The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

Who does not want to be slim and beautiful? But limit yourself to food - is a test of human willpower, the more so because there is often need something bland and tasteless. Here there would be some kind of a diet consisting, for example, from one ice cream in the diet .... Or Chocolate Diet! You'll laugh, but there is a way to lose weight because of the chocolate. What kind of diet, whether it makes sense to stick to it and whether it will bring the expected results, you will learn by reading this article.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

The pursuit of excellence

If they stop themselves and their appearance, nine of them would say exactly ten women and ask them on the streets, we are satisfied that there is. That's how people (and this is a great quality), even if it looks good, it does not mean that he feels fine. Both men and - in particular - women are always in the progressive movement forward - try to look better, be healthier and more perfect. Apart is the beauty of the body theme and harmony. Until the middle of the twentieth century was in fashion luxuriant femininity, after the sportiness and the trend continues to this day. Beautiful body - it means not having excess fat, toned, slim, muscular. Not everyone can afford a visit to the gym, but limit yourself to food for the forces of each. Chocolate diet has long been known, but still not as widely tested, it has developed to a general consensus.

Chocolate? More, more!

Is it possible to lose weight on a diet of chocolate, it's a treat - the enemy of the figure? This question is asked by everyone who learns about the diet with the same name. This is not a trick, a way to lose weight really is based on the use of chocolate. And it promises to the same fantastic result - loss of 2 to 3 kilos in 3 days. How can this be? In fact, no secret there, on this diet supposedly sat even singer Alsu and was delighted with the result achieved. However, Alsou not complied with all the chocolate diet, but only use its elements in their supply system for weight loss, but in the meantime successfully got rid of five kilograms in a short time. Below we discuss how to comply with this way of eating for weight loss, it is not harmful if it is for the body, and whether the desired result has brought to those who have already experienced it.

How to eat chocolate on a diet?

Chocolate diet for 3 days - that is how much time will you need to "suffer." However, when you learn that you can have to eat to lose weight, you will realize that the word "torture" does not quite fit. You will eat only chocolate! However, the food is strictly limited in number - in the day you can eat a bar of chocolate stogrammovuyu and nothing more. What kind of chocolate should be? The developers of this nutrition tips black, with a high content of cocoa beans, but from the reviews, you can eat and the milk chocolate or even white chocolate that is in the right sense of the word is not even.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

How do you need to eat a chocolate bar - distribute it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or you can one go with some tea? There is no difference, so eat as you wish - this is the Chocolate Diet! Reviews have experienced the diet, however, speak in favor of stretching chocolates all day. If you eat all the sweetness in the morning, then later in the lunch and dinner you will be very sad, and so you will be able to eat small amounts of tasty.

What else can be on a diet? From food can no longer be anything, but you can drink tea, coffee (of course, without sugar), water, gas or no gas. As you know, the Chocolate Diet is designed for 3 days. After this period, you will lose 2 to 3 kilograms, it feels much easier. Repeating such a diet can not occur more than once every 3-4 months.

What's the point?

Understanding what is a chocolate diet, try to understand how it works. Firstly, it is a strict restriction of calories. It is known that in order to lose weight, you need to consume slightly less in terms of energy food than after the burn.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

How much less? As nutritionists say, 30% - this is the optimal difference for a healthy diet. On average, a woman rising to 165 centimeters and weighing 65 kilograms burns about 2000 kcal daily. We are talking about processes such as breathing, blood circulation and digestion of food. If the same woman is day to eat 2000 calories, it does not get better, if more - gain weight. To lose weight quickly and without harm to the body, it needs to absorb a day of about 1400-1500 kcal.

One chocolate bar about 500 kcal, that is, here we are talking about a serious restriction of calories, much more recommended level. In principle, you can eat any product 500 kcal (fruits, vegetables, potatoes or bacon) and lose weight.

Does chocolate is good for weight loss?

Chocolate diet refers unambiguously to the unuseful, even harmful ways of power used for weight loss. Firstly, such a diet is considered monopitaniem, that is, in a way of eating, in which only one product is used in the diet. Even three days such imbalances disrupt the harmonious functioning of the organism and cause a little stress. Not to mention the longer term.

