Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs in the gym

Training in the gym

In the female body beauty standards have long been included tightened the hips and buttocks. Someone is given by nature to have ideal body parameters, and someone has worked long and hard to sculpt it in the gym. To create muscle to the aid of effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs. These primarily include basic exercises. However, on their own training in the gym will not lead to the solution of the problem: an integrated approach. In other words, any woman, regardless of the original state of the figure, combined with proper exercise, proper nutrition and respect for the general regime will get a good result.

Preparation of the training plan

Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs in the gym

The power classes can be effective only if they are conducted in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body of the individual. Based on this, every girl that came to the gym for the improvement of the figures must train on a specific schedule. For example, the first day of the exercises are performed to reduce the thighs and buttocks, in the second - class to the upper part of the body, in the third -.. Cardio, etc. The load should be divided so that the work is alternated with rest and is uniformly distributed throughout the week. Not less important frequency study targeted muscle groups. How to train the lower body

Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs in the gym

These effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs, like squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg presses, and others. As a rule, quite exhaust the body. Therefore, they must be carried out so that the system and the authorities have time to recover between sessions. For example, if carried out on Monday, squats, deadlifts, and other exercises of cellulite on the buttocks, then following their inclusion in the training session to be held on Friday or even next week Monday no earlier. Here there is a simple rule - the higher the intensity, the longer the muscles need to recover after training. On the other hand - high volume exercises require less time to rest the body.

The sequence of exercises

Effective exercises for the buttocks and hips give the best results only if the training is maintained a certain sequence. First the base, and then isolation. Although there are methods to reverse the order of the exercises - pre-fatigue. In any case, given the nature of the training purpose. For example, if you want to gain muscle mass, it is best as a basis to select the basic movements, and if the purpose of the training is the elaboration of an already established muscles, then you need to apply as much exercise can be isolated, but not to exclude completely and basic.

Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs in the gym

Training Options

Effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs lead to rapid solution of problems when the total physical activity appropriate for the purpose. For a set of mass - is 10-12 business approaches, to work out and burn fat - 15-20. Furthermore, we must consider that the projectile weight also varies depending on the purpose of: 90-85% of 1 RM to increase 60-70% with weight loss.