Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

Person for any woman, no doubt, considered the original card. That is why representatives of the weaker sex so anxiously watch that to look well-groomed. How can maintain a healthy skin? In addition to the use of cosmetic products for this purpose are carried out various types of cleansing. Among them, mechanical (manual) and is performed using special equipment. Ultrasonic cleaning of the face is a method of modern hardware cosmetology.

The need for procedures

Of course, in the old days to the skin was healthy, it was enough to keep clean, while applying the ordinary soap and clean waters. Today, conditions in which there is humanity, are completely different. In large cities, a high degree of air pollution, and the water that flows through the pipes of our homes, it is difficult to call drinking.

Of course, any woman uses a variety of cosmetic products, and to remove them from the face of very difficult. It does not help ordinary washing with soap and water. The problem does not make it possible to solve even the scrubs are designed to cleanse the skin. Unfortunately, outdated and all "home" methods, which once used by our grandmothers. That is why the ultrasonic cleaning of the face is so popular today among women.

The main differences of the method

How to return a healthy look faded skin? This will require to remove from its upper layer accumulated old dead cells and impurities. For this purpose, various methods can be applied. Among them are the following:

- manual cleaning;

- scrubs;

- vacuum cleaning;

- Ultrasonic cleaning;

- chemical peels.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

Each of the above methods provide different effects on the skin. But the goal they have, nevertheless, one. All of them allow to remove the dirt and keratinized particles that restores skin radiance and youthfulness. But it is necessary to bear in mind that the use of scrubs, chemicals or manual exposure when removing blackheads causes pain. That is why these methods are deterred many women. All these deficiencies deprived of ultrasonic cleaning person. Reviews of patients that this procedure has been done already, talking about the absence of discomfort. On the skin does not affect aggressive acid, they do not scratch scrubs. During the procedure, an ultrasonic device is applied to facial cleansing. He's like a fairy godmother, softly "pokolduet" over you and return your skin beauty and youth. What is the basic principle of operation of the device? It is enclosed in the effect on skin of high ultrasonic waves. The last level is so high that the human ear, they are simply not perceived.

The nuances manipulation

Ultrasonic cleaning of the face, as mentioned above, is the latest trend that exists in hardware cosmetology. On what is this method? On the impact of high-frequency ultrasound waves literally knocked out of the pores sebaceous plugs, dust and pieces of decorative cosmetics. As a result, the skin is cleansed. The pores are not as noticeable. Improves skin respiration.

But that's not all. Ultrasonic cleaning of the face allows for a kind of micro-massage of deep and intermediate layers of the dermis. When they are heated, which allows for enhanced blood flow and lymphatic drainage. With such exposure can not compare any surface manipulation.

During the session with the skin applied to the gel for ultrasonic cleaning of the face. This tool is therapeutic. Its medicinal ingredients are delivered by ultrasound into the deep layers of the skin, which is also important for her health.

gel type and a special machine operation for different patients are selected individually. Much will depend on the objectives and the condition of the skin. Also important is the age of the client.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

is not more than 15-20 minutes lasts ultrasonic cleaning person. Testimonials show that at the end of session, the skin becomes soft and radiant. It gets rid of dull plaque and moisturized. On the face surface fine wrinkles disappear. Enlarged pores after cleansing narrowed.


At what age can carry out ultrasonic peeling? To show this procedure?

It should be borne in mind that any restrictions on this procedure has no age. Ultrasound has a positive influence on young skin, and mature. Young girls will get rid of the procedure increased greasiness in the pores. Middle-aged ladies with ultrasound cleanse the veils of dead skin particles and provide additional production of collagen and elastin in the middle layers of the skin, delaying the appearance of first wrinkles.

To show this procedure? Those who have dull skin fading, grease tube, enlarged pores and flabby veils, black dots on his face.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

After the ultrasonic cleaning the face, which is enough to carry out a frequency only once in two or even three months, skin condition improved significantly. At the end of manipulation it is recommended to use a cream or apply the mask. In this case, the nutrients that are in cosmetics, penetrate the skin as deeply as possible. This happens due to the removal of the horny layer of dead cells.


Is it always the ultrasonic cleaning of the face can be done? Contraindications This procedure is. Their list includes the following:

- cutaneous inflammatory acute course;

- a serious disease of the cardiovascular system (post-stroke or post-infarction state, and hypertension);

- oncology (at any stage);

- pregnancy;

- pathologies of the circulatory system (thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure);

- the presence in the body of an implanted pacemaker;

- wounds, ulcers and other violations of the integrity of the dermis in the treatment area;

- diseases of mental health;

- pathologies accompanied by an increase in temperature;

- the presence of implants (except crowns, braces, bridges, pins). The device should not be used in the thyroid, over the heart and the genitals area.

The acquisition of special equipment

One of the most expensive treatments offered by beauty salons, is ultrasonic cleaning of the face. Guest experts suggest its relevance, despite the high prices (the minimum value of a session starts at twenty euros). What about those who can not make this item of expenditure in the family budget, or are not able to find time to visit the beauty salon?

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

Out of this situation is quite simple. Currently marketed devices, by which a home ultrasonic cleaning of the face can be made. The cost of such devices is within thirty dollars US, that is actually equal to the sum of one trip to the beauty parlor.

The principle of operation

Apparatus for the ultrasonic cleaning of the face produces removing dead cells from the skin surface. What is the mechanism of its work? The device distributes ultrasonic vibrations at a time when it built a special spatula to spend on a wet festival of the Protection face. The device has a power that is not harmful to living cells. That is why when you use the skin is not damaged.

