These products do not apply to harmless

Diet and proper nutrition - these are the pillars on which to build your body every modern man who wants to stay healthy and fit for years to come.

These products do not apply to harmless

It is not necessary to be a professional to observe the regime and keep at your desk. And for beginners, and those who just want to see in the mirror a beautiful figure, it is important to understand not only what they eat but what time it is done. And, nevertheless, quite a few people really aware of proper nutrition. Legends that immediately after your workout you can eat any food that captivate newcomers - still, no effort is not necessary to apply.

The worst of these errors can only be mythical "light and healthy" food products from store shelves. Food that has been frozen and then thawed and again placed in the refrigerator barahlyaschy supermarkets simply can not be useful. However, many do manage to combine sports and junk food, which, of course, simply negates the results of the latter. Today we will dispel some harmful myths telling what products the worst perceived by the person who is engaged in sport and is committed to a healthy lifestyle.

These products do not apply to harmless


Virtually any dairy products absorbed by the body very badly. Interested person's health, it is better to forget about the whole milk, canned yogurt and other lactose products. An exception may be, perhaps, a low-fat cottage cheese.

These products do not apply to harmless


Nothing good bread, even whole wheat, the body can not be held. In fact, this product is designed to fill the stomach, with little or no net energy return. Every extra piece of bread separates you from the cherished figure muscular handsome. Caloric content of white bread is about 259 calories per 100 grams. Taking into account the total daily rate of 2,000 kcal - is quite a lot. In addition, manufacturers are now added to bread and other flour products flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives that impede digestion product.

These products do not apply to harmless


Beans and legumes are often referred to as a worthy substitute for meat. In part, this is true: the amount of protein is very high. However, it is still lower than in animal products. In addition, legumes often lead to an upset stomach, so that it would be better to exclude them from your diet.

These products do not apply to harmless

Factory juices and fruits

At the bank, where the float waiting in the wings pieces of pineapple and other fruits, and even hid a considerable charge of sugar. Nothing good from the infusion of glucose into the body does not occur in principle, but after training this food is particularly dangerous. The same applies to most packaged juices. In fact, it is just water with sugar dissolved here.

These products do not apply to harmless

The frozen semifinished items

Chicken chops, fish sticks, steaks, it is not known how many years have spent in the factory, and then store refrigerators. Of useful for healthy human protein source, such food into a real source of toxins and bacteria, which can make our organism nursery diseases. Spend a little time to prepare wholesome food for yourself: will be healthier.

These products do not apply to harmless


Only self-made or, in extreme cases, bought in the proven place, low-fat yogurt will be really helpful to the person who plays sports, and just watching their health. In all other (especially those with fruit flavors), there is a huge amount of sugar. Any balanced diet will begin to crumble after such a breakfast or "light snack".

Carbonated beverages

Carbonated drinks are not for nothing called the real time bomb. The high acid content, large amounts of sugar and flavorings, which, in fact, are complex chemical compounds, which are not able to absorb the human body basically.