The simplest questions that scientists have not yet responded

You think you're a big fan of science? If yes, then you probably know that science does not imply evidence of what works. On the contrary, it deals with evidence that does not work. That is the scientific method, which we use every day.

The simplest questions that scientists have not yet responded

For example, let's start with a simple question like "Is the milk can cause illness?" There is only one way to find out. We hypothesize and test it. You do not get sick? Then check out another kind of milk. Scientists are doing it constantly.

However, some questions still remain elusive. Or they are, in principle, can not be verified, or require additional experiments. Here are 25 simple questions to which science has still no answers.

Can we stop aging?

Generally speaking ... What is aging? And why is this happening to us? The general consensus is that aging is associated with a gradual increase in damage of molecules, although this is a controversial statement. Whatever the reason, the main question is the other - can we stop aging?

Is life and biology of the universal?

While physics and chemistry to produce a single for the whole of the universe, scientists still are not sure whether the rules of terrestrial biology at the life forms are distributed, existing on other planets. For example, whether these forms of life rely on the same molecule as ours? Or they are based may lie entirely different matter ... for example, silicon?

Do you purpose and meaning of the universe?

Throughout most of history, science wisely left this question for theology and philosophy

Do mankind will be able to provide for themselves in the world in the next century?

A similar question arose several times in history, especially prior to the industrial revolution. Many politicians and scientists believed that to ensure the existence of such a large population is not possible. Of course, the railway, electricity and industry have proven that it is not. However, this question continues to haunt us. If we can find another solution?

What is music, and why we listen to her?

Why should we take pleasure in listening to the various combinations of acoustic oscillations at different frequencies? Why is the ability to create music emerged in humans? And what purpose does it serve? One hypothesis is that, oddly enough, it contributes to sexual reproduction, in a sense, like a peacock's tail. However, while this is only a hypothesis, not a scientific theory.

I create an artificial fish possible?

And whether it can help solve the problem of hunger and over-fishing. So far, the answer seems promising, but we'll have to wait and see.

Will we ever predict the future economic and social systems?

In other words, if the economists will be able to accurately predict financial crises. At the moment, this seems unlikely. However, the media are constantly trying to convince us.

What is more important, nature or nurture?

The age-old debate about the fact that a greater effect on us, the environment or education, it seems, will never end.

What is life?

We have several definitions, but how can you find out whether something alive? It should be recognized that the question is not an easy task? For example, at some point, the computer will have to recognize the "live"? Are viruses alive? In science there is still no answer to these questions.

Can we ever perform a successful transplant the brain?

We can replace your limbs, but what about the brain? Another question that in the near future science will hardly respond.

The Freedom?

Does it have? Were all our actions are ordained in advance, since the first atoms were set in motion. Quantum mechanics has come to several interesting, but contradictory conclusions. We will never know how much we are free ...

What is Art?

Although Leo Tolstoy tried to answer, scientists still doubt why we find "beauty" in the patterns, shapes and colors. What is the purpose of art, and in general, why does it exist? Actually, what is the general beauty?

Do the math, people discover, or come up with it?

Many of the things mentioned above, dependent on mathematics. Chemistry, physics, music and so on. However, what comes first? Whether the universe is subject to some kind of order? Why all fell into place exactly? Simply put, would an alien civilization to understand our mathematical concepts?

What is gravity?

We know that objects are attracted to each other, but why? Some scholars have even suggested that such particles as the gravitons, to explain this phenomenon.

Why are we here?

So we know that there was a Big Bang, and so on ... But why did this happen?

What is consciousness?

Surprisingly, it is difficult to understand what is the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness. From a macroscopic point of view, everything is simple: one is awake, and the other - no. But at the microscopic level, scientists are still trying unsuccessfully to figure out what the difference is.

Why do we sleep

We used to think that we need to rest and recover. However, our brain is actually just as active when we sleep, if not even more actively. In addition, we do not need 8:00 minimal movement to recover from the day's work. In fact, we do not need sleep. Our muscles and cells are able to recover when we are awake.

Are we alone in the universe?

On the basis of statistical simulation seems unlikely, not to say impossible, that we are the only ones in the universe. The question is how to find those other forms of life, and if we find them ... we would recognize their life? What if they would have a huge interstellar clouds?

Where all matter in the universe?

If we take all the stars and galaxies in the night sky, they make up 5 percent of the density of mass-energy of the universe. More than 95 percent fall in the dark matter and dark energy. True, we can not see it all. How do we know that it exists? We do this conclusion on the basis of its effects on visible matter.

Can we ever accurately predict the weather?

Weather is notoriously difficult to predict. It depends on the local geography, humidity, air pressure, and so on. D. A slight increase in humidity over one of the forest areas can reverse the current weather, which will completely change tomorrow, and so on. D.

What is morality?

What is right and what is not? People seem to have some innate tendency to classify the behavior of ethical categories. But why? What is murder? Is there a justifiable homicide? How about stealing? And why eugenics, a theory of the survival of the strongest, and experiments in this field, so disgusting? In fact, what are the general disgust? Oddly enough, even though ethics is of great importance for science, it mainly exists in complete isolation.

From language come from?

When people are born, they seems to already have a blank form for the language. It's almost as if we were expecting in advance that we learn something. Verbs, nouns prepositions. Depending on the language, they just filled in advance of existing structures. In fact, this proto-language even has a name - mentaliz or myslekod. However, here again there is an interesting and unresolved question, why?

Who are we?

Remember marrow transplant? So, if we load in your head all the information and make of it a computer program, it will still be you? Or if we completely reproduce every atom of your body ... it will be too you? Or will it be just super-twin? As with many questions from our list, this issue has not received an answer, because scientists have been unable to find out the truth by experience.

What is death?

There is clinical death when the heart stops beating. From it you can still come back. There are biological death when tissue degeneration begins. But is there a clear distinction between the two? At some point it's too late to go back? This question is closely connected with the question "what is life?"

What happens after we die?

Perhaps no surprise that the issue was more related to the field of philosophy and religion than science. However, this does not mean that scientists still have questions.