"Twelve Little Indians", or Let's remove the astrological thriller! Part 2

We are not accustomed to disappoint our readers, and therefore "hot pursuit", we offer you the promise of a sequel to "terrible horoscope" on "Who's Who in the horror film". Remember?

The company of friends gathered in an abandoned cottage to relax for the weekend and, as usual, was the object of attention bloodthirsty maniac. So, here's our remaining six characters.

The Lion - "Fearless"

The Lion always striving to be in the limelight, and horror - not the exception. He always made sure he had everything under control, he kept under control and always knows what to whom and how to do it. That is why, when he heard a suspicious noise, the whole company is hiding in the house, Leo screams all of the following: "Fools, there is something you and he is waiting!" And remains in the yard. Then he fought valiantly with a serial killer who is still waiting for all not in the house, and killed under the heart-rending cries of friends looking out the windows. Curtain.

Fish - "Blonde"

As a rule, this is a pretty blonde, without which it can not do any horror movie. She's incredibly good-looking, it is capable of, in college (University Institute of Hopkins - to choose from) its all love, and most importantly it has a Bill (Phil, Michael) - Brave Lion or unhappy Taurus, dreamed of all her friends, and that already safely kill the maniac. Therefore, by the middle of the first series of clever, beautiful fish turns into a hysterical, suspicious, prone to alarmism lady. She will cry loudly and often in the most critical moment will come off from the survivors and try to hide, for example, in the bathroom, where he will be well, that is, we would like to say a bloody maniac stabbed way. However, if even all the forces will hold on to friends maniac anyway it would get. Depending on the director and screenwriter Choice Fish can be a third victim in the film, and live to see the last 15 minutes, and even then leave this mortal coil film.

Capricorn - "Egghead"

Capricorn - "bot", which no one is listening, and it is just what this movie is the most sober character. One of the symbols astrological sign is goat turtle. That's clever turtle Capricorn crawls almost to the end of the film, and without being heard frightened friends. But it was he who in the beginning will strongly encourage all to stay together, not for the joy of the maniac to disperse in an endless maze of terrible home. Everything is so accustomed to thinking of Capricorn boy with "pribabahom" that the poor have no choice, and thrown into one of the rooms and for emphasis turned gray with terror, slowly (about 15 minutes, at least) and tasteful will kill the maniac. And so there is nothing to be intelligent. Yes.

Virgo - "Traitor"

"I see nothing, I hear nothing, nothing do not want to know" - this is what his whole appearance shows Virgo that somewhere in the middle of the film quietly merges his friends, who, as it turns out, it can not stand with the younger classes. The presence of a maniac for the Virgin's just a gift of heaven, so she either waits somewhere in a safe place (in every abandoned house there is a nook), and when all of them will show what's what, or even over to the side of a maniac. Typically, this occurs even when there are last titles, and displays the classic "To Be Continued", so that the audience became clear that the Virgin has taken out of the hands of the dying maniac "passing the red flag," and the second season of the main maniac would have she. Virgin gender identity at the same time has absolutely no value.

Balance - "Under Suspicion"

A little narcissus, Scales after the first death, which happened begins to arouse suspicion at all, and in some movies - and the murderer himself. Scales usually the best friend or girlfriend of the most beautiful character. All the most seductive sex scenes gets Libra, and is destined to horoscope, not without reason that the patron of the astrological sign of Libra is considered the goddess Aphrodite. But sexuality does not save the balance of the companions of suspicion, and if he / she does not kill the maniac, either, but it will make some of her / his own company, who later repented and shed avaricious man's tears there with pleasure by mistake , recalling the bright image of Libra.

Aquarius - "Ambiguous"

Aquarius horror found two types of films (here affects what astrological sign of Aquarius is at the same time under the patronage of Saturn and Uranus). Therefore, it is a sacrifice for the salvation of, for example, the lovely "Fish" character, or smart and powerful friend, rebellious protagonist, for which he does all his exploits, but in the end they film, tired but happy, long kiss in the frame .