Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Alginate mask - what is it? That was the question asked by many women. Undoubtedly, this is something new in the field of cosmetology. There was a dull complexion and skin looks tired and sluggish, his face more and more wrinkles, pimples? In the fight with these problems will help the mask. Cosmetic innovation will surprise you with its wonderful properties.

Now they are becoming increasingly popular alginate mask for the face. Reviews of them sometimes enthusiastic. Expert help in carrying out this procedure would be superfluous. But you can handle yourself, if you know the recipe alginate mask. Before you begin, make sure that you do not have allergy to the components of the substance. Often, people who can not tolerate seafood and iodine-containing products, allergic and alginates.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

The main component alginates

It is well known alcoholic solution of iodine. It helps to heal wounds, disinfects. It is to him and owe their existence to these miracle mask.

One of the English chemists, Stanford, by experiments on the release of iodine from seaweed, has received a new substance - alginate. This compound is isolated from brown kelp: it contains about 20 percent alginic acid, which is a polysaccharide, is converted into a viscous, sticky consistency.

Chemists conducted several experiments, and then found out that the new substance is in no way dissolves neither in water nor in special solvents, and the person does not bring any harm, since it is easily excreted from the body through the intestines.

This innovation has been used in many fields: for example, medical personnel prescribe alginates people with stomach pain and heartburn, and in food manufacture, they found themselves in the form of thickeners and various stabilizers.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Where to buy it?

Algae mask is sold in a pharmacy. In this case, it is a conventional powder in the jar or sachet. It can also be purchased at a specialty store. But do not buy a product with the hands as unscrupulous sellers can substitute powder.

Alginates in cosmetology

Finally, the tool Estheticians also noticed and began to use it as a drug, which is markedly rejuvenates and makes the skin fresh and healthy, in fact contains very important elements in the alginate. To achieve a good effect, means you need to use on a regular basis, do not forget to do the procedure.

The use of alginate mask

How does this tool returns the youth? What's the secret? There is a lot of debate in which the alginate mask discussed. Responses about it only positive. After the first few seconds of contact with the skin treatment components begin to work.

There are several important steps that they have on the skin. First, cover significantly improves the color, swelling takes place. Secondly, there are more precise contours of the face, the skin becomes elastic, and thirdly, the inflammation disappears in the form of spots (after several treatments) and narrow pores. Alginate mask has managed to make a splash among girls and women. All of them noted a significant improvement, which only secured with each subsequent procedure.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Alginatanaya mask at home

Where to begin? First you need to buy the necessary components. It should be noted that the procedure is easy to hold, even elementary. How can preparing algae mask at home? Dilute purchased powder with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and then mixed. Often, many professionals mix it with a special solvent, so you can use not only water, but in this case will have to be diluted at a ratio of 3: 1. The solvent consists of sea salt, and contains trace elements that make a mask even more effective. Remember that the resulting mass should be thick, like sour cream.

Estheticians and dermatologists point out that the lack of trace elements and minerals, which contain very little in the human body, leads the skin and deterioration of its condition. Among the most important trace elements have fifteen zinc, copper, iodine, iron, chromium and many others. Many amazing properties of alginate mask, the effect of it is wonderful.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Preparation of the skin and causing the mask

Do not forget to pre-clean the skin of dirt, greasy, it must be clean. This can be done by any means, that you use every day. An important aspect is the speed of applying the mask, because it freezes before our eyes (after 5 minutes), so it must be applied quickly enough. It is better to do a special plastic spoon or spatula, applying a thick layer. When applying, keep in mind that there are massage lines. Eye area is left untouched. As you can see, algae mask is very simple at home. After you have carried out all the manipulations, wait for the complete drying of the mask.

When the mass becomes similar to rubber, leather is recorded. This film is connected to the cover and its components occurs penetration into the deeper layers. By the way, before applying the mask, you can use the serum, which you use, or emulsion. Useful elements to penetrate deep into the skin. In the "standby mode" you have to be in a period of thirty minutes, most likely, a feeling of constriction appears, but there is nothing to worry about. Easy to take off the mask: tear should be starting from the chin and pull up. Discomfort or pain will not, so do not be afraid. If algae mask in some parts of the face does not leave, then just moisten it. Then wipe the skin tonic and moisturizing cream favorite. You do not need much to rub or massage, so as not to traumatize the skin.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Mask restores not only the facial skin

Women and girls would be useful to know how alginate facials affect other parts of the body. For example, many of these substances are used for getting rid of the hated cellulite. Reappears "orange peel", if the mask is correctly made alginate. Reviews - proof. Mask well cope with this problem, if you repeat the procedure regularly.

An important point in the conduct of all cosmetic measures is systematic. The course is on the order of 5-10 procedures. This is enough to achieve the effect. Of course, we should not expect a perfect body condition only after applying the mask. It is important to eat right and do not ignore exercise as a means is one of the three components of collateral beautiful skin of the body and face. Alginate face masks, which reviews confirm their effectiveness, it is very effective.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

alginate mask types

There are several types of masks:

  • Basic.
  • With collagen.
  • With chitosan.
  • With vitamin C.
  • With herbs.

You can also note the fact that the tool is universal: if your skin is dry and requires moisture, it absorbs. When your type, on the contrary, the fat, the alginate facials normalize the sebaceous glands.

How can I change the mask?

It is important to know the differences between the above mask. Alginates are derived from marine algae, have no similar analogues, that is, there is exactly such a substance on the properties. Only the sea is rich in microelements, which are excellent affect on the human body.

What you can combine this component? If we combine the powder with at least unique in its properties of hyaluronic acid to give a mixture that can stop the signs of aging, it prevents the formation of wrinkles, aging of skin, pale complexion. Two of these components are strong enough in its properties. Of course, it is impossible to completely stop aging, but you can slow it down, saturating the skin with vitamins, moisturizing and nourishing it. It is believed that treatment with hyaluronic acid has a lifting effect, that is, algae mask visibly tightens cover, highlights the contours of the face. Another important advantage of this tool is a smoothing of the skin, that is, getting rid of wrinkles.

Algae facial mask at home: reviews

Cosmetologists also recommend adding a mixture of vitamin C. It promotes complete alignment of color and its bleaching. Herbs can help reduce inflammation. You must select them according to skin type. Often ladies chitosan is added to improve the properties of the regenerating mixture. Girls often use Alginate face masks, which are left admiring reviews. It should be noted that all components of natural products, they do not contain chemical compounds that exist in the store masks. Alginate mask with properties better than many beauty treatments at the salon. Undoubtedly, another means-plus is its availability because at home you will spend the procedure is not worse, but much cheaper.

Alginate mask by far the most effective, they are absolute novelties (although China and India have used them for a long time), and will help you to always look young and attractive. How can carefully monitor the condition of the face and body skin, and then you do not have to be upset because of early wrinkles.