Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level

• Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level of

Today, many users of smartphones (and other useful gadgets) are concerned about the issue of radiation emitted by the devices. The question of how much can be harmful to the everyday use of the smartphone, is still open. However, thanks to the efforts of experts "Statista" understand the problem became much easier.

Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level

The debate about how dangerous and harmful smartphones, probably never to subside. Today can be found as scientists who in one voice shouting that smartphones - and kill the evil man, and scientists who with an important and confident view ascertain the almost complete harmlessness of gadgets. All these disputes still gave a no result. Now, every manufacturer is obliged to indicate the level of study of the smartphone - SAR (measured in watts per kilogram) on the box with the gadget.

Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level

On the basis of all these data, the experts of "Statista" analyst firm prepared a ranking of the 16 most popular smartphones. The figures get really interesting. It turned out that the most harmful may be considered Xiaomi Mi A1 - it has the highest smartphone SAR - 1.73 watts per kilogram. In second place with 1.63 watts per kg turned OnePlus 5T, and the third - Xiaomi Mi Max 3 - 1.58 watts per kilogram.

Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level

To view the results of the report can be yourself. The company "Statista" carefully released here this infographic:

Smartphones are going wild with a radiation level

is also interesting is that most champions in the rating did not fall. Only a few models "seized" for a list of the lower band. Good or bad, hard to say. These scientists say that a "genuine security" indicator light radiation does not exist. Limitations and recommendations can vary greatly depending on the specific laws of the country. For example, even the most "dirty" Xiaomi Mi A1 is still considered normal, according to European Union law, which requires that household appliances do not emit more than 2 Watts per kilogram.

At the same time in Germany recommended the radiation level shall not exceed 0.6 watts per kilogram.