Incredible butterfly sesiidae

• Incredible butterfly sesiidae

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

Butterfly with transparent wings? Unlikely. However, there are species which exhibit such a feature. Look closely at the incredible sesiidae - charming species of butterflies, which baffled science.

Greta oto, perhaps sounds like the name of a star of silent films from Eastern Europe, but in fact it is the scientific name of one of the most beautiful - and most obscure - butterfly species on the planet. A source of pride of the butterfly - the fact that it krylyarazmahom to six centimeters, is almost completely transparent. It's true - you can almost see through them.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

The common English name of this wonderful butterfly - glasswing, Russian - sesiidae. It speaks for itself about the appearance of this small, but unusual insect.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae Incredible butterfly sesiidae

But here they interfere Romance languages ​​that give this title a butterfly, which, according to many, is better suited to her. Its Spanish name sounds like "espehitos" (espejitos) - literally "mirror". A quick glance at this insect - and you can imagine how the Spaniard, who gave him the name, ran goosebumps at the moment of inspiration.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

A look at Greta oto near reveals that the tissue between the veins on its wings actually shine (you could say that she is translucent). Most other butterflies have colored scales, which determine the pattern on the wings - often it is intended to scare away predators.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

sesiidae uses a completely different way to do this, but for millennia it spread its wings these specific rather to hide from predators than to scare them away.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

The only thing we can say about it - that her wings are dark-colored rims, sometimes fringed with even orange. If not for these rims, sesiidae would be almost invisible to the human eye.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

sesiidae Rod - of the specific clades, ie groups of butterflies. And now - the science is used to say, Jennifer Aniston (Jennifer Aniston). Treasure means "branch", a term used in the taxonomy of the species. When groups of species have a common ancestor (not necessarily extant), they are monophyletic. Sesiidae common ancestor long ago died out, but the treasure, to which they belong, known as glass butterflies (clearwing).

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

Transparency in nature - is not too clear. To become transparent, the body tissue does not absorb light. It should not and scatter it, since it is the main obstacle to transparency. For example, people can never become clear, because we have found chemical and biochemical compounds with different refraction.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

Therefore, in the wings sesiidae should be the refractive index, so that through them could see everything, because otherwise transparency will be impossible. There is an idea (currently assumption rather than detailed fact) that has a wing surface covering of the projections that are so small that they could almost be considered microscopic. They have the same refractive index, and because they do not scatter light, the wings are transparent.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

As with most butterflies, this species looks quite fragile, but butterflies are bred in captivity, look very cheerful, and wings are no less strong than that of other species.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

Another consolation - it is a fact that their natural habitat is not anything special. However, if you do not live in South America, the only chance for you to see live sesiidae - is to visit the farm on their breeding.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

However, if you want to see a "mirror" in the wild, you will have to travel - at any place from Mexico to Panama, and there you will reach your goal. You also have to find the nearest rain forest, because it is alive and well in the lower tier of forests sesiidae. They feed on the nectar of various flowers rain forest, but when the time comes to put off the testicles and to ensure the survival of future generations, we sesiidae (figuratively) found ace in the hole.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

sesiidae possible lays eggs on the plant genus Cestrum. It belongs to the Solanaceae family and is very poisonous. Caterpillars in a bright purple and red stripes (to scare off potential predators) are inedible to birds and other animals. Alkaloids (plant substances of natural origin that contain a lot of nitrogen), and remain in the body of an adult sesiidae, which means that the butterflies too are no tasty dish.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

During mating, which can last a few hours and usually begins shortly after noon, the males turn some of these alkaloids in the pheromones that attract them females.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

sesiidae also known for its migration over long distances and the fact that the males of this species in the "dating" performing a mating ritual. It happens like this: many males gather together to show their best qualities together - when females choose a leader who looks the most exciting.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae

sesiidae without being a rare species, is one of the few terrestrial animals, have successfully mastered the art of being transparent. Now you see it, and see that you have not been given.

Incredible butterfly sesiidae Incredible butterfly sesiidae Incredible butterfly sesiidae