How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

Every girl dreams of the perfect figure, but sometimes difficult to achieve the desired. Especially if the gym is not enough time. In such cases the question arises of how to pump up the press girlfriend at home. First of all it is important to understand how arranged abdominal muscles, otherwise the exercise will not be effective. You must know how to work the muscles because of this direct result of the strengthening depends. In general, the problem of how to pump up the press girlfriend at home, needs careful consideration. Only then can you become the owner of a flat stomach.

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

The importance of a warm-up

Before you perform the exercises for abdominal press, need to do a warm-up, that is, warm up your muscles. Do not underestimate the importance of warming up and consider it a waste of time. So you prepare your body for future loads. Can be kneaded by any method: jump for 15 minutes on a rope, dance music, etc...

are particularly frequent press

To know how to pump up the press girlfriend, you need to know the characteristics of the muscle structure. In the upper part of the abdomen is the main body of muscle tissue, which is easier to exercise. It is responsible for twisting when lifting the pelvis or spine. In the lower part of the press are located mainly connective tissue, muscle fibers here bit, this part of the study to practically nothing. Especially when it comes to a woman's body. In the lower part of the abdomen of the girls needed a small amount of muscle, which means that the answer to the question "How to build lower abs girl?" It will be different from the male version.

torsional Exercises

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

Consider how to pump up the press girlfriend at home with the help of exercises on twisting in the supine position. It is worth noting that the regular training to carry out enough just him and your stomach will be flat. Of course, you also need to adhere to a special diet. Otherwise muscles something you will work, but the volume of the stomach will remain the same.

Perform twisting can be on the floor or on an incline bench. On the choice of your body depends on the angle of the load, which will occur in the abdominal muscles. The lower will be the head relative to the hips, the more difficult it will be to lift the housing and twist it in the waist area. Scheme rocking press must start with performing the twisting on a horizontal surface, for gradually increasing exercise load efficiency can be increased.

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

How to increase at a press load of

In order to achieve results in the elaboration of the press, it is necessary to use certain techniques. The most basic thing you can do to increase the load - is to place the heel as far as possible from the stomach. When the legs will be in the extended position, the load on the press will be the maximum. So it is with his hands - the farther they are from the stomach, the more difficult the exercise.

Exercise for the study of transverse and lateral abdominal muscles

There are a large number of various exercises for the abdominal muscles. Because the question of how to pump up the press girlfriend at home is not especially difficult. For example, to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscles have a great exercise - abdominal vacuum. For its implementation should be down on all fours and straighten your back. Then do full breath and relax your abdominal muscles to draw the stomach. In this case, you need to breathe nose. Followed engage with maximally retracted stomach for 20 seconds and relax.

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

For the next exercise you need to lie on your back. The legs are connected together and bent at the knees pulled up to the chest so that the right angle formed by the knees. Hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides. Breathe out, drop the straightened legs, but do not touch the floor. Try to keep your abdominal muscles at this point were as tense. Inhale and return to starting position.

To perform this exercise for the press, sit down, placing the foot flat on the floor and knees bent. Arms extended forward, the abdominal muscles are involved. Making exhalation reject back case 60 degrees and then return to its original position.

Twisting to work out side the press

Before you think about how to pump up the press girlfriend cubes, you need to realize that should be pursued all of the abdominal muscles.

To strengthen the side of the press can use one of the curling options. Take the starting position - Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind head, elbows out to the sides. Raise the right knee to the abdomen retracted, trying to get them to the left elbow. We fix in this position for a few seconds and return to the former position. Repeat with the other leg and elbow.

The correct technique of

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

To study and exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles are the most effective you need to follow some important rules. Not enough just to know how to pump up the press girlfriend at home, you must carefully adhere to exercise equipment. The press should always be in a state of stress. Training Effect will increase many times if you properly follow the ten repetitions than 30 "for show".

Recommendations for the exercises

If you are new to the sport, start to train with the minimum amount of sets and reps. For example, the first five days perform 10 repetitions, then bring the number up to 15, and even after five days of training - to 20. Before proceeding to strengthen the press, it is desirable to make the overall stretching, at a cost no more than two or three minutes .

How to pump up the press girlfriend at home? Scheme rocking press

Do not forget that the effectiveness of the exercises depends on proper breathing. Another point that should not be missed: a breath is on suspense, exhale - on relaxing. Do not start training immediately after a meal, should take at least an hour and a half. It is important to remember about regular exercise, you need to perform the exercises every day.

You can take a break, for example, six days - intensive training, one day - rest. It should be noted another feature of the female: after "women's days" increases the effectiveness of training, so you can safely increase the load. But in the first three days of menstruation on exercise on the abdominal muscles, it is desirable to give up completely. Begin workout better with minimum load, and when the result will be visible, increase the intensity of training and increase the load. Soon you will notice that you have got to achieve the desired relief in the abdominal area.