Can I download the press every day? Answers to these and other questions

Well, ladies and gentlemen, many questions about how to pump up the press, without leaving home or in the hall, are among the most popular. Therefore, in this article we will talk on the topic cherished cubes, answering many questions, including the following: whether it is possible to swing the press every day how to do it, and others. Before we start talking to the above theme, we need to find a device that very part of the body that we want to reconstruct the bit. It would be logical.

Can I download the press every day? Answers to these and other questions

stomach anatomy

So, what are your abdominal muscles? In total there are 3 groups of muscles: the internal and external obliques and the rectus abdominis, which many people believe, and the press, because these are the most coveted blocks. It is also important to know that if you swing the press, it does not matter what exercise you're doing, because the muscles are tense all. Often people say that rock bottom or top part of the press - is misleading. Press or reduced completely, or relaxes. Point. And if you see that some of the lower abdomen looks very nice, while others - no, it's all about in genetics. Can I download the press every day for best effect? No. Why? On this later.

Can I download the press every day? Answers to these and other questions

How to pump up the press?

In order to press look your best, we need to solve a couple of problems. In the first place, just need to increase the size of the rectus abdominis muscle, and the second condition - reducing the fat content in this area. As is known, to the muscles began to grow, they need to be trained. To choose effective exercises for the press is simple enough, we are talking about a single muscle (rectus abdominis). It performs a banal function: raises the pelvis or to the body raises the body to the pelvis. Once you understand it, most of the exercises has thrown forever as useless or ineffective. If you have seriously decided to pump up your press up to 8 blocks, the best exercises will curl lying (basic), foot rise in the vise (one of the toughest and most effective) twist on the Roman chair and climbs straight or bent legs on a vertical bench. Now consider the often-asked question: "Is it possible to download the press every day?" The answer can be ambiguous, but with regular workouts better shake it 3-4 times a week. Why not every day? Press - is also a muscle, and therefore it needs time to recover. Especially those people who are engaged in the gym, and affect its other exercises. You can download the press every day, but the effect will be weaker. In addition to training, diet is important, because the abdomen is necessary to reduce the level of fat to 3-7% (the average person 12-18%). If it is given too hard, you can use a fat burner, but without the diet it still does not work. Will not help all kinds of belts or devices that advertise on TV. All this is a waste of money. Can I download the press every day to burn fat? The answer is "no." Simply makes no sense. When you are training you increase muscle, but do not burn fat. Performing thousands of repetitions of exercises at the press, you do not have a waist, it will only get better.

Can I download the press every day? Answers to these and other questions

The differences between men and women in the press pumping

They are not so much, but it is important - only one of which we'll talk. In women, as we know, once a month is a very unpleasant phenomenon - monthly. This means that a woman once a month experiencing abdominal pain. And nature has taken care of some protective reaction, the specific analgesic. To the girls did not feel so much pain they have in this area is less nerve endings, so it is much less sensitive, making it difficult to pump the lower abdomen (the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle). In addition, women's abdominal muscles somewhat thinner than that of men, which is more aesthetically pleasing. Can I download the press during menstruation? Yes, you can. From the above it becomes clear that this phenomenon of the lower part of the almost strains, and therefore the difficulties should arise.