Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Unfortunately, today there is more and more people who have a rather serious problems with the hair. Due to malnutrition, unfavorable ecological situation of constant stress and bad habits they begin to fade and drop out, become more thin and brittle. In such cases, the people's money, and even very expensive cosmetics, which is sold in beauty salons, do not help to solve these problems. And in order to do a long time to return your mane healthy and attractive appearance, it requires a special procedure - mesotherapy for hair.

Injection Health and Beauty

This procedure provides an introduction to small doses of vitamins and minerals in the scalp. Hair Mesotherapy Similar vials allow you to quickly solve a number of problems associated with age-related changes in the body. These so-called health drinks stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the metabolism that occur in the scalp. It accelerates the hair follicles. Under the skin receives more blood and lymph. As a result, not only accelerates hair growth, but also increased their number on his head. Also disappears fragility, dandruff disappears completely. And the new hair that grows after the procedure is completely healthy. They are shiny and silky. The most important thing is that mesotherapy for hair is ideal for both men and women, and at any age.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Indications procedure

Like any other medical or cosmetic surgery, mesotherapy has its indications. Assign this method can only physician-trichologist after a full examination of the patient and the tests that confirm the need for treatment. The course of mesotherapy for hair is prescribed for people suffering from dandruff, copious hair loss, seborrhea, brittle and prone to cross-section. Also, potential patients who are referred to this procedure, is the owner of oily scalp and fine hair. Especially if the latter is constantly flogged. Also for hair mesotherapy agents often help people in old age, who suffer from baldness and constant itching. Vitamins and minerals that are contained in these preparations, eliminate the aging of the follicle cells and the skin. As a result, the amount of hair on the head is increased. skin condition is normalized, go through all the unpleasant symptoms. The end result is improved as the patient's health, as well as its appearance.

This is not suitable for hair mesotherapy

Contraindications for this procedure are also available, and to examine their costs very carefully so that its effects do not become the cause of ill health. The list, which will be shown below, we look at the main diseases that are an obstacle to the introduction of injection. So when mesotherapy is not carried out:

  • When mental disorders, such as epilepsy, nervous disorders, migraines.
  • If fever and other serious diseases.
  • In diabetes.
  • When the cancer.
  • If you have problems with blood vessels and heart.
  • When inflammation of the scalp.
  • When possible allergic reactions to the medical composition.

In addition, there are a number of factors, for which can not be carried out mesotherapy hair. Contraindications in this case - is pregnancy and lactation, menstruation, high sensitivity and sensibility of the patient, as well as individual orders and reasons. To review the latest doctor-trichologist should be approached with extreme caution, to provide for the possible consequences and do not worsen the situation.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Before the injection of

To begin, we note that on the day of the therapy experts recommend to abandon any other cosmetic procedures. Do not cut and certainly not dye your hair. It is also recommended to wash your hair the day before will be held mesotherapy hair. The composition of the same vial, which will be introduced into the scalp, picks trichologist individually for each patient. If it's just a preventative measure to eliminate minor problems with the hair, the standard set of vitamins and minerals will be used. They will fill the cells with oxygen and speed up metabolism in them, due to which hair will become thicker and begin to grow faster. When it comes to the treatment of dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia, or other diseases, the vial has added other mesopreparations that address a specific problem.

Vitamin boom, or What is in this injection of

Many people are interested in the first place is what vitamins for hair mesotherapy used by physicians and whether their complex effect on skin and shag disastrous. As noted above, a set of drugs for the treatment of diseases selected strictly individually, but the auxiliary elements that are also present in the capsule always the same. This B vitamins, which normalize the sebaceous glands in the skin and strengthen hair follicles. Their complementary vitamins A, C and E. Behind them are trace elements and medicinal plants extracts. Each ampoule contains necessarily acid: pyruvic acid, glycolic and hyaluronic. Complement the whole picture of elastin, collagen, platsenteks and other auxiliary chemical and biological compounds.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Some important points

It often happens that problems with the vegetation on the head is so large that the last hope for their solution is mesotherapy for hair. Where to do this procedure, so that it is really effective, in addition to its effects do not become detrimental to your health? Clinics and cosmetic surgeries nowadays grabs in each city, and they all touted themselves. Because the first bell, which will let you know that the procedure may not work and you just want to tear off the money, will be the use of such a drug, as melanin. Many "experts" say that it is this element can restore natural hair color and save your hair from graying. Remember, discoloration of hair on the body, including on his head - a natural process. The first gray may appear in 50 years, and 20, and it depends on the individual sets of DNA and other genetic cells. Because the introduction of melanin, which will cost you an extra penny, will not solve the problem.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Full control of hair loss

When it is not just about the prevention and treatment of serious scalp, it is important to select the highest quality products. Among the many different companies producing more than anything at the moment the company has established itself "Dermahil". Mesotherapy for hair often is held with funds from this manufacturer, but that's their range of action is somewhat limited. Most often, this brand drugs to prevent loss, cure for baldness and itching, to cope with dryness, but not fully. If you are faced with a problem of a different kind, it is already using other funds will be held mesotherapy hair. Hair Care - is also a good line of products that can be introduced into the scalp. Among these tools, you will find and ampoules from alopecia and chemical compositions of dandruff, seborrhea and other unpleasant diseases.

