Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

There are psychological tricks that work on a subconscious level. They help make the interlocutor location, merge into a new company, or instantly calm at the time of stress.

number 1. When a few people laugh, everyone looks at the man who he most likable

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

After a successful joke or during a lively discussion in the company of people every instinctively looks at the man who more than anyone else it is cute. Therefore, to find out all about relationships in the company of friends, a couple zagotovte slaughter jokes.

number 2. If you're nervous - chew

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

Before an important conversation, performance, or event that makes us nervous, it is necessary to try to chew gum or eat anything.

No one will have the face of danger. Therefore, during chewing our brain thinks that there is no danger and you can relax. It sends a signal that relieves tension and helps to calm down.

number 3. A closer look will help pull any information

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

If the answer to your interlocutor does not suit you or you think he's holding something back, just keep silent look him in the eye.

In this situation, interlocutor silence becomes so unbearable that he would have to tell you literally do anything to stop it.

number 4. Imagine that the employer - your longtime good friend

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

, imagine that the person in front of your friend, with whom you have not seen Not to worry during an important exam or job interview. This will help you to instantly calm down and answer questions will be much easier.

number 5. If you have to work a lot with people who put themselves behind the mirror

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

If you frequently communicate with different people to work, put behind him a small mirror. You'd be surprised, but many customers will behave politely and often go to meet you. That's because people do not like to see myself angry and irritated.

number 6. If you thought that someone looks at you, just yawn

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

Just look at this picture. You've just yawn? Yes, yawning is contagious just incredible. Suffice it to yawn and look around to see who is following you. The man who was looking at you, most likely, will also yawn.

number 7. If you want to stop a fight, then just grab something to eat and stand between the combatants

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

This phenomenon is called "snackman effect". The fact that the time of the meal we associate with peace and relaxation. Very low probability that the person will attack the one who eats, so the conflict quickly subsides.

number 8. If you want to get rid of the object, just pass it to the person talking to him

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

Ask the person personal question or ask his opinion about anything. While answering the brain is busy so that everything else will happen at the level of reflexes. In this situation, most people will be out of your hands that you want, completely without thinking.

number 9. If you want to make friends easily with the person, just ask him for something to

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

It should be something simple as possible (pass the sauce, napkin, piece of paper or a pen). The person who provides the service, on a subconscious level, decides that he is good belongs to you, so he went to meet you and will do it again.

number 10. An important meeting is best to appoint to the beginning or end of the day

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

People remember best what is happening at the very beginning or end of the day, and everything in between, remember blurry. Therefore, assign an important meeting at the beginning or end of the day. And in the interview, try to be the first or the most recent of the candidates.

number 11. Pay attention to the direction of the feet of people while talking

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

human foot during a conversation will help clarify the relationship to the interlocutors and hidden emotions. If you come to the people and they turn only to the body housing and the feet position is maintained the same, then they are to you clearly arranged.

By the way, turned toward the tips of the shoes or boots interlocutor also said that he wants to leave quickly.

number 12. Mirroring others gestures will help establish the credibility of

Tricks of psychology, which is useful to know each

Mirroring gestures, postures and facial expressions will quickly win the trust of the interlocutor. Even if a person does not notice, because he knew instinctively gesture he sees in you yourself. And to him, as a rule, are good. But the main thing - do not overdo it.