"In sickness and in health ... and even though, you know, no, I'd better go!" Or stories of people who abandoned their failed the faithful at the altar

Can you imagine a happy day in the life of a person than a wedding? In fact, here it is, is the most sacred opportunity to solemnly combined with the future pious / righteous legal marriage and create a new unit of society happy.

Moreover, this day is often not able to overshadow even paid the mortgage on an apartment, drunken relatives, and norovyaschie teach good sense, and even romantic tortured doves that left a white bride "fragrant" gift, which is known , money.

But you know, dear friends, there is in this world is something that can still spoil the overwhelming happiness of legitimate marriage. And, as you might have guessed from the title, this is something - it's your significant other Canceled, sparkling heels, get out from the altar toward the Canadian border.

So today we decided to gather our readers a couple of funny stories from Internet users, who talk about how and why they one day had a chance to run a hundred meters from the altar on the day of his wedding.

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"Four years ago, I threw his bride at the altar directly. I think that's when I made the right choice, because now I have a few years happily married and have two wonderful smart and beautiful children. With a cousin of my former fiancee. wife's family hates me. '

Somebody, please send them to the TV to Malakhov ...

"I left her groom at the wedding directly, and did not regret it. Before you throw in my slippers, let me just say that for half an hour before the wedding I saw the bastard kiss in the toilet with my stepmother, with whom he appears to be asleep for almost a year. "

"About time!"

"Let's talk about timing. But I finally realized on the eve of his wedding, that all life was gay and accepted myself for who I am. My bride, of course, was a wonderful sweet girl, and I did not want to hurt her, but if I married her, he would have made a mistake, which spared a lifetime. "

"Do not eat breakfast before the wedding"

"On the morning of my wedding day had breakfast yesterday's salad. I do not know whether disappoint me in the most important day of my life the stomach, or someone very much like my family, so I still married my current husband, but the fact remains. This "magical feeling," I began to feel more of the road in a car, and nice walk through the church in a white dress at me and it did not work. Me more than an hour alternating diarrhea and vomiting in the toilet until my groom and all the guests thought that I ran away from the altar. Do not eat breakfast before the wedding! ".

"That's all he bastard ..."

"Five years ago, left her bridegroom on their wedding day right. Not that he was somehow really quite bad, or I did not like it at all, just suddenly realized that I did not walk up and is not ready for a serious relationship. In general, a wedding dress at me and left, and not to look quite so bastard in front of my new boyfriend, to lie, it's all he bastard left me at the altar. "

Be careful with medications!

"I always had a little bit wrong with the nerves, panic attacks, agrofobiya, all that. In general, the evening before the wedding, I was very worried about tomorrow, you know, not to screw up in front of his beloved and her family, so he could not fall asleep. Caring friend slipped me a couple of pills "lorazepam" and said that it should calm the nerves. In general, you know, I actually slept very well, even a little bit asleep. The wedding was scheduled for ten in the morning, and I woke up at eight ... eight o'clock. "

"Between us, girls ..."

"Fifteen minutes before the wedding bridesmaid confessed to me in love. I suddenly realized that she was also the only one I loved in my life, so the two of us piled out of the church unnoticed through the back door and went to Texas. Neither the bride nor her parents I have since more than three years has not seen. "

"Mom is always right!"

"My mother did not like the girl, which I was going to get married, so it is a few months, without stopping, nagged me on the subject of what is bad. In the end, she still finished me, and I threw his bride, though it happened on the morning of the designated day of the wedding. Mom was thrilled. Since then I have never again married. "

"I have five of minutes ..."

"Well, actually, I'm not entirely escaped from the altar, but the story has turned nasty. Those assholes from the cleaners forgot to send me my suit, so I had to politely apologize to the bride, her father and a priest, and with a cry of "I'm on five of minutes, answer!" Fly to the dry cleaners suit. Five of minutes stretched to two and a half hours, but have to give her credit, she did still wait. "