Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting

• Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting

Canadian photographer David Bardeni (David Burdeny) has been working on a major photo project. He began to shoot a series of SALT: Fields, Plottings, and Extracts ( "Salt: field, schemes and production") in 2015, using aerial photography, to explore some of the most colorful saltworks world in Utah, Mexico and Australia. When you look at these pictures, it is difficult to determine whether these colors and color transitions painting or photograph, whether they are man-made or created by nature itself.

Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting

In an essay about this photo project says: "The use of amorphous forms, extending the color fields and vertical, zigzag lines and smooth Bardeni pictures resemble picturesque expressiveness Rothko, Still, Newman, Diebenkorn and late Willem de Kooning."

Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting Pictures saltworks dominant, blurs the boundaries between photography and painting