5 series, which are worth seeing in English

5 series, which are worth seeing in English

Selection series in English, which necessarily need to see without translation.

Any film look better in the original. Translation conveys is not all, and dubbing negates the tremendous work of actors. From this collection, you will find out what TV shows in English are worth visiting no translation.

"Friends" (Friends)

In Russian "friends" came out in different translations, but none of them, unfortunately, was unable to fully convey not only the charm, but often even the series content.

As in any good sitcom, in "Friends" a lot of jokes based on wordplay. It is impossible to translate, usually in such a case, the jokes are replaced by other, more understandable, or even removed.

For example, in one episode, Joey and Chandler came to the shelter to pick up the baby of his friend, whom they accidentally lost during a walk. But the shelter was two lost child: one on the T-shirt had the duck, the other clowns. Here is one of the translations of the episode:

Joey tossed the coin and said "Eagle" - it's "Duck", because "the ducks - the birds, too." What Chandler said: "You know, you're a kid on the bus forgotten clowns."

But the English "eagle" - is heads (literally the head), and "tails" - tails (tails), and thus with a joke "ducks - the birds, too," and clowns on the bus was invented for the translation. In the original, it sounds different:

Joey said that the eagle (heads) - it's a duck, because "ducks also have a head." Chandler said that to Joey as a child must have "for my birthday came very scary clowns," imagining headless clowns with tails.

"Breaking Bad" (Breaking Bad)

"Breaking Bad" - a story about a teacher of chemistry, who learned about her fatal diagnosis, decides to engage in the production of drugs to provide for his family before his death.

In contrast to the "Friends" in the series "Breaking Bad," a completely different English, because the language of comedy is much easier than crime dramas: simpler and clearer pronunciation lexicon. World Breaking Bad is much more difficult. We see the family drama, we hear the language of representatives of different social strata, including criminals and drug addicts.

Language is difficult to accept at the hearing - it is close to the way Americans talk in real life (comedy characters speak clearly). But if you want to get to know it a live American speech, "Breaking Bad" - the best choice.

"Scum" (Misfits)

If "Friends" and "Breaking Bad" will help to learn how to better understand American English, the British TV series "Offal" will introduce modern dialects UK.

In the UK, a lot of emphasis, the people of this country easily determined by pronunciation of the source from which it is in the north of England and elsewhere in the West Country speak quite differently. In addition, the characters "Offal" - not the aristocrats, they are young offenders, whose speech is full of lively modern slang, often very different from the "strong words" Americans.

"Downton Abbey" (Downton Abbey)

If you like the atmosphere of good old England, be sure to watch the TV series "Downton Abbey." He perfectly recreate the atmosphere of the early twentieth century Britain.

the series begins in 1912, when the heir to the title of Earl of Grantham, who lives with his family in his ancestral estate of Downton in Yorkshire, dies on the "Titanic". Events taking place over a long period of time, addresses such topics as technological progress, emancipation, proshodyat action during the First World War and other historical events.

Despite the fact that the focus is on an aristocratic family in the film on a par with the Lord of life and tells about the life of workers.

"Game of Thrones" (Game of Thrones)

Above we have listed two American and two British series, but the fantasy series "Game of Thrones" - a special case. The series of American manufacturing, but almost all of the actors in it - the British.

On American television, there is an unwritten rule: the inhabitants of a fictional universe and historical films characters always speak with a British accent, as if the elves from the "Lord of the Rings" or the Romans of "Rome."

The reason is simple: for English-speaking viewers American speech in the historical or fantasy setting of will sound out of place, even funny. What might be an American accent in the movie about King Arthur? Then the Americans was not. language feature "Game of Thrones" is that the creators of the series with extraordinary thoroughness came to the distribution of accents between the characters. In the fictional world of "Game of Thrones" also has its own regions, its North and South, East and West, its "foreign languages", and therefore the characters should speak with different accents.

The role of these accents "play" real British dialects. For example, the northerners (the inhabitants of the north of Westeros) speak with an accent of northern England. Southerners (the inhabitants of the South Västerås) - with an emphasis the southern regions of England, and the representatives of noble families - at the "posh English", an aristocratic English. Many actors for this had to talk to them for non-native accents.

For example, Scottish Rose Leslie, a spokeswoman for the ancient noble family, in the life speaks to the "noble" in English, in the series, she plays a not noble character, for the role she had to learn more rough accent. The difference is easy to see in this video: