Things that Pope Francis did for women

Things that Pope Francis did for women

Pope Francis is considered a very progressive man. He stands for the remission of sin such as abortion, and for the opportunity to baptize children born out of wedlock, and now with his blessing at the Vatican established women's football team

On Tuesday, with the blessing of Pope Francis at the Vatican the first women's football team was created. More than half of the players on the team - it is women who work in the Vatican, as well as family members of male staff. the first match with the "Roma" team will be held on 26 May. Curiously, the men's team of the Vatican has been 48 years.

The representative of the Association Sport in Vaticano Danilo Zennaro said that Pope Francis does a lot for women in the Vatican, and this step is a continuation of his policies.

The current Pope has a reputation as a very progressive and modern pontiff. He openly talk to the press, his instagram page next 6, 1 million subscribers, it could easily spontaneously wed couple in love in an airplane directly in the sky, and as a young man worked as a bouncer in a nightclub. In 2018 the American Forbes put him on the 6th place in the ranking of most influential people in the world. He is now 82 years old, and in the status of the Pope it is from 2013. What he managed to do six years of his reign for women? And if he managed to expand their rights?


Francis has given right to all Catholic priests to let such a sin as abortion. The Roman Catholic Church recognizes abortion one of the most serious sins, as a result of a woman who committed it, excommunicated from the communion.

According to the Pontiff, there is no sin that would not be able to touch and forgiving grace of God if sin is reflected in the hearts of repentance.

Crosses illegitimate children

Francis made a criticism of priests who refuse to baptize children out of wedlock. Women who dared to give birth out of wedlock, and not to have an abortion, do not have to go from parish to parish to baptize the baby indignant pontiff. Those priests who refuse to baptize children conceived out of wedlock, he called "hypocrites".

Pope supports his words with deeds - he conducted the rite of baptism of the child couple living in a civil marriage. In addition, the media wrote that in 2013 he was approached by the father of a woman who gave birth to a married man, and now can not baptize a baby, and Dad had promised to hold a ceremony.

Called to breastfeed in public places

The Pontiff has repeatedly at the ceremony of baptism in the Sistine Chapel urged mothers to not hesitate to breastfeed babies. He has repeatedly expressed support for breastfeeding, explaining that Mary fed Jesus.

The fact is that for breastfeeding in a public place rather ambiguous attitude. There are many opponents of this natural process, nevertheless, in many European countries this right is reserved for the mother in law. In the same Italy, there were even special zones "baby pit-stop" - is equipped premises, where the mother can feed her baby.

Facilitate divorce proceedings

annulments procedure has become easier at times. Without voiding remarry Catholics were not allowed to communion and were considered adulterers.

Formally, the Church does not recognize divorce, but the ex-spouse could prove that their marriage will never match the requirements of the church. The procedure was long and costly. Now, if the husband and wife have no objection, the whole process takes place quickly and without a marriage tribunal.

He fought for equal rights

In April 2015 Pope Francis during his speech at the Vatican in St. Peter's Square called for the equation of salaries of men and women. According to him, the work of people doing the same job should be paid the same. "Why take for granted the fact that women earn less than men? No! They have the same rights. The existence of such differences in pay - a real scandal, "- he said.

the vain hope of

In August 2016, he set up a commission, which was to consider the possibility for women to become deacons in the Catholic Church. The commission included 13 people, six of whom are women - it was designed to examine the role of women deacons in the early church. Deacon - it is the lowest power of the priesthood, however, it might be the first step of a woman on the way to the priesthood. However, in November of the same year at a press conference, he said that women will never be priests, which surprised the public.

Moreover, in April 2019 the Pope again expressed his support for the relevant prohibitions of the Roman Catholic Church. It seems that Pope Francis, who became a symbol of change, still is not ready for some changes.