Preparation for procedure

What actions should be performed prior to ultrasonic cleaning? Preparation for the procedure is quite simple. You need a good wash my face and clean it from the decorative cosmetics. To ultrasonic waves from the device as efficiently as possible to act on the skin, it should be wiped with a hydrogel, lotion, intended to expand the pores and cause scrub or low-fat cream. The home may be involved, and herbal teas. Gathering of medicinal plants should be selected for a particular skin type. For example, chamomile and horsetail is used for oily skin and for dry and sensitive need wormwood, rosemary or yarrow. How to steam your face? To do this, boil water, make grass and wait until it cools down a little. Then, the person con fallow, covered with a towel. After fifteen minutes, the pores will unfold completely, and they can be cleaned.

of the procedure

After this preconditioning, metal spatula, built into the instrument, start work on the face. Movement in this should be easy. Only in this case, ultrasonic cleaning person will be made as efficiently as possible. Feedback from those who have used the device say the absence of discomfort and there is a feeling light tingling during the contact plate with the skin. We can say that the machine produces peeling, only the most safe and gentle.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

At the end of manipulation is recommended to perform a light massage, apply a mask or rub any nutritious cream.

Of course, many would say that the ultrasonic cleaning of the face, carried out by specialists in the beauty salon, will be a more efficient procedure. Maybe they're right. However, an alternative option, which allows to save time and money, still there. In addition, patients who carried home peeling face, were satisfied with the result, without noticing much difference to the salon manipulation.

The choice of the unit

Today, ultrasonic cleaning person does not belong to the category of new products. This service is able to provide almost all beauty salons. Another thing - the domestic ultrasonic cleaning person. The device (this device reviews describe him as an excellent alternative to salon procedures), which allows to clean the skin, become still quite rare. However, it is perfectly suitable for those who do not like to go to the reception to the cosmetician or simply can not find the time to a specialist ultrasonic cleaning person has been executed. Buy a machine and find themselves five minutes, everyone can. The main thing - do not make a mistake in selecting a device. And for this purpose should carefully review the performance of existing devices.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

It is important that the device is designed for ultrasonic peeling, was not only high quality, but certainly multifunctional. Only in this case, by performing procedures it will get the expected effect.

A good device, which helps to clean the face of home ultrasound is Gezatone KUS-2K. He is available in France. The following description will be given its basic characteristics and functions. A comparison of these parameters in different models will enable to determine the purchase.

So, you need a home ultrasonic cleaning person. Gezatone KUS-2K - the device is designed to perform the procedure peeling. Using this device improves facial appearance and its color. One of the additional functions is a toning apparatus. It is a micro-massage of the deep layers of the skin. This action increases the flow of blood, removes muscle spasms and normalises metabolic processes taking place in cells. The device is actively working with ultrasonic waves, that allows you to phonophoresis. This methodology promotes the penetration of the active nutrients contained in the markings on the face of cosmetics, in the deeper layers of skin.

Thanks to micro-massage apparatus conducted at the cellular level is performed lifting (facelift) persons. This is another optional feature unit Gezatone KUS-2K. It is designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Such a massage is a very powerful anti-aging method is not traumatic and does not stretch the skin. This function of the device enhances the circulation of lymph and blood, thereby reducing odulovatost and swelling.

When you select a device for ultrasonic cleaning of the face should be noted that of all currently available models of the device Gezatone KUS-2K is recognized as the best in terms of security. He does not injure the skin, while the most effective means for carrying out an ultrasonic peeling. After the acquisition of this device eliminates the need to visit a cosmetologist's office. With the help of ultrasound facial cleansing can be performed at home. Gezatone reviews thus receives only enthusiastic. Numerous satisfied patients say that this unit is peeling on the professional level. Experienced cosmetologists to provide services for persons using ultrasonic cleaning machine Gezatone KUS-2000. It can also be purchased for home peeling. This device will not only cleanse the skin efficiently. It will actively fight inflammation, remove black spots, age spots and scars, tighten the skin, even out the complexion. Furthermore, the device effectively normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous glands.

Ultrasonic face cleaning: reviews. How to choose the device for ultrasonic cleaning person?

Device Gezatone KUS-2000 in the same manner as described previously Gezatone KUS-2K, anti-wrinkle and eliminates skin inflammation. It can produce lift and enhance the production of collagen and elastin. The device Gezatone KUS-2000 is used for fonoforeza procedures. It reduces swelling, dilates blood vessels, and normalizes blood supply and tissue nutrition. We use the technique for getting rid of cellulite.

Remarkably, the device is able to work not only from the adapter. It has a built-in battery that allows you to work offline.

Securing the effect of

Ultrasonic cleaning of the face, as well as any other procedure relating to beauty, can not radically transform the skin and minutely. How to achieve maximum positive results? You will need to perform high-quality skin care before and after the ultrasonic peeling. In this case, the recommendation may be very different. They will depend on the individual characteristics of the skin. However, there is a general rule that before the session in the menu should include foods rich in vitamins A and K. These include parsley and carrots, apricots and green onions. Tom, whose skin is prone to pigmentation, should eat more foods containing vitamin C.

After performing the peeling procedure beauticians are advised to use high-quality moisturizing cosmetics. They will allow to pull the pores of the skin and tone the face. Longer and more noticeable effect on the peel will make the nutrients entering the body with food.