Details from filming the movie "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

One of the most famous and fascinating stories from the Soviet epic about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - the film "The Hound of the Baskervilles" - in January turned 36 years old. On the set of this legendary pictures of the director Igor Maslennikov this story.

Details from filming the movie Details from filming the movie

On the role of the dog auditioned calf

Details from filming the movie

The main highlight of the movie "Hound of the Baskervilles" was the very mysterious dog, fearsome characters on tape, and the audience. Remove the caudate actor proved the most challenging.

- The selection for this role could not be mistaken - this is only the appearance of the monster in the shot turned out to explain the fear and horror of the inhabitants of Baskerville Hall, - said Victor Okovity, the artist combined shooting. - Four-legged applicants have looked a few. Through trial and error looking character - no one did not know exactly how the dog should look like in the end. Tried dogs of different breeds, even offered Pekingese with cat scratched eye, the second eye at the same time looked very mad. We shot several takes with him, but the results were not satisfied. Invented to shoot in the role of the dog of the Baskervilles calf, but quickly abandon the idea. Then there was the option with the Dane. It stuck to the retro-reflective tape that glues on road signs. Paste the skeleton of a dog at the animal, and began to shoot at the black velvet. Captured pieces looked and laughed - turned out just to "run a skeleton."

After watching the movie director Maslennikov said that one way out - to do the dog mask.

- At first we thought to paint all dog phosphorus, as it is written in Conan Doyle. We told about this dog handlers, and they grabbed their heads, they say, it's ruin dog nose, neither the owner does not allow your pet to paint chemistry, - recalls the director. - She immediately all this with phosphorus itself slizhet ... - And since the idea of ​​reflective tape was mine, I was assigned to do and muzzle the dog, - says the artist Okovity. - On the black velvet I stuck light-tape. With this on his head and ran a dog in the frame. Instead, we have prepared specific phosphorus foamed mixture of detergent powder and a light reflecting coating, scraped from the tape. This mixture I put on a mask for the dog.

With the shootings we pretty hardship. Wearing a reflective mask on the dog, it was necessary to remove it at the same time, and direct light on it. Behind the cameras put special spotlights. Ready for recording. But we have not considered one: a dog has never run at a bright light. Animals do not run into the fire - it is the law of nature. Shooting again canceled. This frame we shot six times!

From friendly dog ​​did terrible Hound of the Baskervilles ...

I could not assume that animals so difficult to work with on set. Seemingly simple scene - a bullet hits the dog. But the dog is necessary, as an artist, "play" hit a bullet fired from a revolver Lestrade. Required to show an aggressive dog's reaction, and it was very peaceful in nature. Maslennikov suggested saying, let's make of tin wire bullet and shot the dog, so she started. Assistant of actor Natasha Yashpal, intelligent woman shamed director, they say, you're from St. Petersburg, as you can cause the dog pain ?!

Maslennikov, to prove that the bullets just a little thrill animal and no more offered to shoot him in the leg. Pyrotechnics shot and hit Maslennikov in ... just above the hips ... you know ... We hear the cry of the director! Igor Fedorovich grabbed the soft spot, screaming loud! In general, the response was that still, and everyone understood that you can not shoot the dog !!! Then they come up with such a move: the dog enclosed under plywood and abruptly pulled her to dog stumbled. But he was hitryuschie - sensing a trick, running up to the plywood, through it ... jumping! I had to shoot over seven doubles until izmayavshiysya dog tired jump started yet stumble. By the way, in the last stage actor Nikita Mikhalkov I was afraid to appear next to the Great Dane, so the dog and Mikhalkov filmed separately, and then combined the footage ...

The group recalled that during the shooting of the dog went to the full, but she bravely withstood all and became a favorite of the group. According to the actor Vasily Livanov, the dog was surprisingly sweet tooth - a cake, brought on the day of the birth of Solomin, she devoured with the box, leaving no crumbs.

- Long conjured over the dog's voice Baskervilles - says Asya Zvereva sound picture. - It is difficult to restore the "recipe" today. Using voice lion, a bear, a dog, it's all stretched. The work was so complex that it had to do in Moscow - in Leningrad there was no good equipment.

Mikhalkov arrived one

According to the director, the role of Nikita Mikhalkov - Sir Henry - first tried to actor Nicholas Hubenko. Long time to persuade him, but he refused at the last moment.

Details from filming the movie

Mikhalkov also finished film "Relatives" at this time, which starred Svetlana Kryuchkov, busy in the film "Hound of the Baskervilles." She and her husband (cameraman Yuri Veksler) and had the idea to invite Mikhalkov on the role of Sir Henry.

Mikhalkov, to everyone's surprise, arrived at the studio "Lenfilm" not one, but with a friend - a writer, artist, actor and director Alexander Adabashyanom, and 12 days before the start of filming themselves. All 12 days friends were walking on "thumbnail", laughed, discussing something. Filming began and artists ironically looked at the director. So much so, that Mikhalkov began to command on the set.

Details from filming the movie

In order to "neutralize" the "gop-company", it was necessary to find Adabashyanom activity. Then the director came up with the idea: "Let Barrymore plays!" This role was vacant. So Adabashyan became subordinate to the site director to man, and he has had no time to discuss with Mikhalkov, whether the director shoots right.

The couple Barrymore played Adabashyan Alexander and Svetlana Kryuchkov.

