Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Coffee Scrub - one of the most common home recipes. On the basis of this product, you can create a whole lot of different cleaning agents, which will help you to tighten the skin, to give it greater vitality, glow and beauty. Scrub the coffee grounds are generally prepared on the basis of oil and other cleaning ingredients such as salt. Because right now, we give examples of different recipes of this tool at home. And let's see how it will operate.

Why coffee?

Naturally, many readers question always arises: "Why is based cleanser for the face and body is that product?" The answer is simple. Firstly, we all know how the coffee charges us with vigor early in the morning, activating every cell of the body. Second, long known to all doctors and cosmetologists that this product is excellent splits fat and stimulates blood flow. As a result of our simple and inexpensive scrub coffee grounds it becomes an excellent tool for weight loss at home. In addition, a variety of its cooking recipes will be given below using various auxiliary components. Because to choose a tool that will fight directly with your problem, it is simple enough.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Global Shoe

To begin, we note that the coffee scrub is perfect for the whole body. At the same time it can be used for correction of the thighs and buttocks, and peeling of the face and neck. At the same time will be cleared, and the skin of your hands. After the application of the domestic cosmetics, you will notice immediately that the fingers become more soft and tender, and the nails have acquired a light gloss. If you regularly use homemade coffee scrub, rubbing their whole body, the result is not long to wait. All skin will become soft, supple and strong. Various small defects disappear. But note that a very large excess weight using a single scrub you can not handle. In order to achieve tangible results, these procedures need to be combined with a separate power supply, as well as physical activity, which is extremely useful for the figure and skin.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Get rid of acne

Coffee Scrub is very useful teenagers staying in the stage of puberty. When acne is very clearly makes itself felt, to the aid of precisely those antioxidants which contain caffeine. Besides milled grain structure is such that they penetrate the most problematic areas of the skin and gradually purified pores. The recipe should be chosen depending on your skin type - dry, oily, sensitive, and so on. If skin is oily, it is recommended that coffee grounds mixed with egg white, cream cheese. It will also work effectively coffee scrub salt and essential oils (citrus desirable). When the skin is dry, but it is still plagued acne, coffee grounds can be mixed with cedar and olive oil. Rinse off the mixture with facial foam is desirable, to leave no greasy residue. But sensitive skin will feel themselves very well, if you apply it on thick, mixed with yogurt or honey.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

returns to the skin a second youth

Apply facial scrub coffee can and should then, the code required to tighten wrinkles, get rid of swollen under his eyes, restore skin youthfulness and radiance. Coffee perfectly tones the cells of our body, it accelerates the blood, therefore, after the regular treatments you will notice improvements in their own appearance. Well, look at how in such cases it is necessary to prepare the coffee scrub. The recipe, as already mentioned, must be chosen depending on your skin type. Owners of dry cover is recommended to mix coffee grounds with oils - almond, olive, cedar. An excellent embodiment is also cream. When the skin or simply combined fat, as the additional product pick yoghurt, salt, ground oatmeal, egg whites. Normal skin will feel good with ingredients like cheese, cinnamon or just coffee, mixed with a gel for washing.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Struggling with defects figure

Everyone has long known that coffee scrub - cellulite is the sure thing. However, having tried it a couple of times, in fact, many women are disappointed in this wonder drug and throw all the procedures in the closet. In fact, coffee is still a product that is able to break down fat, remove from the skin toxins and lead it in order, but on the condition that you use it on a regular basis will, but in combination with other treatments. About them we have already said - it's nutrition, physical activity, as well as massages, which radically affect the state of our figure. Because now there will be shown the method of how to use this product to its action was very effective and could really make you happy with the results.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Prepare all necessary

The fact that the coffee scrub for cellulite - it is only part of the procedure that you have to do. He we will be the first step in the fight against skin roughness, after which followed a massage and body wrap. So, prepare a cleaning agent based on coffee grounds and any other component of the above. Just note that the most effective in the fight against orange peel is honey. It is able to excrete waste products and excess water. So if you mix coffee with honey, you can do before the main massage still preliminary. So, we put the sticky mixture on the problem areas, rubs it. Once the honey becomes too sticky, just leaned against the arm to the body, and then torn off. This will quickly lead to skin tone. At the end of the procedure honey can buy gray. This is evidence of what should work is done, and come out of your skin toxins.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Getting a massage

When the coffee scrub been washed away from the body, wipe the skin with a towel, put on it a mixture of oils. It should be one main - olive, almond or any other, as well as a cocktail of essential. most help citrus, because take a lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, mandarin, and everything else in the fight against cellulite. Sam massage is necessary to carry out fast and hard movements, rubbing and pokolachivaya problem areas. It may take up to half an hour, but to itself to do so much time rubbing very uncomfortable. Because as soon as his hands get tired, stop massage, start wrapping. Usual food film zamatyvaem problem areas on which there is still oil, and so we go an hour or two. In this procedure ends, but it should be remembered that after the first time will have no effect. It is important to do all these manipulations at least every other day, and then you notice changes.

Coffee scrub cellulite. Coffee Scrub

Health and preventive procedures

The prepared coffee scrub at home - it is an excellent tool for cleaning the whole body, which can use every day. It can be applied instead of a shower gel, foam in place for washing and for all parts of the body including feet. Universal recipe is simple, but again, it is based on what type of skin you characterized. Because below are a few different recipes. So, if you - the owner of oily skin is a fusion of coffee (what remains in the cups every morning) was mixed with egg whites in the ratio of 1: 1. Secondary product can be low-fat yogurt. In this case, the gel-scrub should be stored in the refrigerator for a shower, and you can use it a couple of days. But the coffee and salt solution can be kept in the bathroom as much as necessary. He does not deteriorate, while perfectly cleanses the entire body from the small acne, eliminates shine and tightens the problem areas. Owners of dry skin can safely be mixed with oils of the coffee, but long to keep such a tool will not work. Because we make it in small quantities.

The perfect gift

Surprisingly, as a gift for a close friend, you can always present with his own hands made the coffee scrub. Reviews of people who received a gift, always positive, since nothing better than natural ingredients, does not struggle with various problems of our skin. The main thing is to pick a recipe that will allow long to keep this tool in any environment. To do this, the coffee can be mixed with sea salt, better flavored. The main thing that this smell combined with the caffeine flavor. Add there may be a little oil to scrub became softer and more pleasing to the body. Do not forget about the dye. They are harmless, and look at means radically changing for the better. At the end of pack his creation in a beautiful transparent jar.


Coffee - it is a unique product. It has a delicious flavor, excellent quality rehabilitation and - most importantly - affordable price. By using it, you can get rid of many problems associated with the skin and at any age. Coffee tones, detoxifies and supplies to the cells, which have long been stagnant, blood and lymph. Because of this, our skin becomes more radiant, soft, beautiful and young.