Amazing anomaly chasing people

• Amazing anomaly chasing people

You think in vain, the evolutionary process is finished. Nature continues to put on a person unthinkable experiments whose results are often obtained so frightening that no horror movie and could not stand next. Here, for example, dozens of documented cases of genetic abnormalities, from one species which just want to scream.

Amazing anomaly chasing people


More common in animals, but instances of a person is also marked. Embryo for whatever reasons, do not share eye into two cavities - in 2006, a child was in India.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

The three legs

Lentini (1881 - 1966) was born on the sunny island of Sicily. His ugliness appeared as a result of a strange anomaly: a Siamese twin in the womb of another partially absorbed. The surviving evidence, at Lentini had 16 fingers and two sets of functioning of male sexual organs.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

Stone persons

stone man syndrome or scientifically fibrodisplations is an extremely rare disease of the connective tissue. People who suffer from fibrodisplations, bone tissue grows in places where you are located muscles, tendons and other connective tissues. During the life of the bone tissue grows, transforming man into a living statue.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

Tailed persons

Oram Chandra, an Indian yogi from West Bengal is known for its long tail. The locals take for Chandra incarnation of Hanuman, the Hindu god. In fact, Chandra was born with a rare deviation, known as spina bifida.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

syndrome Unera Tana

The disease is named after the Turkish evolutionary biologist, Unera Tana. The syndrome manifests itself very rarely - when it people walk on all fours, and suffer from severe mental retardation. Interestingly, all the cases are recorded only in Turkey.

Amazing anomaly chasing people


This is an isolated case displays a terrible anomaly. A child with anencephaly born to a mother of two normal daughters. When anencephaly person is born without the basic parts of the brain, skull and scalp.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

Wooden people

Science knows only a few cases of warty epidermodysplasia characterized genetically abnormal susceptibility to human papillomavirus. Because of this, all over the body poor grow strange formations, similar to wood shavings.

Amazing anomaly chasing people

erythema migrans

Wandering language rash looks like a hair's breadth as a picture on a map. The disease is harmless and appears in 3% of people around the world

Amazing anomaly chasing people

Harlequin Ichthyosis

Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare and often fatal genetic skin disease. Babies are born with very thick layers of the skin all over the body and deep, oozing blood cracks.

Amazing anomaly chasing people


Commonly known as Ambras syndrome or werewolf syndrome, hypertrichosis - a genetic anomaly characterized by a huge amount of hair on the face and body. In the Middle Ages such accidents just thought werewolves and burned, and now trying to treat.