The second reason, which does not allow to consider chocolate diet useful and proper, it is nutritious chocolate. What is chocolate? By and large it is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are the necessary nutrients (in the case of slow carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and cereals), but not necessary. A person needs to update and dividing cells amino acids that are contained in proteins (chicken, eggs, cheese). That is, deciding to stick to the chocolate diet, you are willfully and deliberately depriving yourself of essential nutrients, thereby harming themselves and their health. The more you're on a diet, the more harmful. Therefore widely advertised and offers a lot of chocolate diet for 7 days nothing but harm, perhaps, will not bring. Nutritionists strongly recommend to abandon this method of weight loss ..

What else besides health, you lose on a diet of chocolate?

The game is worth the candle! So ladies think when they hear about the dangers of a particular way of eating. For example, there is a chocolate diet, reviews of her most positive, then you need to try out - no matter what the doctors say there! But not all so simple. Let's see what kind of weight you lose on a chocolate diet.

When they say "2-3 kilograms on the scales", it means that the first suspension in the first day, and then - on the third, you will find that they have become easier for a few pounds. But are forced to disappoint you - you do not get rid of fat, muscle mass and water. It makes the body muscles tight, without cellulite, stretch marks. Losing some muscle mass, you become easier, but not better. sagging skin will only intensify, and the cellulite will appear brighter. That will not happen, but if you do not have another twenty years, or as if you have excess weight not exceeding one kilogram (we are talking about real terms, not on how you see yourself).

Why diet is not working as it should be?

Muscle mass - is the product of protein digestion. Refusing to three days of normal and wholesome food, you force your body to burn muscle and save subcutaneous fat stores, the body will be hard to fulfill. After all, he thinks the body: "I do not feed, give me sugar for energy, then fell on hard times! All the muscles get rid of, I do not need them, but the fat will not give up - I will keep it to the last. Ah, would give me now a normal meal - I would have sent it all in the fat depot. "

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

What does dieters lady: "Oh, the chocolate diet! Comments and results those already on it outlasted impressive, but as you want chicken, sausages, bread and butter! But nothing today dosizhu third day, and tomorrow utretsa eat potatoes favorite with bacon and bread Borodino! " And when she returns to the normal way of eating, starving the body metabolizes quickly enough and all, transferring energy to the fat "for a rainy day." But recently he was fed meaningless (in terms of nutritional quality and value) of chocolate, and he yearned for normal food. It turns out that you lose muscle and fat instead of muscle mass faster and more typed.

The chocolate diet: reviews and results of

And what do those girls who have successfully "otmuchilas" in this way the power? Will it help to lose weight (even on the scale), the Chocolate Diet? The results of those who have tried this method of weight loss, really impressive - three days is really possible to lose up to three kilograms. In addition, all "subjects" noted a sense of ease and willing to continue to work for their appearance.

The second point that should be noted - all those who have tried the diet, they say that to carry it more pleasant than, for example, kefir. Here, too, it is difficult not to agree: chocolate - a delicious delicacy, which helps produce hormones of happiness.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

In fact, even such a limited amount of goodies improves mood and helps not off the diet.

Further, among the reviews are solid cons. That's what they say, those who tried this method of weight loss:

  1. During the diet all face sprinkled with red spots inside that could not be reduced less than a week after the diet. This is not surprising, because the chocolate diet causes severe blow body, leaving him without vitamins and minerals. Acne is simply a signal that stands for "give me proper food."
  2. After the diet hair has become dry and / or nails began to exfoliate. Explanation of this fact is the same as in the case of acne.
  3. The weight is gone, but the body looks worse than before the diet.
  4. The weight is gone, but a week later returned 3, 4, 5 kilograms on the scales.

Therefore, before using a technique such as the chocolate diet for weight loss, think about whether your health is worth these sufferings.

How do I get out of the chocolate diet, not to recover

If all of the above you did not stop the desire to experience the way to lose weight, consider a way out of the chocolate diet to lost weight never came back again.

