Carnivorous plants

• Carnivorous plants

Carnivorous plants are a real miracle of evolution, direct evidence of ingenious adaptability of wildlife. Such plants - fierce, though still predators: behold, they lie in wait for their victims expect nothing

Carnivorous plants

Venus Flytrap

The plant cell, a hunt that can be seen with the naked eye. Even Venus flytrap leaves look like the mouth of an unknown monster: the spines serve as a lattice. This green predator literally dissolve his victims alive - and this in horror movies do not show.

Carnivorous plants


Sundew leaves creep along the ground. This is the bait: the finest hairs plants secrete a sticky sap, he is an enzyme for digesting prey. Victim sticks to trap tightly sundew and starts to eat her alive while twisting around the body sheet. Usually costs sundew insect trap but especially large specimens sometimes fall and frogs.

Carnivorous plants


Another marsh predator whose flower resembles a cobra ready to roll - in some regions of Darlington and the name is a plant-cobra. Lure pleasant aroma production (from insect to tiny Hummingbird) crawl inside bud. There they find their last resting place.

Carnivorous plants


In pemphigus and did not have any roots. She is able to eat and insects and small crustaceans - who gets on the network, and to eat. Leaves and bubbles trap hidden under water if accidentally touches the extraction of signal fibers vial open and suck careless creation inside the flower with the water.

Carnivorous plants


Perhaps the most unpleasant plant of our list is found only in the tropical forests. Nepenthes pitcher-shaped leaves have a shape - there are variations so large that easily digest even small birds.