The dairy products are harmful

The dairy products are harmful

Are you surprised by the fact that people - this is the only mammal (referring to its biological body with its similar, other higher mammals, metabolic processes), which uses the milk all my life, not only in the feeding period mother of a nursing child as it is, without exception, in nature? Just a man is the only species in nature that is used for their milk supply of other animal species! Is not it strange, and whether it is normal?

Is not this fact is enough to understand that going against nature, that is not always of course, we are depriving themselves and their children (forced through the power, and then out of habit or already on the dependence, use milk or dairy products) health, dooming on the natural consequences of such actions - illness? Or nature stupider than we, and our self-esteem higher truth (the laws of nature), and fair and objective scientific knowledge?

I believe that you would be curious to know what illnesses are a direct consequence of the use of dairy products and what are the causes and biological processes that lead to certain diseases? Let's look at some of them, as well as some prejudices on use, or even the alleged necessity of consumption of dairy products, especially children. Those who want to see the statistics, scientific comments and exact figures, be sure to check the lecture respected professor Walter Weiss (for that individual conscience and the truth above the fear of punishment and unthinkable globalizers "profitable" for selling lies to his conscience and honor).

Consumption of milk artificially created and is a vicious and deadly industry.

All information below for normal, sane people. So, let's begin :

The calcium in milk.

In milk, a lot of calcium, and calcium is necessary for growth and proper formation of the skeleton in children, as well as it is necessary for metabolic processes and adults. Right? Sure! Then, according to this logic, you need to drink a lot of milk to get a lot of calcium so desired, right for your body? Then why cows that give a lot of milk, containing large amounts of calcium in order to get it themselves, do not drink milk, sucking it from other cows? Nevertheless, the cows do not have a lack of calcium and bone them strong. Maybe there's another way to get the necessary calcium for the body? Of course, cows, goats and so on. Animals to be domesticated and became a run off their milk themselves to eat, consume food only grass and drink only water, and this is enough for them that would bring up the milk for their cubs, and even the man to pour up to five times more. Wild buffalo gives 3-4 liters of milk per day, and this is enough of her calf. Cows also give more (sometimes 10-20 times) the amount of milk because of the hundreds (or thousands) of years man has artificially stimulated the formation of excess milk (manipulation of the udder and cycles) and conducted the appropriate selection. Please include common sense, rather than a desire at all costs to justify the consumption of milk and talk nonsense type - well, the cows are herbivores, and the people. I ask to talk and think. So so - all biological processes and for them and we proceed similarly, but there is only a difference in the composition of milk, caused by the different biology of our species and the difference in the ontogeny of the child and a calf. For example, in breast milk protein less than in any other milk of other mammals, t. To. In contrast to the cubs animals child does not need to grow as fast physically, do not need to stand up on his birthday, but need a lot of ( unoxidized) of fats for the growth and development of the brain and m. p.

The dairy products are harmful

In many fruit plants more calcium than milk of cows, goats, other. But in contrast to the calcium present in animal milk, the child will really get him the necessary calcium from plant foods for their development. And that, using the milk of animals, the child will not get calcium? No, of course, is why so many problems with the musculoskeletal system of modern humans (with the 50-ies of the last century) - from scoliosis to arthritis.

By the way, what would your hair and nails are strong, you must eat a sufficient number of silicon. Many of silicon contained in the green pepper - fresh juice drink green pepper, can be mixed with carrot. To 500 ml. In a day.

