How to get rid of cravings for sweets

We each have our own little ways, but sometimes there comes a time when they turn into a big problem. There is nothing criminal in the fact to eat one or two of candy or drink tea with a spoon of honey, but when with the sweet really going on regular search and you start to feel dependent on sweets and cakes, you need to take action.

Sweets are not the one without which it can not do our bodies, so we can say goodbye to the bad habit by using these ten practical advice.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets How to get rid of cravings for sweets

1. Never skip breakfast

It is noted that those of us who start their day with a balanced meal, all day want less sweet. This is explained by the fact that skipping breakfast reduces the level of glucose in the blood, which we are trying to put in order, biting sweets. Include a list of morning eggs, vegetables, nuts, lean meats, whole grains, beans and other foods that support insulin levels steady.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

2. Locate chromium

This mineral actually helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to curb uncontrolled cravings. So if you always want to eat biscuits, chocolate or even some sweet snack, you may have been a lack of chromium in the body. To fix this, add to your diet more broccoli, mushrooms, whole grains and cereals, natural grape juice, asparagus and other foods rich in chromium.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

3. Daily take probiotics

One of the causes uncontrollable cravings for sweets may be a goiter. Colonies of pathogenic microflora of bacteria and yeast literally eat sugar. Eating probiotic foods rich in beneficial bacteria, it helps to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora, so include in your daily diet yogurt and kefir.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

4. busting yourself

If you are ready for drastic measures, try this trick: totally abstain from eating sweets for a week or two and watch the scene. Usually, the first two or three days the most difficult, and the body will demand their portion of the sweet "drug". However, if you overpower the urge, then after a while you will find that the craving has become more manageable - and what you want to achieve.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

5. Reduce your caffeine intake

Caffeine can be a disservice, causing a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. Therefore, after the morning coffee and donuts, probably, an hour later you have a desire to eat a whole box of donuts. Replace coffee with herbal tea, fruit juice or smoothies - fructose does not cause sharp ups and downs in blood sugar, and help extend the useful fiber satiety, filling the stomach.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

6. Click the natural sugars

If the desire to eat something sweet does not leave, do not try to eat candy or ice cream, and a portion of dried fruit or juicy fruits such as apples or oranges. The natural sweetness of these products will satisfy the psychological urge, while the fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This is the main difference from refined carbohydrates that cause abrupt fluctuation in blood sugar levels.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

7. Drink more water

Simple good habit to start your morning with a glass of water will not only help to achieve the required level of moisture in the body, but gently prepare the digestive organs to work. As a result, even after a hearty breakfast of the stomach quickly cope with the task, and the craving for sweets will be under control. Do not forget that the required minimum - it is 8 glasses of water. Herbal tea is also a good choice.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

8. Review your diet

If your diet is a balanced amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, then very soon you will forget about the uncontrollable urge to eat sweets. Right decision - to include in your menu more beans, lentils, yogurt, lean meat, celery, cabbage, whole grains, hummus, leafy greens, grapes and nuts.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

9. Add fat

Feel free to add to the main course a small portion of oil rich in saturated fatty acids: cocoa butter, cream and pumpkin seed oil would be a healthy choice. Contrary to popular belief, these ingredients contain substances that nourish the entire body, and help to naturally suppress cravings.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets

10. Move more

Exercise helps to produce the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Think about your feelings after a good workout: You are full of energy and are experiencing emotional lift. A short walk after lunch will give a similar effect. It was also observed that sports encourage you to eat more healthily, so that physical activity is much more advantages than you might think.