The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike

• The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike

There is one very important lesson that should be taught to every child at an early age - no one gets money easily. It also wanted to explain to the father of 6-year-old Emmett when he refused to buy his son a bike for a reason. Then he did not know that this will encourage her son to start a small business.

The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike

Kid Emmett asked dad to buy a bike. But my father was not as simple and decided to teach his son a lesson by saying that just because he did not get a gift, but must make it their own. Emmett picked up his old toys and put them up for sale. For the day, the boy has earned $ 70, which is quite enough for a new bike.

The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike

But the next day while walking Emmett saw on sale the unit for the manufacture of fruit ice. The boy asked his parents to buy a bike instead so that he could start his own business and make more money. Parents agreed with one condition: Emmett had to sell ice cream at least one hour every Saturday. During the first day of sales it earned $ 12, then 17, then 25. Emmett is solely responsible for procurement. He started with a bag of ice and three syrups with different tastes, then increased the range of 10 flavors and then completely up to 21. In addition, Emmett regularly pays "taxes" parents. The boy set out to save money for college, but he does not know that his "taxes" are already in the college fund.

The boy opened his business in order to earn a bike

The users of social networks like approach to the education of parents Emmett. Many of them even took it on board.