The fact is that in milk, in addition to calcium there is a milk protein - casein, it is a strong oxidant (.. Since in the human body do not have the enzymes that dismantle the protein), as well as any animal protein, and generally nitrogen compounds, which are poisons. As a result, what would cause homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) in order, in this case, the acid base balance, the body is forced to neutralize acid in the stomach of a large amount of calcium (lye) taken primarily from the most drunk milk. Moreover, this count of calcium contained in milk drunk, not enough and it is taken from the other products eaten (well, if they are present in the diet), or from the organism by destroying its bone. Often mothers nursing their milk baby, broken teeth, bones, nails - just because they are in a given period consumed milk products (especially cheese) and meat products, which are not peculiar to the species human consumption, what, and say, in t . h. and the facts. To calcium is absorbed up to 100 percent, it is necessary to that product, which includes calcium, magnesium was. The milk contains very little magnesium, not more than necessary for the absorption of 25 percent calcium. Of course, calcium is not enough. After all, the child (fetus), the placenta, passed all the necessary nutrients and building substances, even at the expense of the body of the mother herself, as provided by nature for the preservation of the species (all that is necessary to the fetus at any price). This is the truth - it is nature, are its laws. And that lack of calcium at the advice of doctors, have germinated grain oats or barley, cabbage or lettuce, dill? After vegetable protein does not cause generation of such a large quantity of the acid as animal protein. But calcium from green plant foods a person will receive abundantly. No, they are advised to drink even more milk and eat cheese. And the joints already crunching the kidneys are affected. And if the milk is consumed pasteurized, after boiling, the organic calcium proceeds to inorganic form, and this form of calcium can not be acquired at all. Remember, in the purification or heat treated product, the organic water-soluble and capable of absorption of calcium, is converted into a substance which is insoluble in water - an inorganic calcium, which can not be metabolized by the body in general, it accumulates in the body zashlakovyvaya it and leads to many diseases (from arthritis to stones and sand in the kidneys, liver and varicose veins). Remember, what happens to the minerals by boiling water - they precipitate - are not soluble - slag. Inorganic calcium often accumulates in the "dead" ends of the blood vessels, mainly in the abdominal cavity - leads to the formation of tumors. If the affected vessels of the anus - get hemorrhoids. To support the organic calcium in a dissolved state, requires organic sodium. Its a lot of celery - Eat more celery juice and drink it. In nature, animals do not have such problems and can not be, t. To. They, in contrast to the modern, civilized and intelligent people, eat what is natural, for their kind of food, and so millions of years without change. There are no problems and the peoples who remained on tribal traditions and natural types of food. For a man - it's live (without heat treatment), fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, nuts. All green fruits and herbs contain a lot of calcium and magnesium - it is in fact our blood (unlike chlorophyll from hemoglobin only ions of iron and magnesium). Eat to live green vegetable food - Calcium and other important trace elements will be in abundance!

casein (milk protein)

The dairy products are harmful

Do you think that it is possible to obtain the desired us, and especially children protein from milk or milk products that are wrong - it is in principle impossible. Why? I explain -

In cows, nature produce dairy calves proteins from cow's breast milk is that - in the stomach of a calf, in the period of feeding his mother's milk, is produced by the enzyme renin, whereby the protein casein splits (disassembled) into its constituent elements, ie, into amino acids, of which.. in consequence, and gather new proteins necessary for the growth of the calf. When the internal body clock of a cow and her calf are switched to the new mode, renin, in the stomach of a calf, the calf is no longer being produced and no longer use the milk of his mother. He goes to the species nutrition inherent in his mind - the green grass. Such is the nature. If this calf continue unnatural by water and then cow's milk, it is difficult to digest casein (each animal its own specific casein), he will get sick and may even die, since the casein will not be processed and will poison the body and deposited, disposed of it in the form of toxins. But we will look at it later, in the example of people more. It is important to understand that any protein obtained from food (any higher animal) is not absorbed by itself (what it is), and always understands (or they - proteins disassembled) into amino acids (building blocks of protein molecules) and have built a variety of necessary the body at any given time, their specific proteins. These processes waste of energy, specific enzymes and other biological in the islands. Bole addition, this process is only possible if the food is not eaten passed heat treatment above 70 degrees. . Since the temperature above 70 degrees comes to a complete and irreversible denaturation of the proteins - the destruction of the primary structure of the protein and DNA melting. All enzymes are destroyed from 43 to 70 degrees. In humans, the nature of reception and assimilation of babies milk proteins, is quite different. Even infants in the body do not have the enzymes that can dismantle the milk protein casein to amino acids. But their mothers (all women), in the mammary gland-specific live bacilli, which, together with her mother's milk, falling into the child's stomach, doing what and the renin enzyme in the stomach of calves. E. The chest child receives from the mother's milk proteins, while he uses his mother's milk. More than ever in his life, he can not, should not consume milk, t. To. And his biological clock is switched (from the moment of weaning the baby from the breast), this stage of ontogeny (individual development of the organism). Do you understand what that means? Only the fact that there are no biological mechanism and process that would allow digest casein protein from the milk of any animal, even nursing a child, much less a teenager or an adult. And all this, if milk is a living, not pasteurized. Note that in the heat treatment of more than 70 degrees Celsius, the DNA is melted, and the primary protein structure is destroyed. Such denaturation in biology is called complete and irreversible - a "product" is dead, getting into the stomach, then it is eaten in the human digestive system by pathogenic microorganisms - decomposers (bacteria, viruses, fungi) and the body gets toxins - disease.

