How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

Gifts Mother Nature does not always coincide with the presentation of the beauty of a person. So, for example, the hair on the legs and arms. Thanks to him, will not be so cold in winter, but she would rather freeze than to show fluffy vegetation on the body. In this post we will talk about how to properly shave your legs and whether there are other ways to deal with hair.

The smoothness - the path to perfection

As it is trivial, but even in ancient times, it was recognized that a beautiful girl has to be a young, innocent and hairless, if it is not a mane on his head. That is why the fluff, it is appropriate and normal for the representatives of power, is completely unacceptable for the beautiful ladies.

How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

How to shave your legs, so as not to damage the delicate skin? It is known that after shaving the skin becomes rough, with unpleasant barbed bristles. Hair to the same after such "operations" tend to grow, and then it is very difficult to "get it", without damaging the skin.

What are the ways of getting rid of unwanted hair

Since every second girl's hair on the legs is still growing, albeit very subtle and peach color, the manufacturers all over the world to invent all sorts of ways to remove them. The better to shave their legs or even to use a different method?

How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

First of all, know that no matter what advertising promises, it is impossible to get rid of the hair. All you can - make hair thinner rare, but they will still grow. In this case the cheapest and fastest way is razor.

How to shave your legs epilator? The word "shave" in this case is not entirely appropriate, since the epilator pulls the hair from the root. This procedure is very painful when the skin is irritated and very sickly. Hair after using this appliance does not grow around 3-4 weeks.

How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

Another type of hair removal - use wax strips. Unlike epilator that works slowly, tearing off strips occurs rapidly, and therefore the effect is much less painful. Lows in the application of wax - not all hair is "trapped" with wax, so after coming anyway dobrivat feet.

In addition to wax quite popular for hair removal creams. It is chemically active substances, which simply dissolved hair, and they do not disturb its possessor in a few days. However, the cream does not dissolve completely all the hair - where you apply it smaller than you need, the vegetation still remain.

Is laser hair removal is effective? Immediately to warn that the process is long and expensive. You need to visit the salon a number of times at intervals of several weeks and endure a painful procedure. With each subsequent procedure hair will grow more subtle and less noticeable. Here we must have the courage not only to survive a painful process, but do not shave the hair grow back between treatments. It turns out that the cheapest, as quick and painless way to get rid of unwanted hair is a razor.

How to shave legs properly

Is it possible to shave the legs is wrong, the point is simple enough? In fact, it is possible!

How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

Let's talk about the most frequent mistakes, as well as about what is best to shave their legs:

  1. disposable razor or more expensive to keep shaving. If you can afford it, of course, better to buy a reusable razor. Several blades and special strips will make the process easy and painless. On disposable razor manufacturers are usually not "bother", making them quite simple, and therefore cheap.
  2. A special tool to facilitate the process. Even if shaver has a special bar which will provide easy sliding, it is still necessary to put on your feet means to facilitate shaving.
  3. Talking about how to properly shave your legs with a razor, not to mention the special care of the skin after the procedure. Nourishing and moisturizing creams - the best friends of those who care about their appearance.

The most common error

Many women neglect uncomplicated, in general, shaving legs regulations and make such mistakes:

  1. Rapid shaving "dry". Of course, the razor will cope with the task, even if you shave your legs are completely dry. But that's just what will happen after the skin, it is better to keep silent.
  2. The neglect of care before shaving.
  3. Save on the gel or foam for shaving.

Buy razor

Before you go into the details of the process of how to shave your legs, look at how to choose a razor. If you are going to shave for the first time, you will need to use only the new razor. Dull Razor leads to irritation, cuts, which, in turn, can become a "door" for infections.

How to shave your legs? The better shave your legs

All the same, we would recommend to use a razor with replaceable blade - although it will be more expensive, but the skin so the razor more "friendly".

How to shave your legs

So, here are detailed instructions. First of all, it makes sense to shave your legs after you've had a shower or how to soak in a warm bath. Hot water is becoming more supple skin and not so elastic, hair soften and lose their fortress. Pre-shave, rub the skin scrub feet. The fact that the dead, but neotshelushennye cells obstruct shaving, besides there is the invisible ingrown hairs - they are still not very deeply penetrated into the skin, and therefore they will not be difficult with a scrub "get it".

Spread the legs gel or shaving foam. Not saved on this tool, then you will not be spending a lot of money on lotions and creams for the care of irritated skin. What if you do not have a special gel? It does not matter, it can be a complete substitute for shower gel, shampoo or hair conditioner. Shave legs in the opposite direction of hair growth, not crushing at the same time on the razor. Especially carefully shave his legs at the knees - push the razor very easy not to cut yourself. After shaving with a razor need to wash off all the hair and dry it - so the tool will serve you longer, will not rust and does not blunt.

After Shave

Now you know how to shave your legs with a razor, but what to do after shaving? If you cut yourself, then apply immediately to the wound a special antibacterial ointment. Sami legs good wipe and smear lotion. This action will be at your feet smooth and prevent dryness and flaking of the skin. If your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, use special light cream odorless and dyes.