25 little things that annoy us most

• 25 little things that annoy us most

In situations, which will be discussed in this article, at least once each turned out. Despite the fact that all this is, of course, utter nonsense, they can fairly spoil our lives.

When you're just sitting comfortably and suddenly you realize that you need to use the toilet

25 little things that annoy us most

When you come out of the store, and remember that he had forgotten to buy one very necessary thing

25 little things that annoy us most

When you charge your phone for an hour and suddenly realize that your phone is not connected to a wall outlet

25 little things that annoy us most

When you have finished washing the dishes, and discovered that he forgot about the pan

25 little things that annoy us most

When you're pressed for time, and the computer starts to be updated

25 little things that annoy us most

When the strike toe

25 little things that annoy us most

When the sock stubbornly slipping into the shoes

25 little things that annoy us most

When you come out of the bathroom and realize that towels are not there

25 little things that annoy us most

When you're telling a story, and suddenly you realize that no one will listen

25 little things that annoy us most

When someone endlessly typing a message to you

25 little things that annoy us most

When you come across the pistachio, which can not be opened

25 little things that annoy us most

When you are preparing to sneeze and your body suddenly changes his mind

25 little things that annoy us most

When you want to try only one chipsinu and quietly eats the whole package

25 little things that annoy us most

When the hopelessly tangled headphone wires

25 little things that annoy us most

When you say that there is a secret, but does not say how

25 little things that annoy us most

When the waiter takes a glass, in which something is still left

25 little things that annoy us most

When the door slightly ajar

25 little things that annoy us most

When you walk into the room, and glasses misted

25 little things that annoy us most

When you're on the toilet and someone turns off the lights

25 little things that annoy us most

When the wind turns the umbrella inside out

25 little things that annoy us most

When all the messages on Facebook - it's an invitation to the game

25 little things that annoy us most

When you are going through, that sent to cook pasta too little, and then it turns out that they are too much

25 little things that annoy us most

When you sneeze with a full glass in hand

25 little things that annoy us most