Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

Have you ever thought about what are bizarre courtship in animals? In the world of fauna procreation is not always a conventional process. For many animals, find a pair, and then mate with her, it is a very complex circuit. And do not forget about the competition.

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

, for example, that female has paid attention to the male, the opposite sex is necessary to fight for a place under the sun, and sometimes the fight is very fierce. However, this does not always happen. In other cases, the males or the females are attracted to his potential partner, such as dancing. In general, one thing is certain, the world fauna is very strange, but despite this, it is very interesting.

Banana snails

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

These yellow slimy creatures are hermaphrodites, ie they have both male and female reproductive organs. Simply put, the snail can fertilize both itself and its partner, there is a mutual exchange of sperm. During mating of these slugs, they throw themselves at each other, as, for example, the snake pounces on its prey.

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

In addition, during this process, they can bite the flesh of his partner. All this very difficult procedure takes a few hours, which include not only the pairing process, but also to find a suitable place. In some cases, the snails can stick to each other, and to get rid of a partner, and not die, they bite off his male organs and thus for life are females.


Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

These buzzing insects live hives, and each hive has one queen that mates only once in life. During his first and only "wedding night" the queen flies from the hive to the open space and waits until one of the drones is aligned with it and will not stick to it your endofallos in the air. After this pairing of the Queen are becoming more and more males.

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

After the drone completes its honorable mission, it endofallos opens away from the body, which usually leads to rupture of the insect's abdomen and death. If the male somehow manage to survive the "night of love", he expelled from the hive, doomed to a slow death, because he has fulfilled his mission.

Brown marsupial mice

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

For these small rodents that are found in Australia, the pairing is almost tantamount to suicide. When a male reaches puberty, he starts to frantically try to mate with every female that comes his way. Sam mating process takes up to 14 hours, and the period of activity of the males lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

By the end of this same fourth week of the male is so tired that his hair falls out, the immune system is turned off, and the body begins to internal bleeding. Thus, at the end of the mating period among brown marsupial mice observed mass death of males.


Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

It is known that these primates are very similar to humans. Their life is very diverse. Bonobos copulate with multiple partners and considering the pairing as a pastime, not just as an opportunity to conceive offspring. In addition, unlike many other animals, bonobos prefer to copulate, looking into each other's eyes.


Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

Like the banana snails, these wriggly creatures straight out of the sea are hermaphrodites, but if banana snail fertilize each other, the flatworms have to choose who will be a man and a woman who at the time of mating. How do they do it? Consensual or not? So, before mating flatworms literally compete in terms of who the first attack on a partner. This process can take up to an hour.


Surprisingly interesting and straight from the world of fauna

Do giraffes mating begins with a specific "ritual" which zoologists call "Flem sequence". Here's how: the male rubs his neck on the back of the female for as long as she did not pee, then male is tasting her urine to see if the female is ready to mate. If it is ready, the male actually begins to stalk her and trying to catch her neck his neck as long as the female does not get tired, and she does not mate with him. Oh yes, in some cases, male giraffes mistakenly mate with each other.