The subtleties of this work

Also, pay attention to all the patients that the products for hair mesotherapy may be introduced not only in the scalp. The fact that many of the problems associated with the growth of hair, her health and beauty, are, oddly enough, in the neck area. There may be a variety of crushing, which interfere with the normal blood supply to the scalp in general, and her skin in particular. As a result, a person with this kind of problem, suffers not only headaches, but also the deterioration of the hair. And this phenomenon occurs at any age, regardless of gender. Because injections can be made in the occipital zone, if the pre-trichologist found problems in this part of your body.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

Starting the procedure

Mesotherapy hair itself can be carried out in three ways, which differ from one another in time, as well as the patient's feelings. The first method - a cocktail manual entry, that is, through a syringe. Procedure long, sometimes delayed for an hour. In this case, the doctor inserts an injection at a depth of 2 to 4 mm under the scalp. Method number two - a pistol for mesotherapy. In this case, the drugs are administered under the scalp in an automatic mode, which reduces the time for the entire operation. However, in order to implement this method, required skills to work with such equipment. Well, the third method - the use of skalprollera. This unit doctor spends across the surface of the head, and means uniformly, automatically distributed to all parts of the skin.

Hair Treatment at home

If the above three methods to select the third, it is with such a roller can be performed at home mesotherapy. For hair in such a case an individual set of medicines and vitamins selects the physician. Only enter it you'll be on their own, which greatly reduces the overall cost of this therapy. Such mezoroller is a roller, which is fitted with thin needles arranged apart by a predetermined distance. Inside roller is charged with the required set of drugs, after which you own (or with the help of his household) spend them across the scalp. It is important to note that this method in existence today is the most painful. Because in some cases it allowed local anesthesia.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

pretreatment before home mesotherapy

It is important that your hair before the procedure were carefully washed and dried. It is advisable to wash your hair for a day or half a day to hair could dry naturally. Unacceptable pre-use gel, spray, foam and other means for stacking, otherwise not be ffektivnoy mesotherapy hair. Men who suffer from hair loss, it is also necessary to pre-treat the head (such as the exposed portions thereof, and hairy) with a disinfectant solution. We do the same thing with the movie, which will work as well as with all its needles. After all the preliminary steps have been taken, we proceed to the procedure itself. With the addition of the nutrient solution, which you wrote trichologist, perform mesotherapy.

When the procedure is held by a physician

If you asked for help in the treatment of hair to the doctor-trichologist, then, most likely, he will conduct this operation on their own, using a special gun or an ordinary syringe. In both cases, the administration of injections performed uniformly across the surface of the head. The distance between the injections is 1-1, 5 centimeters. When mesotherapy hair is held in this way, unpleasant or slightly painful sensations you experience only at first. Then simply get used, and the sensitivity in this area is reduced. After all of the patient's head is processed, the skin is wiped with an alcohol solution (70%) and dried, if necessary. The frequency of such procedures should be 5-7 days. When the number of sessions will be passed 4, the frequency should be changed - now Mesotherapy is done 1 time in two weeks. After another 4-5 sessions you will be able to visit your doctor once a month, and then, to maintain the result - every six months.

Mesotherapy for hair: Makeup tools and contraindications

What is the most effective method of

Experience shows that the most commonly held mesotherapy for hair growth. Reviews of all those people who have undergone this procedure at different hospitals, claiming that the most effective way to combat hair loss are injections. The fact that the doctor, entering each injection by hand, can not miss, miss a portion of the head or not fully squeeze the solution. In this case, the total produced power of the scalp collagen, oxygen and other useful elements and vitamins, their saturates each hair follicle. If mesotherapy is carried out using a roller or in semi-automatic mode, there may be a misfire. Somewhere not fully cure gets under the skin, somewhere it does not pass through the needle. And it already means that you have to spend a lot more time and money on something to improve the condition of their hair.

to take all necessary precautions to

So as a result you will get from this procedure, hair restoration was long and you did not bother adverse reactions, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, during the course of treatment can not sunbathe or in the solarium. Because mesotherapy head is not recommended in summer. The best time - it is autumn or spring. After each individual procedure can not wash your hair for 12 hours. The same applies to the use of various cosmetic products. It is also desirable that the general course of mesotherapy does not coincide with another course of treatment for some illness. If such a situation it is impossible to avoid, it is best to agree on the procedure, and taking medication with your doctor. All of them need to be combined with each other and not to cause a variety of adverse reactions.

When will I see results?

Mesotherapy hair - this is not a procedure that provides immediate results. In order to bring their hair in perfect order, you need to spend from six months to a year. However, it all depends on the degree of infestation of the hair follicles. If you are concerned only cross-section of the strands of dry or, conversely, excessive oiliness, a month after the first phase of the treatment, you will be able to see positive changes in their appearance. When it comes to getting rid of the baldness or on the Control of hair loss, the expected results can be visible only after three to four months. With regard to small problems with hair, such as a section, brittleness, lack luster, and so on, they are literally to the fifth-sixth procedure. The hair becomes much more silky and manageable, and this testifies to the fact that the frequency of mesotherapy can be reduced to 1 per month, as a preventive measure.

"negative" consequences of the operation

Since this procedure assumes that the drug will be administered just under the skin of the head by means of injections, then, logically, it can be assumed that such a mechanical action will leave any marks on the body. It may be small bruises that will be just two to four days. In the more sensitive patients sometimes traced the formation of scabs in places where the injections were made. This defect also disappear after a few days, the main thing - not to tear the wound and remove the cover as long as they do not fall off.


It turns out that the most accessible, correct and effective treatment for a variety of problems with the hair is mesotherapy for hair. Men and women, teenagers and the elderly - the procedure is suitable for everybody. The main thing - to choose the right set of vitamins, acids and minerals, which will compete directly with your problem. And, of course, choose for themselves the only true method of mesotherapy. It does not matter, you'll implement it at the doctor or at home, as long as it brought visible and long-term results.