Children who are fed cow's milk, are better fed and may grow faster, but be patient with damaged kidneys, t. To. Our body is not designed to process such a count of foreign proteins.

What about the child intestine which is not suited to an acidic environment, but that proteins (and in bovine milk twice more protein than in the breast, but still alien - antigens) are acidified (pH) tract and intestinal wall damaged acid and may begin to bleed. The blood is rich in iron - bloody diarrhea! Blood derived by the body through the intestines, the child is experiencing a shortage of iron. And his doctors prescribed meat and liver! Yes, you want a lot of iron - eat and drink fresh beets and beet juice and green sprouted buckwheat. And we say - milk, meat .... Again, proteins, and even in denatured, a dead form. The crime! All of this information is in the medical journals of the world, but to a wide range of this information does not convey, ie to have the industry and have control -.. Is now total. Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) is one of the causes of the disease - a high content of animal protein in the diet, there is a drying up of the bones, especially in the elderly and other diseases - all diseases become younger in recent years. Who consume animal protein, suffers from high acidity in the body and ... "raping" their osteoblasts, which place the calcium in the bones - the load on them is becoming enormous, calcium absorption system is broken - and she gives milk - a new calcium with a terrible protein - casein, which acidifies the body and everything is going in circles. But that's just the body's reserves are limited.

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1.- autoimmune disease caused by the use of casein.

The dairy products are harmful

A huge problem that, unfortunately, understand not all doctors - it is a direct correlation of consumption of milk and dairy products, and consequently consumption - Diabetes Mellitus Type A (Type 1). Surprised? Think diabetes is only by excessive consumption of sugars? No, from the sugars is type 2, which can be easily treated by changing the type of power. Type 1 is the other. Listen carefully.

In order to understand the whole process of developing diabetes type 1 (happens almost exclusively on the consumption of dairy products), it is necessary to understand the principle of the reaction of the body to hit it out of the antigens (foreign agents). Attention - antigens to the human body are the only animal protein (Any 2nd Biochemistry Course and 60 's,!.). Our immune system, in order to neutralize the enemy produces huge (desired) amount of an antibody (e.g. leukocytes) that rush to the Agent consume it (phagocytosis) and die together with it. Remember, after every reception of meat, milk, cheese, eggs, and fish (to a lesser extent), most foreign proteins still manage to destroy, but the result of such acquisitions are toxins, as well as cadaveric poison - the result of secretions decomposers microorganisms the process of eating the denatured proteins. Some of these toxins are not eliminated from the body, and is deposited in the form of dehydrated fecal stones on the walls of the colon, the part in the intercellular space and all the cavities of the body (pus - snot), strong kidneys suffer (because they have to filter proteins in the blood), lymph, whole the immune system! But with casein - all the more difficult! Milk protein - Casein is, like any other protein from amino acids, which are arranged in a certain sequence. But here's the problem, exactly almost the same sequence of amino acids are located and our beta cells of the islets of the pancreas, responsible for the synthesis of the hormone insulin, which breaks down sugar. And when (if) our immune system recognizes as an antigen Casein - she begins to destroy and the protein itself and sometimes switches to its own cells is identical to the structure of the amino acid units of the protein casein. . That is, the antibodies our immune systems, which have to contend with the antigens, are beginning to hit our own cells - it is terrible autoimmune disease - Diabetes Type 1. This does not necessarily happen immediately and all, but with regular and abundant consumption of milk and dairy products in childhood is almost assured. See how many are now children with diabetes type 1, as well as in the United States (one in three), which are stuffed with children's milk almost violently and in large quantities, through advertising and the sale and (or) unlearned doctors. It is proved that the consumption of milk in infancy, can lead to diabetes, even in old age, or simply, at any time, when the immune system is weakened. Moreover, the risk of disease in adulthood, the higher use more milk in infancy. But this type of diabetes is not treated, ie. K. Is almost impossible to return the whole group of specific cells responsible for the synthesis of the hormone insulin, especially when starting a chain reaction. Moreover, the mother consumes during pregnancy milk risks convey all the above problems to the child before birth, through the bloodstream. In those countries where consumption of milk above - mentioned diseases proportional type 1 diabetes.

