French bench press: Lead technique

Under the French bench press should be understood as an exercise that can be used to develop the triceps muscle. The most common embodiment of such training, where the lifter must occupy a position lying on the bench. In theory, it is believed that this exercise is a key to the development of the triceps. However, all this - statistics.

A variety of exercise variations

French bench press: Lead technique

As shown, the other options, which has a similar barbell bench press, lying, can bring many benefits. The athlete can carry out training standing and sitting. Instead of the rod can be used dumbbells. At the present stage there is a huge variety of alternative activities that will bring the same effect as the French press. However, guided primarily their anatomy, it is necessary to choose such an exercise by which the athlete will achieve the set targets in front of him.

The theory implies that this press rod (lying on the bench) can develop tremendous strength and mass of the triceps. Fix sports equipment at the same time it is necessary or at shoulder level, or even longer. However, this is not quite true. If you take over the bar narrow grip, the main burden will fall on the shoulder girdle and arm muscles treglavye.

As shown, such a bench press in certain situations generally useless. The main reason lies in the fact that because of the shoulder triceps are not able to join the work in its entirety. This leads to the fact that they are stimulated not until the end of what could be considered one of the main causes of stagnation.

Fulfilling the French press of a bar lying on the bench, the athlete will load the triceps. However, other muscles such training can not interfere. Naturally, the synergy of the whole body can play an important role. But it does not prevent the triceps receive the necessary load. When you perform this exercise virtually every athlete is able to generate such triceps that the fortress will not yield to the horseshoe. It should again be repeated. The main thing - to choose an option such exercises that best suit you. Of course, after some time, when hands have become quite large in size, it will be necessary to choose another exercise. With this action the athlete will be able to adjust the individual heads of the triceps, namely, short and outside.

Technique exercise

How to perform the French press of a bar lying on the bench? This exercise involves working alone arm. Shoulder departments should be placed perpendicular to the floor. It is in this state, they should be throughout the whole training complex. The athlete needs to start cranking arm in which the fixed weighting agent before the full extension of the main beam triceps. After that, without making a hitch, it is necessary to adopt an initial position. Beneath it stands to mean a situation in which the hands of the pole is almost completely straight. However, to straighten the limb at maximum volume is not necessary, as it can relax the triceps. Accordingly, the activity will be less effective.

to observe the rules

It is understood that the French bench press narrow grip will be of no use in the event that an athlete will no longer take into account the performance of the technique exercises. In this situation, the muscles simply will not be involved in full. Also, do not apply to aid in cheating if you're a beginner. It can benefit only those athletes who engage in bodybuilding for a long period of time. For example, forced bench press narrow grip may be effective if the athlete is able to squeeze around 200 kg. This is due to the fact that in these times there are problems in the development of the triceps.

French bench press: Lead technique

In the initial or middle stage of cheating is not allowed. It will be a hindrance to the full development of the muscles. If you start to work with extremely high weights for you, and do not follow the technique, it will negatively affect the fragile joints and ligaments. In this connection, it will increase the likelihood of microtrauma in muscle that you train. It is necessary to understand if you need French or narrow bench press.

The most popular options

French bench press: Lead technique

The most common variants of this exercise, as the French press, is to work with the rod with a curved stamp in a position lying on the bench, as well as alternative training with dumbbells in a sitting position on a Roman chair, the main distinguishing feature of which is a backrest. The second option is one of the most productive for those athletes who triceps is long. It is characterized by its attachment point is located below the elbow.

If triceps short, it is necessary to resort to the most popular exercise - a French bench press with a barbell on a flat bench.

It is necessary to choose the best training complex

Naturally, any athlete is able to benefit from each alternative exercises. However, it is best to find a training course that fits on all the parameters. Subsequently, the selected methodology and will have to adhere to. According to this way went all the outstanding athletes. The training complex, which is the most optimal for, not just a certain group of muscles, running in a certain mode helps athletes build triceps huge size.

to opt for sports equipment

French bench press: Lead technique

What is better - bench press, or the use of dumbbells? A similar question was asked by many young athletes who want to form a huge hand for a short period of time. And it should be understood that the best is what suits you. Depending on what the purpose of standing before you, and I must make a choice in favor of a particular exercise and projectile. The unequivocal answer to the above question is no. Therefore, you do need to determine which option is right for you. Bench press, and it was his alternative exercise, and you should choose, guided by this approach.

The main type of training

One of the favorite exercises is absolutely all athletes traction bath hands. Why do so many athletes to perform his pleasure? Classic French press can help to feel the triceps. The variations that use dumbbells, not able to as much muscle load. Just not all the beams to be used. The same situation and with the ligaments and tendons. Therefore, if you want to get the power, then you will approach barbell bench press, lying. Weight thus have to choose based on their physical properties.

The use dumbbells instead of barbells

If you need to develop or acquire a lot of relief, then the best choice would be an alternative exercise such as French press with dumbbells in a position lying on the bench. In this situation, you will be able to focus the bulk of the burden on those muscles that are trained. Naturally, the bar is able to provide exactly the same opportunity. However, it is not suitable for those who prefer not to carry out "pampingovye 'training facilities.

When the French bench press with dumbbells will work almost all the beams. In this case, the inertia will be completely eliminated. Most small part of the load will go to the short head of the muscle. However, it will be able to make up for all that time, when there is a "drying". In this case, the athlete will perform a special training - extension arms in an inclined position.

Develop basic head muscles

French bench press: Lead technique

For those athletes, the main beam triceps who is longer, suitable exercise this option, as the French press of a bar in a standing position. It is also particularly effective will be exactly the same bench only in the sitting position. However, it is the first version will develop the greatest force. This synergy will help the athlete in all of the body. The second option is not characterized by a similar effect as the legs with the body will form a straight line.

bench press on an incline bench

There is another option to which you can resort - an inclined bench press. As in the case of a horizontal bench, exercise promotes strength and mass. However, on an incline will be pursued mainly long bundle of muscles. Others, too, get their load, but it is not very high. And it is required to consider in their training.

How many times it is necessary to perform the exercise?

Let's say you have chosen a certain type of exercise. Now we have to deal with that, how many sets and repetitions should be carried out. So, the French bench press. Standards in this type of training are as follows:

  1. Men should carry no more than three sets of 15 repetitions each. Beginners better to choose the post, the weight of which is equal to a maximum of 20 kilograms.
  2. Women need to perform three sets of 15 repetitions each. Weight rod for beginners athletes at the same time must not exceed 10 kilograms.
French bench press: Lead technique

Pick up special for yourself the version of the French bench press, which is best suited to your physical characteristics. This can help you a professional coach. Only in this case, regardless of age, physique and fitness, you can form large and powerful hands.

What should be remembered?

  1. shell weight should be selected in such a way that it does not interfere with the proper exercise. Otherwise, you may get injured.
  2. Put your feet on the bench is permitted only when the athlete is working with small weights. If this is not taken into account, it is possible to lose your balance and get enough serious injury.
  3. Hands up to the end you can not straighten. Triceps during the execution of the training program should always be on your toes.
  4. During the exercise, we must not forget that the arms relative to the vertical should form an angle of 45 degrees.

To achieve this goal really

French bench press: Lead technique

To achieve girth hands of 45 centimeters - quite feasible goal which has been achieved many bodybuilders. And in doing so, they first helped iron will, constant training and high motivation. So we should just pick up and start to achieve your goal. Good luck in the difficult process of improving their own hands!