How to restore hair: tips and tricks

How to restore hair: tips and tricks

Our hair is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment: dust, direct sunlight. In addition, frequent dyeing, drying, discoloration, use hot rollers, medication and many other factors affect their appearance and structure. How to deal with it?

cure yourself

Many women are asking how to restore hair at home? If they become like straw and do not shine as before, the urgent need to take action. Before going to bed every night you need to comb their massage brush from the roots to the tips.

How to restore hair: tips and tricks


To restore your hair, you should use a hydrating mask, drink vitamins (at least one course). About diets while it is better to forget, or hair will not only spoiled, but will fall on a par with more or less healthy. Daily diet should consist of fruits (especially yellow), vegetables, eggs, seafood, beef (lean), nuts, meat, poultry.

Magic Power of bread

To clearly understand how to restore your hair, you must know which shall take effect one or another nourishing mask. Especially effective and widely used by the famous mask of black rye bread. For its preparation is necessary breadcrumbs to soak in warm water, and the resulting mass is put on his head. Through 15 minutes rinse hair thoroughly. Healing properties

The mask has remarkable healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the skin all over the head. The two-minute massage of the skin improves the blood circulation, thus, affects the growth of hair. If the mask to do every week, then the question of how to restore your hair, no longer arise.

How to restore hair: tips and tricks

The following recommendations should be considered

  1. The water temperature should be as comfortable as possible.
  2. The weight of the water and the bread is better to do in advance, such as half an hour before it is applied to the head, so that she could "prokontaktirovat" with water and become homogeneous.
  3. Apply the mixture only in a circular motion.
  4. For some time before the use of the mask on the scalp should be applied burdock or olive oil (you can castor).

Keratin treatment

There is another procedure that is suitable for almost everyone. This restoring hair keratin, i.e. those consisting of proteins and containing no chemicals and artificial substances. If you use hair product regains its pristine shine and health to the same drug it is an excellent moisturizer. The procedure is useful because it is replenished and restored keratin layer that lose hair for many reasons (improper care, frequent use of the dryer). The multiple layers of drug applied to the head and then allowed to stand for about 10 minutes. This time is quite enough as to fully saturate the hair substance. Then, by thermal pressing of keratin sealed, therefore the hair enveloped and sealed drug. After the procedure, "vegetation" on the head becomes heavier and looks beautiful and shiny. Finally, a few words

Use our tips, and then the problem of how to restore your hair, would not exist at all: they sparkle new silk and healthy shine.