The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

Every woman dreams of a beautiful and shining hair that will attract the attention and admiration of others. Unfortunately, nature could not bestow all comers thick head of hair. But hairdressers and stylists actively direct their efforts to create a beautiful and healthy tresses. After all, if you think about, is not as important length and density of hair as their grooming. In this article we will look at issues such as dryness of hair, know its causes and learn to deal with it. Also, we will reveal the secrets of caring for dry scalp and tell you how to prepare homemade hair masks.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

The causes of dry hair

There are many causes of dry and brittle hair. First of all, it's heredity - if "lucky" to be born with this type of hair, you have to take care of their hair carefully. Intensively moisturizing hair mask, and special care should be your constant companions. The fact that such people are not enough sebaceous glands work well. And it was the intensity of their work depends on the elasticity and shine of the hair. In addition, dry hair is often accompanied by another problem - the presence of dandruff.

The next reason of dryness - a lack of vitamins and trace elements. When the body lacks the necessary materials, it takes them out of their own resources. And above all suffer hair and nails. Many women after giving birth report that their hair becomes dry and sparse and brittle nails. The same notice and slimming ladies who mercilessly restrict your diet. Moisturizing regenerating hair mask can be a little to save the situation, but did not get done without establishing proper nutrition consistent results.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

Dry hair is often the result of kidney disease, hormonal changes, tuberculosis infection, and parasitic diseases. I do not want to catch up with fear, but with a sharp deterioration or change in condition of the hair is better to consult a specialist and undergo all the necessary tests.

Wrong hair care can also cause the appearance of split ends fragile. Women, who often prefer to dye their hair or a perm, sooner or later face the problem. Using a variety of irons, and curling ploek invariably leads to the same results. To remedy the situation the best assistant will be moderation and moisturizing mask for hair.

Do not forget about the stress - emotional anxiety always strongly affect the appearance. Fatigue, mental and physical stress leave their imprint on the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.

With age, hair loses moisture, and after 35 years the majority of women are no longer faced with the problem of oily hair or oily scalp. Conversely, more than half of the appeals to the hairdressers with the problem of dry hair.

The last important factor that affects the external beauty of a person - it is the environment. For example, very hard water or dust-laden air eventually spoil the hair. To maintain the beauty should always take action - a moisturizing mask for dry hair will be your best ally.

Treatment of problem hair

Once and for all solve the problem of dry hair and breaking the tip, should consult a trichologist. The specialist will review each case separately, offer individual course correction and healing cosmetics. You may need to change the type of food, drink vitamins and undergo several sessions of mesotherapy. It should be understood that without a serious approach to the problem will not help any balm and none, even the best, moisturizing mask for hair.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

Folk remedies

Grandma's recipes and recommendations are still a powerful tool in the struggle for beauty and health. However, remember that even the best moisturizing hair mask will only work in conjunction with a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle and regular medical examinations. Consider some recipes, which are based on natural ingredients and food.

Hair Mask Moisturizing

Reviews on this mask are the best, because it is the only component is quite simple and harmless, but the effect is stunning. So, we need only a few egg yolks, which are a proven tool for years to combat dry hair. Apply beaten egg yolks to the scalp and to rub evenly over the entire length of hair. After half an hour, you can wash off the mask with water or broth of my favorite herbs.

If you mix the yolk with honey and sour cream, you can intensify the action of a therapeutic agent. Mask moisturizing hair will be even more intense if you mix with sour cream, - as a result of hair will shine with a healthy glow, and the scalp will receive maximum moisturizing.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

for hair oil

As we have already mentioned, one of the causes of dry hair is the lack of their own work sebaceous glands. Therefore, many hairdressers and beauticians strongly advised to use different oils for hair care. For example, burdock oil for many years remained on the leaderboard for the treatment of dry hair and split ends. This is the best moisturizing hair mask and among its advantages - low price and accessibility, moreover, it does not require any special preparation. Just enough to warm up the oil in a water bath to a comfortable condition and after that you can just put on hair evenly. Means should be left for 30-60 minutes, with a head better than to wear a shower cap and wrap it with a towel. After that you should thoroughly rinse and dry the hair. The procedure can be repeated once or twice a week.

Coconut oil

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

It is also often used as a moisturizing hair mask. Vitamins C and B, as well as iron and potassium, which is rich in this oil will protect your hair during stressful periods. Use this tool in the off-season, during cold or, conversely, in the hottest period of the summer.

If you have split ends, for their perfect half-hour moisturizing hair mask. So, for a short length, we need a tablespoon of almond oil and two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. If you have long hair, take all the ingredients in a double volume. The resulting mixture was put on a thick layer of hair ends, and the remainder spread over the entire length.

Mask with castor oil and calendula

Mask moisturizing hair mixed type is suitable both for treatment and prevention of dry hair. Preparation of medical mixture will take time, but the result will impress you. Spoon of dried flowers of calendula should pour half a glass of vodka or alcohol and leave for one week. After this time the solution was filtered and mixed with castor oil in a ratio of 1: 1. It is recommended to rub the mixture into the scalp immediately before washing hair.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

Mask moisturizing hair mayonnaise

This mask not only well moisturize the hair, but also help you get rid of dandruff. Measure out a sufficient amount of product and apply it on the hair and scalp. Then make a gentle massage, put on plastic cap and wait 15-20 minutes. After that, as usual, wash her head and dry hair.

A mixture of avocado and banana

This moisturizing mask for colored hair protects and nourishes the hair, protects color and returns the natural sheen. To prepare mask fruit mix with a blender, then apply the resulting mass on the hair and leave for fifteen minutes.

If you notice that after coloring the hair become brittle, you need a special intensive moisturizing hair mask. Recipe: olive oil, castor oil, and egg yolk - All components are mixed in equal proportions.

The best mask for moisturizing hair. Reviews of moisturizing masks

The results of the mask

What do women themselves on the results of the use of tools such as hair oil or moisturizing hair mask? Reviews of them you can only hear the positive. They claim that after the procedure ends of hair less stratified, luster appears. However, experts warn that the remedy does not solve the problem completely dry hair, you should not put off a visit to a professional.

Tips on Caring for dry hair

  • Do not wash your hair too often, the optimal frequency - once every seven or nine days.
  • Do not be lazy and wash your hair with soft water - for this purpose it is possible to boil or use bottled water.
  • Every time after washing, use balms and once a week indulge yourself a moisturizing mask. Moisturizing mask for dry hair does not necessarily prepare their own meals. If you are too busy, then you can buy a ready product in any specialized shop.
  • Home moisturizing hair mask - that's fine, but do not neglect the professional tools and allow yourself at least once a month to pass the procedure in the beauty salon.
  • The cosmetic oil should be your best friend - use shampoos, conditioners and means of daily care based on natural oils.
  • Often there is such a thing as a combined type of hair. If you are faced with this phenomenon, be careful - use a variety of means for the roots and the tips of the hair.
  • Do not forget to drink vitamins twice a year - spring and fall.
  • on your desk products should be natural and varied. Eat more fruits and vegetables, regardless of the season.
  • Try to protect your hair from the various attacks - do not dry their hair dryer, as little as possible, use curling irons and ironing, to postpone coloring and perm.