10 facts about the "King of fruits" pomegranate

Pomegranate love almost everything, but because of problems of its purification, many people do not include grenades in your diet. And in vain! No wonder the East garnet called the king of all fruits, because it wonderfully protects us from disease by strengthening the immune system.

Particularly rich pomegranate vitamins A, E, C and B, phosphorus and calcium, iron and iodine, as well as potassium, sodium and magnesium. We offer a closer look at this unique fruit and its effect on the various systems of the body.

10 facts about the

1. Amino acids

It is known that amino acids are the very building blocks of all cells in our body, and most of them we get from eating meat, chicken and eggs. However, scientists have found that in the garnet contains 15 different amino acids, some of which are found in plant foods are extremely rare. That is why vegetarians grenades can become absolutely indispensable product.

2. Family happiness

Pomegranate can safely be called the family fruit, because no other fruit has no effect on male and female organisms are equally positive, like this one. It helps to restore the hormonal balance in both women and men, and thus to establish a sex life. In addition, women drinking pomegranate helps with painful menstruation and menopause. But the men who regularly drink pomegranate juice can forget about the problems with potency.

3. Eagle Eye

In today's world an adverse effect on the eye is increasing every day and we can minimize it, not only reducing the time in front of screens of computers and televisions, but also had a body with essential vitamins support. Excellent option for this is garnet. Because vitamin A and anthocyanins, which is part of the pomegranate, activation of metabolic processes in tissues of the eye, which helps to improve vision. This is true always, but very often, experts advise to eat a pomegranate or drinking pomegranate juice for older people to prevent the development of night blindness and cataracts.

4. Help losing weight

Pomegranate - simply irreplaceable product for losing weight. In addition to sufficiently low calorie (approximately 60 kcal per 100 grams), it improves metabolism, toxins and improves digestion. And these 3 processes are the foundation of a healthy diet. Just add a few grains of pomegranate pomegranate salad or pour meat sauce - and you can be sure that all the food is digested and not be postponed under the skin as fat.

5. Beautician a fruit in one of

Advised to pay special attention to the garnet people with skin problems. The composition with citric acid, malic acid, oxalic acid and other organic acids can help you get rid of freckles, age spots and acne, making the skin brighter and smoother. Try, for example, mix a small amount of sour cream with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice and apply this mask on your face for 10 minutes. But be careful and check first on a closed area of ​​the skin, if you have any allergies.

6. Help the heart and blood vessels

About Caucasus health and longevity is legendary, and yet in regular use pomegranates food plays an important role here. Think how often their grain used, for example, in the Georgian kitchen. Pomegranate tends to reduce blood pressure by removing excess cholesterol and purification vessels. In addition, it is an excellent preventive measure against atherosclerosis.

7. Antioxidant

The presence of vitamins C and E in the chemical composition of garnets is already talking about the antioxidant properties of this fruit. But besides these, garnet comprises punikalagin unique substance which, in tandem with ellagic acid are also present in the composition of the exotic fruit, is not simply a powerful antioxidant, but also has the ability to output radiation from the body. So for people working in hazardous industries, pomegranate - a necessary element of the diet.

8. The astringent and disinfectant action

Due to the high content of tannins, pomegranate is recommended for indigestion. Although the maximum number of these substances are concentrated in the crust, juice and pomegranate peels, they are sufficient to deal with such a problem as diarrhea. Also, a decoction of crusts can gargle for sore throat or mouth with bleeding gums.

9. Natural antipyretic

Scientists have shown the ability to reduce the heat garnet and facilitate the course of acute viral diseases. Important is the fact that the addition of pomegranate in the daily diet, especially in winter, strengthens the immune system and helps prevent colds.

10. And some contraindications

With extreme caution should be taken to grenades to pregnant and lactating women and the possibility to consult a doctor. Try to limit your intake of this fruit, if you have low blood pressure or a tendency to allergies. And those who suffer from serious problems with the digestive system such as ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis in the acute stage, as well as hemorrhoids, from garnets rather be retired.

And as a bonus - the most easy way to clean grenades!