Henna tattoos. How to make a temporary henna tattoos

Many people from time to time come up with the idea to decorate your body beautiful patterns, but once applied to drawing, to get rid of which will subsequently be unable to, dare not everyone. And it does not mean that nothing ventured - walking without a tattoo, because there is an alternative. "What?" - you ask. Alternative constant figures - a temporary henna tattoos.

When there?

In this way, pattern applied to the body in ancient Egypt, Persia and India. Then it was considered an art form and was called mehndi. The main advantage of henna over these inks is that it is not applied under the skin, but at her. Thus, the person gets an interesting drawing, without fear that will not be able to get rid of, when tired of it.

or at Basma

Usually, henna tattoos or basmoj applied to the palm of your hand, wrist, foot and back, waist and bikini area. Some go further and draw patterns on the shoulders, hips and neck. Those who use henna for biotatuirovaniya is produced in the body of a red-brown pattern. So that the image was black, you must use basmu.

Henna tattoos. How to make a temporary henna tattoos

are harmless henna tattoos for children, who often want something to represent in his skin. By the way, especially impressive look ethnic motifs: drawings and patterns, if they emphasize the same thematic makeup, jewelry and clothing.

Pros and cons of henna tattoos

Usually people who have already decided on the procedure, wondering if after henna allergy possible. Their fears were groundless, since the material is completely natural, without any chemical additives. There are also those who are of the opinion that henna tattoos help to improve the skin's ability to restore cells - regeneration.

Henna tattoos. How to make a temporary henna tattoos

The only danger for human health are citrus essential oils that are used in the process of drawing to make it brighter and contrast. If the wizard uses substandard or tainted air, and if it is properly diluted, or overheated, it is likely to get a minor burn. However, this happens very rarely, especially if the resort to professional services.

Another significant advantage of temporary henna tattoos before the ordinary - a painless application that can even bring fun after a busy day, because the feelings reminiscent rather acupressure.

But the following feature can be both a plus and a minus: Temporary henna tattoos are quickly washed away. Typically, in the salons clients promise that pattern will last from a week to two, but the time is somewhat exaggerated, especially if the person is often in contact with water. In this case, the henna on the skin wears off in 2-3 days. Although this is both an advantage because sometimes any image on the body is superfluous.

Draw a henna tattoo can practically everyone. It is important to be just exactly confident in their abilities, because not only have to come up with a pattern, but also to prepare henna and then draw that for a few days or weeks would see on TV.

Henna tattoos. How to make a temporary henna tattoos

The drawings can be varied. This animalistic image - a tattoo in the form of an animal inflicted by small strokes or circles. Visually such images typically consist of lines of different lengths and shapes.

Often choose and drawings of plants, which are particularly popular with the residents of India. It can also be colorless tattoo. But this does not mean that the pattern is not visible, it is simply made with white paint. However, it can be downright any image, as long as the one who is going to be applied, coped with the task.

What do you need and how to make a henna tattoo?

Before proceeding to the application of a tattoo, you need to collect all the necessary. So, it will take the henna powder (enough for one person will be the sixth part of a tablespoon), very warm strong black tea or coffee (only a couple of teaspoons), two lemons, spoon and dishes in which all the ingredients to be mixed. Remember, that's how dark figure will depend on the amount of acid. Therefore, to make a black henna tattoo, you just need to squeeze into a mixture of more than lemon juice. The consistency of the composition should be a little softer than toothpaste. Use composition can be only after he could stand in the refrigerator overnight.

Henna tattoos. How to make a temporary henna tattoos

If before doing henna tattoos do not have to, it is best to use a stencil, while experienced artists can paint with a fine brush. It can also be used for the application of henna wooden ends aromopalochek. More can be done from a polyethylene dispenser similar to that used by decorators cakes.

Before applying henna skin necessarily need to spread essential oils of orange, grapefruit or lemon. That's it, you can begin to create.


Here's how to make a temporary henna tattoo. Now you know the basics of this wonderful art. We wish you success in the creative process.