Warm up before exercise is necessary

workout benefits

Many beginners who are just starting to engage in strength training, in a hurry to show himself, so immediately embarking on a challenging workout, load untrained muscles and as a result seriously injured. And all because the warm-up before exercise is a must. It allows you to warm up and stretch your muscles, preparing them for heavy loads, which later will save you from injury. Warm up before exercise is comparable with the heating of the motor vehicle.

Warm up before exercise is necessary

In the winter, when you are going somewhere else to go, you preheat the engine of his car, and only then touch. You know that a cold engine if will work, it will work very poorly. Similarly, things and with the muscles before exercise - they need to warm up first, and then start to fight, and then the results of the studies will be much better. In addition, the warm-up before exercise can improve the effectiveness of training themselves, because they do not take time to swing - you will immediately begin to engage with the maximum effect. In general, the warm-up brings only benefits, so forget about it in any case not worth it. The main workout

But there are some aspects: for example, it is not necessary to begin to knead once those muscle groups that will be involved in the training process.

Warm up before exercise is necessary

Stretching before a workout - the perfect start to warm up. little by little all the muscles should be developed, even the ones that you will not use in the process. It is also an important part of the block is a run - stands to stretch your body, let him feel the overall load. Running can be replaced if desired jumping rope, but you can combine these two exercises. This warm-up before exercise would lead to a moderate warming up of all major muscle groups, which will only benefit studies.

Specialized exercises

If the main unit can be carried out without any special preparation, here is the second unit, specialized, you need to prepare in advance.

Warm up before exercise is necessary

This warm up before strength training means by itself that you warm up as much as possible precisely the muscle groups that will be used. Thus, you will need to perform training, but only in miniature. If you are going to engage with the rod, you will need to use a much lower weight and make a couple of small approaches. Thanks to this type of warm up the body to feel exactly what muscle groups will stiffen in the near future. This will provide both the most out of the exercises that you will perform and complete protection against injury because the muscles are warmed up to cope with the load perfectly. Nor should we forget that after the training you need to do a few warm-up exercises - mostly stretching. You need after intensive training to give your muscles cool down, relax, and that stretching is best suited in this case. If you execute it before and after school, the maximum effect of the training will be guaranteed.