

10 Russian little-known attractions

Krasnoyarsk Territory

Huge waterfall falls with slopes weight steel-gray colored water. 330 meters makes Kinzelyuk Waterfall among the highest in Europe. That's about it Fridrik Shtautser Austrian traveler, he wrote: "From a distance, the waterfall canvas looks splinter overcast sky, suddenly erupted directly from the mountainside. Go down it waters down would be an exciting adventure in the life of every man. "


10 Russian little-known attractions


This mountain - the highest peak of Altai mountain. There are many glaciers, because of which climb the mountain can risk only the most experienced climbers.