How not to rob yourself on vacation

• How not to rob yourself on vacation

Safety in the trip becomes a problem for those who spend a lot of time in different hotels. From identity theft to a completely natural material losses - people simply can not feel safe, where open access to many strangers. The next time, going on vacation, try these tips to protect yourself and your property from malevolent masters.

How not to rob yourself on vacation

Access Control

Choose hotels that offer amenities guests access. In such places, the elevators simply do not rise to the guest floors, until you insert the key card of the guest.

How not to rob yourself on vacation

Do not use your name when registering

Nowadays it is still possible to find a hotel, ready, for a modest fee, you bring in guests book not under his real name. This will be the easiest way to protect your private information.

How not to rob yourself on vacation

Change the number of

Change the number of pre-booked on any other. Most likely, the hotel staff will meet you - provided that the availability of any.

How not to rob yourself on vacation

Telephone Verification

Call on his cell from his room to the front desk and ask the receptionist to connect you with yourself. If the receptionist calls your number - on security in this place you can forget. The correct answer would be "I can connect you."

How not to rob yourself on vacation

on the door icon

Leave the sign "do not disturb" when you leave the room. So you show a curious presence in the room and prevented the maid to ask the contents of the pockets of your jacket. Also, do not be amiss to leave the TV running.