What is so useful exercise "bar"?

• What is so useful exercise "plank"?

Simple and very effective exercise really helps to form a beautiful landscape and at the same time strengthen almost all muscles of the body. Unfortunately, the bar is very often neglected even by those who are constantly engaged in sports. Look what happen to your body if you perform daily bar for at least a week.

What is so useful exercise

Strong body

Develop the muscles hardest body - exercises little to fulfill their ever-majority simply lazy. Go to the bar daily and the results will appear in a week. This exercise involves all the muscles at once bark: lateral, forward and sideways.

What is so useful exercise

Back Pain

Planck involves work and back muscles, and without unnecessary and often harmful load - the same deadlift, for example, can be quite a traumatic exercise. Gradually go and back pain, tried and tested long sitting in an office chair.

What is so useful exercise

Accelerate metabolism

Classic twist is not very efficacious, hand on heart. In addition, they have no effect on the metabolic rate. But the bar (start with two minutes), your metabolism will speed up - I think that you will lose weight even in your sleep.

What is so useful exercise

will leave slouch

You are not tired of looking at the world from under his brows? Flat posture can be returned to normal bar. It develops the muscles of the neck, shoulders, back - and most importantly, lower back. Even curved spine from childhood can maintain good muscle skeleton.

What is so useful exercise


Planck is indispensable during the so-called "drying". Static exercises great spur metabolism and therefore help the formation of relief.

What is so useful exercise


Gradually develop a common endurance, and both mental and physical. Of course, initially to keep the bar more than a minute it will be difficult, but by the third day, you will notice a change for the better.

What is so useful exercise

The energy charge is

Lethargy, lack of energy and joy of life - constant companions of almost every office worker. That's because most of the time these people spend sitting - and this nature of the human body is not ready. Begin to make the bar in the mornings and evenings, and see how to change your psychological state.