Option one: 2-3 days on cottage cheese or egg. Following this scheme, you will definitely fix the results. Can build on such food daily ration: for breakfast 150 grams of curd, to lunch - 2-3 eggs, prepared by any method (can fry cooking), at dinner - a portion of 150 grams of curd. Use low-fat cheese, sweetened it is impossible, but a pinch of salt can add.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

Option Two: Kefir discharge day and after moderation. Immediately after the end of the diet one day soak 1% kefir (fermented milk drink a liter, stretched for the whole day). After that, for about a week, observe the following rules: Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime, try not to eat food more than 1300 kcal, discard the fat and sweet.

Option Three - buckwheat, kefir diet for three days. Through this door you consolidate the result and lose 1-2 kg. Zaparte overnight 100 grams of buckwheat, and eat it the next day with yogurt. Kefir can drink no more than 1 liter a day.

About chocolate-drinking diet

One of the varieties of weight loss on chocolate - chocolate and drinking diet. Most of us forget or disregard the rules of consumption of adequate amounts of fluid. If you are seriously concerned about their own weight, it is the drinking water helps you get rid of the hated kilograms. Drink for three days, until are dieting, pure mineral water - preferably without gas. The optimum amount regardless of your age and weight - two liters. Stretch the fluid volume for the day, the only warning - stop taking fluids for 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise there is the likelihood of swelling. It also has enough popularity of coffee and chocolate diet. It is not a separate type of power supply systems for weight loss, but only a kind of diets on chocolate, when three times a day is recommended to drink a cup of coffee. Coffee should not be powder, and natural - it is useful to stimulate zhiroszhigatelnye processes energises due to caffeine. Of course, the drink should not contain sugar. Such variant chocolate diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, coffee and chocolate - it is very tasty, especially if such a "kit" helps in losing weight. But be careful, because coffee has a great influence on the heart, raising blood pressure and increasing blood vessels.

In summary

So, we looked at all the pros and cons of such a power supply system, such as the chocolate diet for weight loss. Responses clearly speak in favor of the fact that such a diet helps lose weight (for three days up to three kilograms). In addition, despite the permitted small amounts of chocolate, all who experienced the following method to get rid of excess weight, say that sitting on a chocolate diet tasty and nice. No wonder, because it is much tastier than, for example, yogurt or eggs. You will be guaranteed a good mood for three days that will not stop trying to lose weight in the middle.

But there is a downside to the chocolate weight loss. The first is that this diet is unbalanced. You deny your body in getting essential proteins and healthy animal fats that are not chocolate (palm oil is more harmful than helpful). It is because of this possible health complications - acne, exfoliating nails, hair deterioration. For this reason, nutritionists do not recommend to endure the chocolate diet for 7 days, since the consequences for the organism to be even more unpleasant.

The chocolate diet: the effectiveness and reviews. The chocolate diet: before and after

Another important drawback - the possibility of rapid weight gain after the diet. However, this lack of chocolate weight loss can be avoided, if you leave the diet correctly. Be patient and advance myself to instill that chocolate diet lasts for three days, and after that three more days will need to limit yourself to food. This article painted the options out of the diet, which not only fix the result, but also allow you to lose a little weight.

Helpful Hints

  1. It is best to divide the chocolate into 3-4 portions. According to reviews, the greatest error in the chocolate diet - eat it all in one sitting. By lunchtime you're hungry, and there will be nothing, because the probability of failure.
  2. Do not use white chocolate, since it is not chocolate at all, but simply the sweetness rich in palm oil unprofitable. Most useful chocolate for such a method of weight loss - black with high content of cocoa (from 60 to 80%). But if you do not like dark chocolate, it can use milk, with nuts, raisins and other fillers.
  3. Do not forget the liquid! Drink at least 2 liters of water in the days when comply with chocolate diet. Water will help cleanse the body and bring the products of decomposition.
  4. Moderate sports load only bring you closer to the figure of your dreams, so do not neglect exercise, or better yet, join a gym.
  5. Exit the diet correctly. Once you forget at least for a day, and all the lost weight back in duplicate.