Calm down you are at the expense of protein. Where do we get the protein ?! Nowhere do not take. It is synthesized in the body from a live (the living) of fiber thanks to our mother, unique Bacteria and persistent in the appendix. Read the works of Academician MAN Ugolev. And just think about how protein is multi-ton herbivores? Cottage cheese - it's more concentrated casein and cheese, especially hard - pure casein - the glue, but not the product of power in general. Cheese should not be exposed to the human body! But it is suitable for construction. Hard cheese - the remains that even bacteria can no longer eat - it's terrible!

of lactose (milk sugar)

The dairy products are harmful

Once in the stomach, breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. Since glucose is no problem of sugar - the main source of energy, it will be acquired without residues. But with the huge problems of galactose - it is generally not absorbed by the human body from the moment the child is weaned, since the gene responsible for processing and assimilation of galactose from now disabled. So nature has provided reasonable. Galactose as infants' needs - like extra reserve of energy (as in infants of energy reserves yet) and, where appropriate, breast-child liver, consuming only breast milk, processed it into glucose. An adult and a child can not process galactose to glucose. When the child is an adult, he grew out grudnichkovogo age, he ceases to suck mother's milk - it is no longer natural. How can you not talk, do not dream, do not cheat yourself - there is no alternative. All children and adults Galactose is not displayed, and accumulates in the body is deposited in the skin, under the skin, especially in women. It is well-known and understood by many physicians - cellulite. The deposition of galactose in the eye lens - a cataract. Galactose deposits on the joints - different forms of arthritis.

There are many other places to galactose deposits. You look at all the villagers, especially women's health? Not really!

fat (oxidized cholesterol). Free radicals!

The dairy products are harmful

There are 2 problems - in itself a large number of fat in milk and most importantly - not just fat and oxidized cholesterol, which is found in milk, it is oxidized (oxidized) fat! This fat is much more dangerous than usual. Oxidation milk comes in contact with air, such as when the stream of milk beats in the bucket at milking, by transfusion, processing ... When breastfeeding oxidation does not occur, ie. K. A child (calf) naturally as it has provided nature sucks milk from breast (udder) without contact with air. Fats should come to us in the body unoxidized !!! Free Radicals - what is it? This is a molecule that has lost an important part of itself - one of the electrically charged electrons, which go in its orbit in pairs. What would vozstanovit his balance, a radical trying to "steal" an electron from a neighboring molecule, or to give his own, lost a couple. TS it creates confusion, bursts in the structure of proteins, fats, cell DNA by changing and destroying them. If the object is the destruction of fat molecule may begin destructive chain reaction in -those that destroy the cell membranes, and hence cells. The action of free radicals in metohondrialnyh DNA causes mutations that lead to many diseases, to various forms of cancer. And so forth ... .. Free radicals formed during irradiation, frying, cooking, smoking, oxidation and so forth.

