Last Warrior cognac

• The last Warrior cognac

Today "headhunters" jokingly called recruiters for the company. However, this expression can be used in relation to some primitive tribes, who preferred such a bloodthirsty way to demonstrate their superiority over the defeated enemy. One of these tribes - brandy. Marks of distinction for these men were tattoos. The more victories won warrior in the battles, the more images covering his body.

Last Warrior cognac Last Warrior cognac

In cognac tribe considered honorable men return to the village with the severed head of an enemy. Such was the initiation rite for young men. After their body appears first tattoo, which meant recognition of his bravery, courage and strength. Collection of drawings on the body of soldiers replenished as they scored all new and new victories.

Last Warrior cognac

"Head Hunting" was officially banned in Nagaland (India) after tribe members were forcibly converted to Christianity. The ban came into effect in 1935. Despite this recent cases of brutal murders recorded in 1969. This news has prompted scrutiny culture of the ancient people, and the idea to make portraits of past warriors cognacs.

Last Warrior cognac

Tattoos applied to the body of men as a sign of victory over the enemy.

Last Warrior cognac

Indian photographer Omar Reda captured the last warriors of the tribe, and now his photographs in the public domain. Enthusiast traveled all over Nagaland, and met with the remnants of the once great tribe.

Last Warrior cognac Last Warrior cognac

He shared an interesting observation: despite the ominous customs representatives tribe cognacs behaved kindly to him, and non-invasively. Under the influence of Christianity, many customs, traditions and practices were gradually forgotten.

Last Warrior cognac

A cruel custom of headhunting enemy was not an exception to the 1970 years of such cases is not recorded.

Last Warrior cognac