10 little-known fruit

• 10 little-known fruit

Many of us in my life that did not try, not even aware of the existence of a particular fruit or berries. Let them be sold or in each country, but to learn about their features, appearance and taste is definitely worth it.


10 little-known fruit

The fruit is similar in taste and aroma of ripe grapes. He is very soft and juicy on the structure.

Fruit "peanut butter" (fruit Peanut Butter Fruit)

10 little-known fruit

The plant has a very interesting fruit that taste and aroma similar to peanut butter. They are eaten in combination with toast, and is also used to make jam and jelly.

Blue Banana

10 little-known fruit

In the top photo we can see the article unusual color fruit of the banana tree. Wood is indifferent to cold and is a triploid hybrid. On the palate the fruit is quite sweet and taste like vanilla ice cream.


10 little-known fruit

The fruit papaya - berry is edible, has a yellow or brown color when ripe. The fruit can be used for desserts or supplied in raw form. Papaya is very nutritious and contains a lot of protein.

black sapote

10 little-known fruit

black sapote the taste resembles a real chocolate pudding. The fruit is about 5-10 centimeters in diameter.

Snake fruit

10 little-known fruit

The fruit is similar to the garlic cloves and has quite crumbly texture. But the most interesting is in its peel, like a snake's skin.


10 little-known fruit

Bread fruit - this is a common street snack. The taste they resemble freshly baked pastries with a rather strange aftertaste.


10 little-known fruit

From this plant food suitable only seeds. They are used both in raw form and after thermal treatment.


The fruit is white and juicy pulp, but the flavor will appeal to everyone. He is both sweet and spicy.

Drug fruit

10 little-known fruit

The fruits of their taste and aroma reminiscent of a mixture of banana, pineapple, coconut and strawberry. Sometimes it is called "sour apple". It is believed that the fruits of this plant are treated with cancer and diabetes.