Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

A truly all-powerful Soviet leaders, like all mortals, eventually grew old and died. No first-class medicine, nor the vast resources have not been able to cure a rare disease that suffered the rulers of the Soviet Union. Because they had to carefully mask to public events no one saw formidable weak leaders.

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

Strange Lenin's illness, stumped neurosurgeons

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

The first head of Soviet Russia, Lenin died of a brain haemorrhage in 1924, just in '53. At the official diagnosis of German doctors were listed strange: Abnutzungssclerose - sclerosis of vascular deterioration. Most of this diagnosis did not put anybody.

The leader was suffering from dizziness, he lost consciousness - and appealed to the German doctors, Russian doctors he did not trust. Experts felt that the leader is too much work. But short-term paralysis of limbs began shortly. Caused a famous neurosurgeon Otfried Förster, he began to treat the patient walks in the fresh air. Perhaps in medicine no longer believed.

The patient's condition deteriorated rapidly. Western experts could not understand why atherosclerosis manifested itself very early, in such a strong manner. In the last year of the life of the Soviet leader he was almost immobilized, communicated with him only Nadezhda Krupskaya.

At autopsy found in the left hemisphere of the brain impressive inclusions of calcium - when you touch the tools they are slightly rattled. A vascular pathologies characteristic of syphilis, which is often said thus far, have not found.

Amazing brain vascular calcification caused assumption of US neurologists in 2012 about the presence of Lenin gene mutation that led to vascular calcification. Typically, the newly discovered disease affects the limbs, so that the case is unique.

Why Stalin was left without medical supervision

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

Stalin wanted to look strong and healthy, malaise carefully concealed. EXAMPLE Lenin showed that weak can be isolated and without power. TV was not able to simulate the continued health. But the disease was, and the leader often stayed with them one on one.

Stalin was dries nonperforming left hand, doctors diagnosed atrophy of the shoulder and elbow joints of the left hand as a result of childhood trauma. The leader also suffered from arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and even at the end of the war suffered a stroke. There was also a gastric resection operation, after which the body is attenuated heavily restored.

Notorious paranoia attributed to Stalin on the basis of suspicion over all. But the official diagnosis of a mental condition of the leader decided not to put any doctor - it was dangerous for the life of the physician.

Of the luminaries of medicine Stalin trusted only the Kremlin's chief therapist - Academician Vinogradov. But in 1952 he was arrested in the "case of doctors" and planted. And at the time of the incident with the leader of a stroke in 1953 next to him did not have any relatives or doctors.

Lying motionless on the floor of Stalin discovered by security guards in the evening on 1 March. Helpless patient was moved to the bedroom, on a call to the Kremlin quickly come Lavrenti Beria. But the doctors were only the next morning. Whether it was due to fear of the wrath of the formidable host or deliberate action of his companions, hard to say.

Doctors already could not help and only reached the conclusion: paralysis due to stroke with accompanying bleeding in the stomach. An official medical report on the cause of death, bleeding is not mentioned on 5 March. This gave rise to rumors about poisoning the country's leader at the official reception on February 28, a day before the strike happened.

How to treat a heart attack pensioner Khruschev

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

The new Secretary General was a man of excellent health, and almost sick to 70 years. Secrecy adopted in the Kremlin medicine, Nikita Sergeyevich not too occupied. In retirement he developed heart problems.

Active Khrushchev was difficult to come to terms with reference to the country and fully insulated under the supervision of guards. Exit from boredom active and restive ex-secretary general found in the writing of his memoirs, which he dictating into a tape recorder for several years. Save and forward overseas film helped son Sergei. Memories came out in 1970, and a daring retiree was called for a study into the Party Control Committee.

Heart attack, which happened in 1971, was in fact provoked showdowns in the Central Committee. Khrushchev was in the Kremlin hospital on Granovsky Street. Head of the Main Department of the Fourth Eugene Chazov talked about communicating barely risen in the famous legs of the patient with the staff, listened with interest to stories "of the leaders of life."

Soon followed by a second heart attack, from which Khrushchev has not yet recovered. He died in hospital Kuntsevsky 11 September 1971 at the age of 77 years.

Bouquet Brezhnev disease: problems with the connected speech, diction, movement coordination

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

Leonid Ilyich was a sick man, and his first heart attack suffered under Stalin. The new Secretary General had something to hide - a system of secret data about the health of top officials was useful. Head of the Kremlin hospital Academician Chazov personally saw to it that does not become aware of the health of Brezhnev. On admission to the Secretary General it is not allowed, even members of the CC.

Leonid Ilyich was unstable nervous system, it seemed to him that he does not sleep well. Constant reception of sleeping pills become a habit. In the morning the doctors had to give him a stimulating drugs to be able to appear in public. The abrupt transition from sleep to active destroying the body. Gradually Brezhnev no longer cope with the work and only the voice of the decision of the party apparatus. He confused the word, move bad - complete secrecy did not clear the cause of this condition. Chazov talking about a single heart attack - at age 44. But there were frequent hypertensive crises, from sleeping pills developed asthenic syndrome. There was a weak, incapable of any activity.

Rumors arose because of slurred speech, talking about muscle wasting and even cancer. In fact, from the continuous smoke there is inflammation of the mouth, do not allow the installation of durable dentures.

And in March 1982, when visiting the very elderly leader of the Tashkent aircraft plant had an accident: it is struck with a wooden structure clung round her audience. Brezhnev had a broken collarbone, the injury was not very pretty, but for an elderly person had serious consequences. A few months later - November 10 - Leonid Brezhnev died of cardiac arrest, a little before reaching the 76th birthday.

As Yuri Andropov saved from disability and body Chernenko "break" from the poor quality of fish

Rare diseases, which suffered the Soviet leaders

was not very strong and Brezhnev's successor Yuri Andropov. It was believed that he was sick in severe hypertension, and the Kremlin doctors were going to transfer his disability. However, Eugene Chazov decided to check the content in the body of the hormone aldosterone, which occurs when problems with the kidneys. Tests confirmed a rare disorder - aldosteronism. Secretary General appointed a preparation allow to normalize blood pressure, improve heart function. The issue of disability has been removed.

Yet Yuri Andropov because of severe kidney disease led government just a year and three months. He possessed a sharp mind and an excellent memory, but the instructions and orders often wrote from the hospital. Andropov hoped to stay at the helm of 6 years, but it turned out otherwise. In February 1984, he died. But the Kremlin gave him medicine for at least 15 years of life. Andropov's successor, Konstantin Chernenko became general secretary of the Central Committee already seriously ill - he did not appear at the events, written instructions to the Kremlin often sent home or the hospital.

Chernenko was emphysema, causes shortness of breath and significantly complicates it. In addition, in 1983 he was seriously poisoned smoked fish. Intoxication caused serious complications, and it became almost an invalid. There were even rumors of deliberate poisoning, but it could not be true: the hapless fish eat all the family members.

In recent months, Chernenko could not walk around the Kremlin and uses a wheelchair. He led the country only 1 year and a month and died in '73 from cardiac arrest. During the reign of Andropov and Chernenko, popularly called the "Five-Year Plan magnificent funeral."