In the United States 100 years ago, crossed the human and chimpanzee

• In the United States 100 years ago, humans and chimpanzees crossed

Expert in the field of evolutionary psychology, Gordon Gallup says that scientists from the United States 100 years ago managed to successfully cross a human and a chimpanzee. But which was born "gumanze" scientists killed.

In the United States 100 years ago, crossed the human and chimpanzee In the United States 100 years ago, crossed the human and chimpanzee

Gordon Gallup

Gordon Gallup Jr., creator of the famous mirror test, proved that apes can recognize its own reflection in the mirror, coined the term "gumanze", indicating a hybrid of humans and chimpanzees. Gallup said that the fruit of the crossing of man and primate was born in a laboratory in Orange Park, Florida, USA. This Gallup told his university professor, who worked at the institution where gumanze born.

"One of the most interesting cases occurred in the 20-ies of the last century in the first primate research center. Scientists chimpanzee sperm inseminated a female human, and claimed that primacy not only managed to become pregnant, but to end bear fruit, and later give birth to a living creature. But for a few days or weeks of the moral and ethical considerations, baby put to sleep. "

In the United States 100 years ago, crossed the human and chimpanzee

Ilya Ivanov Another attempt to create gumanze was made in the 1920s, the Russian biologist Ilya Ivanov. He tried to create a hybrid of human and chimpanzee by the introduction of human sperm to the female primate.

Another documented case occurred in China in 1967. The female primate pregnant hybrid, but died after scientists were forced to abandon the project.

In the United States 100 years ago, crossed the human and chimpanzee


In the 70-ies of the last century, the term Gallup "gumanze" became widely known thanks to the appearance of being named Oliver. The country has a male chimpanzee was no hair on his chest and head, he walked on his hind legs and had "too human species." Claimed that Oliver - a real hybrid of human and chimp and his 47 chromosomes (a cross between a man who has 46, and the chimpanzee, whose 48). But conducted in the 2000s a DNA test showed that he was still 48 chromosomes, like a normal chimpanzee. Oliver died in 2012 at age 55.

Gallup says that the person can cross not just chimpanzees, but also with other primates, such as gorillas and orangutans.