What people eat besides the usual all products

• What do people eat in addition to all the usual products

Obviously, when it comes to eating, work wonders technology for improving the environment, due to the invention the edible water bottles and edible coffee cups. However, there are some old food pieces of nature that most of us do not eat, but they can be safely eating.

What people eat besides the usual all products What people eat besides the usual all products

1. The bark of the tree.

Tree bark was consumed almost all from the beginning, and the most commonly used bark - a cinnamon. However, you can grind the inner bark of many trees and make it a meal - instead of regular flour can even cook your pasta and pastries.

What people eat besides the usual all products

2 Cactus.

At first glance, it looks like a cactus like plant that you would like to avoid at all costs, and the idea of ​​its use can be a little terrifying, because it is so scratchy. However, there are a few species that are edible and can be used in many dishes after careful preparation. One example is the nopales cactus - it tastes like cucumber and rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

What people eat besides the usual all products

3. Eggshell.

Recently it has been proved that the egg shell is an excellent plant fertilizer, but more surprising is that it can be used as a calcium supplement because of its high content of minerals. Of course, there are some steps that must be taken before its use.

What people eat besides the usual all products

4. Clay.

We all know about the benefits of cosmetic clay, as it is a huge part of the beauty industry as a whole. However, in some parts of the world people regularly eat clay as part of their diet, especially in the Middle East and Africa. It is useful to people who experience zinc deficiency. In addition, it supports healthy digestion, removing toxins from the intestines. Keep in mind that in order to consume the clay, it must be of food grade quality.

What people eat besides the usual all products

5. Mel.

Mel is a natural and non-toxic substance; since it is a pure calcium carbonate. Despite the fact that he does not benefit a person's health, consuming chalk, it can be safe to eat. Most people who are hungry and eat it very often suffer from a condition that causes people to crave non-food products, and it occurs during pregnancy or iron deficiency.

What people eat besides the usual all products

6. Play-doh.

The reason that non-toxic play do so popular at the moment, is that kids love to eat it, and many companies have decided to make it as safe as possible for children. Nontoxic do play is made from flour, dyes, water, salt, mineral oil and boric acid. However, do not regularly use the play-do, and if it happens, always call a poison control center, to find out whether or not it is safe.

What people eat besides the usual all products

7. The Bird's Nest.

Edible bird's nest is a huge part of the food industry in China, mainly because of their unique taste and high nutritional value. They are made from the saliva of birds living in caves in Southeast Asia. Due to the fact that they are very dangerous to collect and difficult to make, they are worth more than 8,000 dollars per kg.

What people eat besides the usual all products

8. Dirt.

Dirt in the quality of food is very common, especially among children, but, interestingly, it is prevalent among adults. There is an interesting practice called pica, which literally translates as "the land eating" and its soil-like substances, such as chalk. However, the use of the mud can be very dangerous, especially because it contains chemicals and parasites. However, in some cases, if the soil is 100% organic and is not treated with any chemicals, it is safe for human consumption.