Fat oxidation - Oxygen dissolved in fats eight times faster than water. When fat absorbs the oxygen, it becomes more and more dangerous peroxidation. It is saturated with molecules of lipid hydroperoxide - terrible free radicals. This is a time bomb that will surely explode in the body's cells. Under the influence of heat, iron, copper, and various enzymes, it decomposes and produces a terrible hydroxyl radical, which destroys cells tens of times, producing a chain reaction - a cancer, rapid aging and death. cholesterol reacts with oxygen generates oxidation product - terrible free radicals which the strongest iron catalyst, creating a huge number of oxidized cholesterol molecules that, for example, can freely make holes in the outer shell aorta. Such holes - favorable place for the accumulation of platelets and various debris - so-formed plaques that lead to clogged arteries. People who eat a large number of animal fats, it is much more likely to develop colon cancer. A milk and dairy products - is oxidized fats, the glue - casein is galactose - a set of harmful components that, together with an inorganic calcium such formed strong plaque that they are extremely difficult to dissolve. Obesity - the trouble of the modern world. And the milk, including, contributes to obesity. The main source of energy is glucose, when we get enough food to its amount, the excess stored as fat. A healthy person's body fat is very thin - it should not hang in the form of folds from the abdomen or cheeks. Calories that come into our body with carbohydrates (unlike the fat) are already partially oxidized and burnt quickly when energy needs.

Because modern people eat a lot of sweet (. I'm not talking about candy, cakes, etc.), they have always excess carbohydrates, it means a lot of extra energy that you need to accumulate the reserve - in fat! Milk contains up to 49 percent fat, and low-fat yogurt - to 20 percent. This information for those visionaries who drinks "fat-free yogurt", supposedly with a fat content of 1-2%. This does not happen. It lies producers!

Stupidity - do not be fooled - this does not happen. Do you know why? And because the crafty extras - lobbyists believe the percentage of fat on the percentage of water in milk (yogurt), but not from the entire mass of the product - just like that! Why lie to us - it is clear who would buy milk knowing that there is 49% fat.?

Drinking 600 grams. milk, you get the same amount of cholesterol as by eating 1 kg. fatty sausage.

A lot of damage is obtained from unusual types of food the food - a lot of diseases:

Leukemia - a virus L. detected in 59 percent of newborn calves. LA version of a virus can be transmitted person to cows. But cows with leukemia produce more milk. The infected cow is sick, and only carry the disease to people. Diseases such as multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes - are the consequence of the use of milk. Diseases such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, plague, scarlet fever transmitted through milk. Fats protect pathogens from gastric acid and microflora. Most pathogens retained after pasteurization. Salmonella, staphylococci do not die even after pasteurization. In the developing countries of Asia and Africa, where not consume cow's milk, the infant mortality rate (. From various inflammations, etc.) to 9 months, is less than 1, 5 percent, and in countries where consuming (Central Africa) - up to 85 percent.

Chronic inflammation of the hearing aid, chronic fatigue, pain and cramps in the muscles, the back and waist, problems with the respiratory system, allergies, asthma, various respiratory diseases, atherosclerosis at an early age, diabetes type 1, type 2, acne, especially in young skin , arthritis, multiple sclerosis (nerve autoimmune disease), low intelligence - all these are consequences of the consumption of milk and dairy products. Loss of calcium greater than its assimilation by three-quarters or more. Cancer of the prostate, ovarian, colorectal, breast. Moreover, the more a nation consumes, the higher these diseases - analyze what diseases are typical for rural residents, who consume milk. You will receive a response. I'm not talking about hormones, organic pesticides accumulate in the meat and milk, a thousand times more than they perfectly reproduce in animal feed., A huge number of pathogenic bacteria, which are many times more than after the test laboratory measurements, t. To. milk and after the measurement - this is for them a breeding ground.

In breast milk has everything you need to build and strengthen the immune system of the child antibodies and other components .... It is sterile, no oxidized fats, agents of various diseases, enough protein and it can be absorbed .... Mother's milk - for babies - it's natural! For children and adults - do not naturally and deadly, really dangerous!


Frolov Zhivago - Biologist. Founder of many areas in the field of luxury aquarium, bioremediation water pond landscape and biology of aquatic organisms. One of the world's leading breeders and collectors freshwater stingrays, inventor professional systems biofiltration water aquarium complexes, ponds and natural water reservoirs. The founder of the company Arowana aquarium. py, the project of natural, organic and live food (Natgard. ru). The founder of the ecovillage in the Tver region, the researcher of nature. Since 2011, on the basis of their ekohozyaystva and old abandoned villages, created ecovillage where to move to live young families with ecological, natural outlook. Thus, at least one Russian village not perish from the earth. Already good.