Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

Body Pump - a unique training program that allows you to realize all your dreams of a luxurious body into reality. Thanks to her, you can be nice to pump up your biceps and increase endurance. In addition, it provides an opportunity to quickly tighten the stomach and eliminate the pain in the back.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

What is it?

Many of today's girls and boys wondering what body Pampa fitness. This area is one of the new, but already widespread.

Train Body pampas activity is wide. The aim is the active fat burning. It is carried out at a fast pace to rhythmic music. Since it employs almost all of the muscles, the training is suitable for both women and men.

As you exercise, use the rod with a weight with which you can perform a number of approaches in each exercise. To start in any case it is necessary to empty the neck, to understand the operation.

To start training can completely any person. There is not important initial physical fitness and experience. A positive result will be achieved, if gradually and moderately increase the operating weight and adhere to professional recommendations.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

The object of the experiment

Scientists to prove the effectiveness of the training decided to conduct a study. They gathered 19 women, leading a sedentary lifestyle, but having good physical health and can carry weight training. In this case, a prerequisite was to visit the two group sessions twice a week. In total, this experiment took place within 3 months.

Before and after the test measured the experts:

  • aerobic endurance of each participant, testing them on treadmills and measuring heart rate at a certain time;
  • number of sit-ups with additional weight;
  • the thickness of the fat;
  • the power of the press.

As a result, the power performance of all 19 people increased by 33%. In addition, each woman has lost a few kilograms.


Advantages of Body Pump undeniable. They are so large that resist trying out a new technique at a very difficult temptation. Intense aerobic power is widely used due to the following advantages:

  • Music for body Pampa motivates and energizes;
  • in the training there is a holistic approach, as it combines strength and aerobic exercise;
  • fast paced class allows you to run an active fat burning;
  • for an hour working glutes, and shoulders, back, arms and legs;
  • intensity of the load can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the weight of the projectile;
  • training available to everyone.

A simple technique of exercise and the right approach to employment will help to find more beautiful and healthy body. Pros pampas make you think that there is a possibility to join the people who have already started training on this system. Pay only 60 minutes, you can even with sedentary lifestyle, because the effect is not long to wait.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews


Workout amazing music deservedly gained popularity among sports enthusiasts. People who engage in Pampa, leave only positive feedback, so the shortcomings of a few people think. However, they are here and they should not be left without due attention:

  • incorrect technique of exercise can lead to a back injury, knee and lower back;
  • for home workouts need to purchase special equipment;
  • high blood pressure and people with varicose veins should be dealt with under the supervision of a coach, so as not to worsen their condition.

Who is suitable?

In the process of training to rhythmic music athletes perform the following exercises:

  • a bench shvung;
  • deadlift;
  • insulating lifting barbell triceps and biceps;
  • lunges and squats;
  • presses a mini-boom in the steppe.

This training is ideal for weight loss for people who previously had no connection with the sport. If you do not change your diet and eat "everything", while sharply starting to perform strength exercises, extra weight will go fast enough. When the weight reduction stop and freeze in one place need to go on a proper diet. In this case we can speak about the full healthy lifestyle.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

Aerobic endurance

Body Pump, of course, helps to improve endurance, but there can not do without additional aerobic exercise. They definitely need to carry people with overweight and want to quickly get results. Aerobics help to become more resilient to the basic training.

The most favorable combination of training options are as follows:

  • pampas half hour after "level" in a track or cardio stepper with a high amplitude;
  • two workouts with the barbell and aerobics a week;
  • the same number of classes Pampa and additional jogging outside or swimming in the pool 3 times in 7 days.
Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

Training for weight loss

Many of today's young men and women eager to get relief torso and taut muscles. To achieve this, it takes a long time to give a sports hall, but the possibility is not all.

Exercises in body pampas are the perfect chance to get rid of extra pounds and become the owner of an elastic body. They occupy only an hour, and train more than two will require more than once a week, even those who want to achieve the effect of a month. Here alternate strength training with aerobic and gymnastic, so bring her figure in order in all directions, is quite real.

Classes at home

As engaged in the room with a group can not all training can be carried out at home. This will require a special shell and the free area. Those who decided to engage in these conditions, be sure to get a rod, sports clothing and footwear.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews


Before you start training, there will be more than familiar with the basic recommendations of the experts. Assimilate them is not too difficult, so leave these nuances unheeded need no better. include the following points Among them:

  • first training should take place with the minimum weights - it is necessary to avoid undue stress;
  • engaged in home conditions, you need to provide enough fresh air to train outdoors or in a well ventilated area;
  • should follow regular classes, not missing a single training day, or after a long time of rest the muscles will hurt badly after performing even the simplest of exercises;
  • operating weight for experienced athletes involved in Pampa more than a month, regardless of the conditions, should not be too large or small - in the first case, no result was obtained not be able to, in the second - the exercise will be difficult to perform correctly and fully, to also increase the risk of injury;
  • to the words and advice of the trainer should be taken seriously, because he knows about the benefits of training and human performance is much better than a novice;
  • Music should not be too loud, because it is only the background and the main source of training rhythm, rather than accompaniment, cutting the ear and not allowing to concentrate;
  • between classes must be a break of two to three days, so that the muscles have time to recover, so in this period is only permitted an easy cardio, but not other power loads.

Opinion athletes

Reviews of Body Pump run extremely positive. The reason is that the usual operation with the rod is a rather boring, in which even the final result does not motivate as much as that would be desirable.

Body Pump: features workouts, reviews

The men and women who have tested for yourself system were delighted not only by the results achieved, but also from the employment process. Of course, in the beginning they were all hard, but the desire to quit the case did not arise. According to the athletes themselves, with each workout, they are increasingly proud of their achievements, in fact could take more weight and work with them without any problems. As a result, each person visibly pumped up muscles, and excess weight is gone, it can not but rejoice.

People involved in Pampa for a long time, get great pleasure from training. Over time, it becomes no longer enough 60 minutes, because the energy overwhelms them for a long time and want to send it in the right direction.

A lot of the comments received and on the music. Athletes are delighted, listening to her. According to them, the rhythmic motif makes a fully laid out throughout the training and think only about good things.