Danger thick blood

• thick blood Danger

Few pay attention to the condition of his blood and make it for nothing. It is from the blood depends on everything going on in our body processes, and thickening of the living environment leads to serious problems. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization, every third inhabitant of Russia is experiencing symptoms of thick blood of varying severity: hence the large number of strokes, heart attacks, kidney problems and liver.

Danger thick blood

What does that even mean

Thick blood means that increased its viscosity. Viscosity is affected by many factors. This damage to blood vessels, the liver, leading to variations in the chemical composition and increased plasma viscosity, changing the normal state of the cell membranes of erythrocytes and platelets, which leads to increased adhesion of these cells.

Danger thick blood

thick blood Risk

Thickening of the blood leads to serious problems. Reduced blood flow at the level of capillaries and arterioles leads to stagnation of lymph tissue. Consequently, the body gets less oxygen, nutrients do not reach the authorities in full. At some point, the blood stagnation leads to platelet agglutination: myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke - risk is higher than it seems at first glance.

Danger thick blood

Goodbye, good food

Of course, the total did not immediately give up is necessary, but should reconsider the diet exactly. Fat fried meat, all kinds of pickles, canned food and smoked sausages on the table should appear only on major holidays. The same goes for alcohol and sugary sodas.

Danger thick blood

Hello, healthy food

Many foods contribute to liquefaction of the blood. Oranges, strawberries, garlic, beetroot, lemon and cocoa - one of the most common and readily available. Also, no harm will be included in the daily diet of low-fat dairy products.

Danger thick blood


And if easier - plain aspirin. In the clinic you certainly will register it in the first place, because the drug safely and effectively thins the blood and improves the permeability of blood vessels. Regarding the dosage would be better to talk with your doctor: self yet no one has brought any good.

Danger thick blood

The infusion of meadowsweet

This infusion can be an excellent substitute for aspirin. Meadowsweet and decoctions are used for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of serious diseases - popularly called weed sorokapritochnikom, that is helping to cope with the disease 40. Recipe tincture is simple: a tablespoon of meadowsweet brewed cup of boiling water and filtered.