How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

It is unclear why the blond hair color is considered as the most popular and desirable of all women in almost every little corner of the world. Blindly following the trend, many natural brunette and red lady mercilessly expose their hair lightening procedures, which, alas, do not always produce the desired result. Because after painting many girls wonder about how to remove the yellowing hair, which was formed after a few clarifying procedures "supra" or other lightening powder. Well, there are many ways, and we will now consider in detail.

When the yellow color on the hair is a nuisance?

Probably everyone knows that even blondes, who are often "sweep one size fits all", divided into at least two categories: "warm" and "cold." In the first group we get those women who are the holders of just yellow hair. It can be various shades of light brown, gold, wheat-colored or champagne shade. But it is those young ladies who seek to cold tone, is most concerned about the issue of how to get rid of yellow hair. In this case, it is a matter of personal taste and consistency. It sometimes happens that a person simply wants to be the owner of ashen hair color, but in some cases, warm tone he just does not suit. Therefore necessary to seek a variety of ways of how to remove the yellowing hair, dealing with the minimum damage.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

unnatural hues that necessary to neutralize

Now go back a little. Thus, clarification of the nature of dark hair with a special powder held. After this procedure, any hair become unnaturally yellow. The end result can be compared with feathers the color of the little duckling, which is highly undesirable for many ladies. The reason may be poor quality tools, hard water or the natural reaction of dark hair, wanting to regain his pigmentation. However, in such cases, women are least likely to care about the question of why it happened. Rather, they want to get rid of it and ask the stylist, "How?" Remove the yellowing hair is easiest using a toning shampoo. Most beauty salons just such means and wash the head to all clients who have just lighten up. At home, its use is undesirable, as overdose or uneven distribution of the head means can give an undesirable result - your hair will turn blue.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

Tint funds at home

If you still were clarified at home, and clean up their toxic yellow shade you too falls in the home bathroom, you can stock up in advance by the following means. Buy Tonic is gray in color, plus a small packaging such as cosmetic products, only to have a purple tone. The first add a few drops of a second, after which the mixture was uniformly put on the washed hair. Be sure to be careful what kind of reaction occurs. Lilac hues can greatly darken hair if they overdo, and brute force to give gray feeling constantly dirty head. But keep in mind that the method of how to get rid of yellow hair, is short-lived results. Tonic quickly washed off, and you must either repeat the operation, or to resort to more severe methods of combating this problem.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

"drop strokes fell great oaks" - take on arms folk wisdom

Unlike toners, which give sometimes very unexpected effect, light coloring shampoos have a completely different effect on the color of hair. Regular use of such cosmetics can give excellent results that will last a very long time. Because often, when women ask their stylists on how to remove the yellowing hair, they recommend them to buy a shampoo brand "L'Oreal", designed specifically for blondes. Quite popular cosmetic line called "Silver Reflex", which action markedly immediately after the first application. To effect was much more pronounced, buy shampoo and conditioner (or mask) that will remove the yellowing with bleached hair quickly and without ploys. Regular use of these funds will help to give your hair an ashy shade for a short time, without any side effects.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

Secure methods of home

There are also many popular recipes of how to get rid of yellow hair. They can be applied at home, and most importantly, such cosmetic techniques will not make you spend extra money. Product number one - honey. It needs to be pre-warmed in a water bath, then soak them thoroughly every strand of hair. Now wrap your hair in plastic, wrap a warm scarf and hold as three hours. Wash off it is necessary to warm water and shampoo.

Product number two - rhubarb. One tablespoon of this product is crushed root pour 500 ml of warm white wine or boiling water. This mixture should be cooked until until half does not evaporate. Now Let cool and put on hair. After several such procedures yellowing hair starts to go, and they will acquire a natural silver color.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness

Broth and mask, which is removed yellow hue

In the arsenal of folk remedies are still many ways to lighten hair and remove their yellow color. Excellent cope with this problem chamomile, which can be bought at any pharmacy. A decoction of the flowers can be used instead of conditioner, and after a series of such operations hair will not only be more natural in terms of color, but will improve and their structure, which is also very important after the devastating lightening.

Also very effective hair brightening lemon. To do this, squeeze the juice into a fetus (if the hair is not too long, and if a lot of them - take two pieces of fruit) and soak it in every strand of. After that, wait until the hair is completely dry, and my head. In this case, your hair will be two or three shades lighter, and comes off unnatural yellowness.

How to remove the yellowing hair? Lightening hair without yellowness


If you decide to turn into a platinum blonde, the advance is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of this procedure. Firstly, you need to choose a master who knows his business. He also has to choose the means that will cause minimum damage to your tresses and thus lighten their quality to a desired number of colors. When properly matched paint and the exact exposure time is quite possible to hold the hair lightening without yellowness, except that it will be present in very small quantities. And even if a few strands will shine a yellowish tinge, a hairdresser, not letting you neutralize this lack of additional funds and you will get the desired result.