Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

• Holiday cane and hits virgins in Swaziland

Swaziland - the tiny African state, one of the few absolute monarchies on earth. Right here is King Mswati III, who annually replenish his harem and his new wife. To do this, in the kingdom arrange holidays cane, which dumped 60-70 thousand so-called "virgins". Of these, a king and chooses its narrowing.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

Girls dancing in the parade of virgins.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The scale cane Festival - the biggest celebration in Swaziland. Girls for him dumped from all corners of the state, to divide them tents and fed week due to the king. Given that Swaziland - one of the poorest countries, such a "generous" gift - not much motivation for women to come. By the way, girls are fed by our standards modestly - cream of wheat and chicken. Per serving dinner they stand in long lines at dusk.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

King Mswati III chooses another wife.

His name is obliged holiday tradition cane collection, which goes to the construction of the fence for the king and his mother. This fence is a sign of wealth. Behind the fence and there is a "selection" of brides. For some procedures - is unknown, only the king announces its decision, who will be the queen of virgins.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

Preparation for the Feast of the cane.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

Girls from all over the country in vans dumped to the king.

With the concept of "virginity" are also things specific to Swaziland. Firstly, legislated ban to start having sex until marriage or until the girl of 21 years. If a man illegally deprives innocent girl, he issued a fine of one cow or US $ 170.. Such a rule in national legislation appeared due to HIV / AIDS and other diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. However, the very "victim" can call himself a virgin, even after she had had sexual relations with men. In order to once again be considered a chaste girl enough priest to repent and vow to further abstinence.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The Virgin in anticipation of the holiday.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

It is interesting that a fine of one cow did not escape the king. Selecting the thirteenth wife for Mswati III did not succeed: the girl was underage. When the king heard the accusation of child molestation by one of the ministers, then reacted to it "judiciously": first fired the minister (that is significant, informed him about it via SMS, here they are, the possibility of absolute monarchy in the digital age), and then went out to people, admitted his mistake ... and paid the fine.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

Of course, for Mswati one cow - utter nonsense. According to Forbes magazine, the king - among the 15 richest monarchs planet. By the way, for every new wife Mswati also buys for 12 cows. At the moment, Mswati 14 queens, the first two chosen parliament for him, and all subsequent already he chose yourself. Each subsequent spouse Mswati generously gifts - cars, jewels and palaces.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The return of the girls home.

Due to the fact that each new monarch number of wives tens (predecessor, Sobuzy II of, there were seventy), and the heirs of the King - a hundred. So, Sobuzy was about two hundred offspring, and have not less than 400 (according to local stories) - from uncrowned girls. Important is the point that the heirs are all the relatives to the third degree. Mswati still lags behind its predecessor: 31 years reign he was born only 23 successor. So that Mswati still ahead.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The first two wives Mswati chosen by Parliament.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The third and fourth wife of King.

Holiday cane and virgins parade in Swaziland

The seventh wife of the king.