Interesting facts about blue gold

• Interesting facts about blue gold

Most people are accustomed to the fact that gold has a distinctive yellow hue. Many people know that it can be white. However, not everyone can immediately imagine that there are gold and blue, and black, pink, red. Yet the most rare blue and blue shades. Read more about this - later in our review.

Interesting facts about blue gold Interesting facts about blue gold

Modern jewelry industry is interested in enhancing the aesthetic qualities of the products. For this purpose it was created, including many shades of color gold. In addition, under current conditions common gold is considered to be not the best material for making ornaments (it is soft and not very resistant to wear and tear). For this reason it is widely used various luxury alloy material. All the alloys made in the classic, well-known since ancient times (with copper and / or silver), as well as the modern (oxide and intermetallic).

Interesting facts about blue gold

In the specific case of blue gold, it is an alloy of gold directly - 46.2% and India - 53.8%. There is also a kind of alloy with gallium. In this case, gold is a characteristic bluish tint. The material is characterized by relatively high brittleness, particularly when compared with the conventional gold. Very often described intermetallik used as solder for repair products rose gold. However, high-grade products from blue gold are also present in the market.

Interesting facts about blue gold

Jewelry made of blue gold and blue do not need some special care, compared with the usual gold. Thus it is necessary to exercise extreme caution when storing and using such jewelry, because the blue layer quite easily damaged. As for the procedure of identification of authenticity of jewelry, here it is common to all. On the product sample and must be trademark producer. In the most extreme cases, the decoration is checked electronically by the detector.