As a result, melancholic Adabashyan in the film became a kind of shock absorber, a counterweight temperamental Mikhalkov. Their couple organically fit into the whole story. Adabashyan Alexander, who played Barrymore, with a sense of oatmeal is decomposed in the film, he admitted that life itself every morning eating this wonderful mess, and the role in the movie star said. The famous phrase "Bunting, sir!" Was his trademark.

- No one has talked about it: it turned out that in the samples in this film ... I came up with a huge shiner under his eye. A fight! Who - do not tell. But the view I had a classic ... Of course, the group marveled, looked at me with the meaning, but took. During filming, I did not fight, and was completely absorbed in his work. In the story we needed to create a contrast between the old and new England Wild America. Sir Henry (Nikita Mikhalkov) comes from America and falls into a completely different environment. To show this, he came up to Impress - wolf fur coat on the table meat and wine, as opposed to - traditional English oatmeal. It turned out pretty funny ...

Porridge, which is specially brewed for the film's assistant on the props, was so delicious that after filming in the pavilion brought another pot for the crew. In the breaks between filming a saucepan of porridge puts the guards to avoid being eaten ahead of time!

It was fun to play, we, the actors, came up in the course of different tricks. For example, I played in a pair with Solomin and invited him to add in the relations between our heroes pepper: as if between Barrymore and Watson has an inner conflict - a doctor suspects the butler, who in retaliation nedokladyvaet him porridge. This "confrontation" characters not in the script, it's entirely our notion.

Details from filming the movie

- They say you and your partners have been drinking heavily on the set?

- Pili not during filming, and after. all were sober in the frame. That's when they returned from the shooting, the train roared so that the passengers apparently did not sleep that night.

- Nikita Mikhalkov, Adabashyan, Vasili Livanov used to laying than taken out of himself a director, - confessed the artist combined shooting Okovity. - But in general, the shooting went very fun family atmosphere. That's why the film turned out.

Details from filming the movie

The director reported that Mikhalkov per shift allegedly "persuaded" a bottle of brandy and eats nothing. And during filming, he was just neuemen. One drove a horse to such a degree that one fainted: lay with his eyes closed, not breathing ... Someone decided that all can not live. But Nikita was able to revive her.

Details from filming the movie

Do not spare himself and created the role of Dr. Watson Vitaly Solomin working literally awake. The Maly Drama Theater in Moscow, where he played while preparing to play for the next Party Congress. Rehearsals were held daily and railway turnout. The "dog" were also shooting every day. Solomin week spent in the train, riding from Moscow to Leningrad and back. Not once a week is normal not slept. Encouraging yourself every morning, I stood before the mirror and say, "Wake up, great talent !!!"

Where filming

The county of Devonshire, in which the unfolding events of the novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles", in the film Maslennikov replaced Estonian landscapes. Swamp Kuystlemma perfectly played the role of the famous peat swamps of Dartmoor. Baskerville Hall filmed in Tallinn, which served as a kind of two buildings. In the episode where Dr. Mortimer by Eugene Steblova tells the legend of the Baskervilles kind, featured Glen Castle. It is here that the prisoner Hugo Baskerville down the ivy from the window of the castle tower. Baskerville Hall XIX century castle played Count A. Orlov-Davydov. Now it is the Museum of the history of Estonia. - We just drove past, somewhere on Gorushko some little house stood, - says Arkady Tigay, second director. - Suddenly Maslennikov yelled, "Stop, stop! Here he "drove upward - is worth a real English house. Around the lawn. It was a perfect hit.

On the fees

Details from filming the movie

Distinguished artists (Solomin, Lebanon, Mikhalkov Jankowski) gave 50 rubles. per shift (about 15 000 rub. in terms of today's money). For comparison, the fee is now at the top actors - about 600 000 rubles. in a day.

The remaining 30-40 artists prepared rub. per day (about 9000 - 12 000 rubles for our money.). Crowd - 3 rubles. per day (about 900 rubles. for our money).

Stories from the set

Actress Svetlana Kryuchkov, who plays Mrs. Barrymore, while filming was pregnant. As she claimed, after reading the script, she was horrified:

- I read the role and realize that I will remain without a child. My character is constantly crying! And the text she had such terrible - about the convict, about my brother. We had to quickly change something. And I went to a paradoxical way. I began speaking this text, smile. And to obtain the solution image. "So, Selden killer - your brother?" I say, "Yes, sir!" - and smile. And I start to tell a story, part of which came up Adabashyan: "It was a real angel, he just fell into bad company ..." - it was all improvised and appended. As well as the story about the boy Henry, who is very fond of oatmeal ...

Once Mikhalkov and Kryuchkov podkolol Solomin.

- Vitaly Solomin very jealous of the fact that someone else shoot close-up, not his - told Kryuchkov. - to shoot scenes in the tower when Barrymore signs to my brother, and I intruding, to protect him. Candlestick with candles was in the hands of Solomin, and he gave me all the time, turned his back to the operator. Mikhalkov approached my ear and says, "You do not argue at a rehearsal with Solomin, obey, and be shot, so you go in and take it from the hands of the candlestick." I did so. Solomin puzzled, asked: "So, Selden killer - your brother?" I turned to Solomin, ie back to the operator, and then suddenly turned to the Mikhalkov, that the owner, replied: "Yes, sir" - and said his monologue in a large plan.

Details from filming the movie

Evgeny Steblovu evening, one day I had to catch a train. All hurried and worked with shouts: "Rather, stalks late!" Filmed the scene of the fatal escape cocker spaniel Snoopy, the group turned the equipment, plunged into the car ... and drove away. Only puzzled and bedraggled Steblov remained in place - it's the forgotten!